| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0" |
| xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="http://www.eclipse.org/epf/uma/1.0.4/uma.ecore" |
| xmlns:epf="http://www.eclipse.org/epf" epf:version="1.2.0" xmi:id="-wiNEzU0PYnhu3l0o15bkyw" |
| name=",_mJqYQESQEdyDx7cbCULuLg" guid="-wiNEzU0PYnhu3l0o15bkyw" authors="Lyndon Washington" |
| changeDate="2007-08-06T22:51:28.983-0400" changeDescription="Initial revision" |
| version="0.1"> |
| <copyrightStatement href="uma://_mQ3eoPpYEdqsc-f87sBK8A#_N8zs0AEGEduzRosbOajx7w"/> |
| <mainDescription>The Sprint Burndown Chart is a graphical representation of the work remaining over the duration of the Sprint.&nbsp; The |
| Vertical axis displays the hours of effort remaining for the Sprint.&nbsp; The horizontal axis displays the days of the |
| Sprint.&nbsp; The burndown is supposed to be shown by the line of descent from the start of the Sprint with the starting |
| hours, down to the end of the Sprint with no hours remaining.&nbsp; The Burndown chart is used by the team to gauge how |
| well the Sprint is going.<br /></mainDescription> |
| </org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription> |