| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <org.eclipse.epf.uma:ArtifactDescription xmi:version="2.0" |
| xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="http://www.eclipse.org/epf/uma/1.0.4/uma.ecore" |
| xmlns:epf="http://www.eclipse.org/epf" epf:version="1.2.0" xmi:id="-Of1SdnAQ9nmsL5DFvD2Uug" |
| name="Product Backlog,_5ABscPpYEdqsc-f87sBK8A" guid="-Of1SdnAQ9nmsL5DFvD2Uug" |
| authors="Claude AUbry" changeDate="2006-12-03T00:31:43.140-0800" version="1.0.0"> |
| <mainDescription><p>
| The Product backlog is the requirements reference. It contains backlog items (also called product backlog items).
| </p>
| <p>
| Its lifetime is bound to the product's one.
| </p></mainDescription> |
| <purpose>Listing all the things to implement from a customer perspective (what)</purpose> |
| <impactOfNotHaving>Mandatory</impactOfNotHaving> |
| <briefOutline>Visible from everyone, it is reguraly updated. It is submitted to sprint planning review and , once approved, the part
| containing allocated requirements to current sprint is freezed.</briefOutline> |
| <representationOptions><ul>
| <li>
| Cards (story cards)
| </li>
| <li>
| Spreadsheet
| </li>
| <li>
| IceScrum Tool&nbsp;
| </li>
| <li>
| Database
| </li>
| </ul></representationOptions> |
| </org.eclipse.epf.uma:ArtifactDescription> |