| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0" |
| xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="http://www.eclipse.org/epf/uma/1.0.4/uma.ecore" |
| xmlns:epf="http://www.eclipse.org/epf" epf:version="1.2.0" xmi:id="-CgLjZ6Bwc0EyYyQCjzlw7g" |
| name="new_role_set,_3qmmoP-zEdqLnajTSLeAsA" guid="-CgLjZ6Bwc0EyYyQCjzlw7g" changeDate="2007-08-17T09:04:29.059-0700" |
| version="1.0.0"> |
| <mainDescription><p>
| Scrum has three main roles identified for interacting in the process.
| </p>
| <ul>
| <li>
| <b>Team</b> - Responsible for doing the work.
| </li>
| <li>
| <b>Product Owner</b> - Responsible for product direction.
| </li>
| <li>
| <b>Scrum Master</b> - Responsible for the process.
| </li>
| </ul>
| <p>
| The roles identified above are <span style="FONT-STYLE: italic">pigs</span>, responsible in some way for getting the
| work of delivering a product accomplished.&nbsp;Anyone&nbsp;who is not a <span style="FONT-STYLE: italic">pig</span> is
| a <span style="FONT-STYLE: italic">chicken</span>.
| </p>
| <ul>
| <li>
| <b>Stakeholder</b> - Interested observer.
| </li>
| </ul></mainDescription> |
| </org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription> |