241337 Adding basic process concepts page
diff --git a/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/basic_process_concepts.xmi b/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/basic_process_concepts.xmi
index 5c66974..9b2deb9 100644
--- a/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/basic_process_concepts.xmi
+++ b/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/basic_process_concepts.xmi
@@ -1,7 +1,203 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0"
     xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="http://www.eclipse.org/epf/uma/1.0.5/uma.ecore"
-    xmlns:epf="http://www.eclipse.org/epf" epf:version="1.5.0" xmi:id="-xL8v-tHFI6eyHLEaZ4rblA"
-    name="new_concept,_FxJEkFUKEd2_rMtRMt_EMg" guid="-xL8v-tHFI6eyHLEaZ4rblA" changeDate="2008-07-18T13:43:53.562-0700">
-  <mainDescription>[Placeholder]</mainDescription>
+    xmlns:rmc="http://www.ibm.com/rmc" rmc:version="7.5.0" xmlns:epf="http://www.eclipse.org/epf"
+    epf:version="1.5.0" xmi:id="-xL8v-tHFI6eyHLEaZ4rblA"
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+  <mainDescription>&lt;h3>&#xD;
+    The Basic Elements&#xD;
+    The basic elements of a process website are:&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Work product&lt;/strong>: what is produced&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Task&lt;/strong>: how to perform the work&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Role&lt;/strong>: who performs the work&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Process&lt;/strong>: used to define work breakdown and workflow&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Guidance&lt;/strong>: templates, checklists, examples, guidelines. concepts, …&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    These &quot;basic elements&quot; are the building blocks from which processes are composed.&#xD;
+    Organizing Elements&#xD;
+    The basic elements are organized/grouped using the following elements.&#xD;
+    Practice&#xD;
+    A practice is a documented approach to solving one or several commonly occurring problems. Practices are intended as&#xD;
+    &quot;chunks&quot; of process for adoption, enablement, and configuration. Practices are built from the basic elements described&#xD;
+    above.&#xD;
+    Configuration&#xD;
+    From the end-user perspective, a configuration is a selection of method content to be published.&amp;nbsp; Most&#xD;
+    configurations consist of a selection of practices plus some&amp;nbsp;content to tie the practices together.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
+    The published configuration is often loosely referred to as a process website.&#xD;
+    Details and Examples&#xD;
+    The following provides more detail about the basic elements and provides some examples.&#xD;
+    Work product&#xD;
+    Work products may take various shapes or forms, such as:&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        A model, such as the Use-Case Model or the Design Model. These contain model elements (sub-artifacts) such as&#xD;
+        Design Classes, Use Cases, and Design Subsystems.&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        Databases or other types of tabular information repositories such as spreadsheets&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        Source code and executables&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        Various types of documents, for example a specification document, such as Requirements Specification, or a plan&#xD;
+        document, such as the Software Development Plan.&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    Work products can be classified as &quot;artifacts&quot; if they are concrete things, &quot;outcomes&quot; if they are not concrete, and&#xD;
+    &quot;deliverables&quot; if they are a packaging of artifacts.&#xD;
+    &lt;br />&#xD;
+    Role&#xD;
+    A role defines the behavior and responsibilities of an individual, or a set of individuals working together as a team,&#xD;
+    within the context of a software engineering organization.&lt;br />&#xD;
+    Note that roles are not individuals; instead, roles describe responsibilities. An individual will typically take on&#xD;
+    several roles at one time, and frequently will change roles over the duration of the project.&#xD;
+    Some examples:&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Analyst&amp;nbsp;-&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp;Represents customers and end users, gathers input from stakeholders and&#xD;
+        defines requirements.&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Developer -&lt;/strong> Develops a part of the system, including designing, implementing, unit testing, and&#xD;
+        integrating.&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    Task&#xD;
+    A task is work performed by a role. It is usually defined as a series of steps that involve creating or updating one or&#xD;
+    more work products.&#xD;
+    Some examples:&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Develop a vision -&lt;/strong> Develop an overall vision for the system, including capturing the problem to be&#xD;
+        solved, the key stakeholders, the scope/boundary of the system, the system's key features, and any constraints.&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        &lt;strong>Plan Iteration -&lt;/strong> Define the scope and responsibilities of a single iteration.&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+&lt;/ul>&lt;br />&#xD;
+    Process&#xD;
+    Processes pull together tasks, work products, and roles, and add structure and sequencing information.&amp;nbsp; Tasks or&#xD;
+    work products can be grouped into higher level activities, called a work breakdown structure&#xD;
+    (WBS).&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;Activities or tasks can be marked as &quot;planned&quot; to identify work that you expect to assign and track.&#xD;
+&lt;/p>&lt;br />&#xD;
+&lt;br />&#xD;
+    &lt;img&#xD;
+    alt=&quot;This is an example work breakdown structure, showing a hierarchy of activities with sub-activities and tasks.&quot;&#xD;
+    src=&quot;./resources/wbs_example.jpg&quot; align=&quot;center&quot; />&amp;nbsp;&lt;br />&#xD;
+    Figure 1: Example Work Breakdown&#xD;
+&lt;/center>&lt;br />&#xD;
+&lt;br />&#xD;
+    Diagrams can be added to providing sequencing information.&amp;nbsp; The following example shows an initial activity, &quot;Plan&#xD;
+    Test Cycle&quot;, followed by two activities that go in parallel, &quot;Monitor and Control Test&quot; and &quot;Test&quot;.&#xD;
+&lt;/p>&lt;br />&#xD;
+&lt;br />&#xD;
+    &lt;img height=&quot;453&quot;&#xD;
+    alt=&quot;Example UML activity diagram, showing a start, an initial activity, then two activities in parallel, and an end.&quot;&#xD;
+    src=&quot;./resources/activity_diag_ex.jpg&quot; width=&quot;566&quot; align=&quot;center&quot; />&lt;br />&#xD;
+    Figure&amp;nbsp;2: Example Activity Diagram&#xD;
+&lt;/center>&lt;br />&#xD;
+&lt;br />&#xD;
+    Note that a&amp;nbsp;reusable partial process is sometimes referred to as a capability pattern.&#xD;
+    For More Information&#xD;
+    These basic process concepts are the building blocks used by EPF Composer and Rational(R) Method Composer.&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        For more information on EPF Composer,&amp;nbsp;visit &lt;a&#xD;
+        href=&quot;http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/dec05/haumer/&quot;>http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/dec05/haumer/&lt;/a>&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        To learn more about the Eclipse Process Framework Project, visit&lt;br />&#xD;
+        &lt;a&#xD;
+        href=&quot;http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/05/1011_kroll/index.html&quot;>http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/05/1011_kroll/index.html&lt;/a>&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        For more information on Rational Method Composer, see: &#xD;
+        &lt;ul>&#xD;
+            &lt;li>&#xD;
+                The RMC Product Page on developer works &lt;a&#xD;
+                href=&quot;http://www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/rmc/&quot;>http://www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/rmc/&lt;/a>&#xD;
+            &lt;/li>&#xD;
+            &lt;li>&#xD;
+                Article: &quot;IBM Rational Method Composer: Part 1: Key concepts&quot; at &lt;a&#xD;
+                href=&quot;http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/dec05/haumer/index.html&quot;>http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/dec05/haumer/index.html&lt;/a>&#xD;
+            &lt;/li>&#xD;
+        &lt;/ul>&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li>&#xD;
+        For an in-depth explanation of the meta-model on which EPF Composer and Rational Method Composer are based, see:&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
+    &lt;li style=&quot;LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none&quot;>&#xD;
+        &lt;ul>&#xD;
+            &lt;li>&#xD;
+                OMG, &quot;Software Process Engineering Meta model,&quot; version 1.1, formal/2005-01-06, 2005. &lt;a&#xD;
+                href=&quot;http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/spem.htm&quot;>http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/spem.htm&lt;/a>&lt;br />&#xD;
+                &lt;br />&#xD;
+                &lt;br />&#xD;
+            &lt;/li>&#xD;
+        &lt;/ul>&#xD;
+    &lt;/li>&#xD;
diff --git a/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/resources/activity_diag_ex.jpg b/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/resources/activity_diag_ex.jpg
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diff --git a/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/resources/wbs_example.jpg b/libraries/EPF_Practices_Library/core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/concepts/resources/wbs_example.jpg
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