blob: d56a760736f84c1123fb9a24def4edca9b893b17 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:RoleDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" rmc:version="7.1.0" epf:version="1.0.0" xmi:id="-LVZG5zK2YjEGXO3SwDmqug" name="Team,_9apLsPpaEdqsc-f87sBK8A" guid="-LVZG5zK2YjEGXO3SwDmqug" authors="Claude Aubry" changeDate="2006-12-03T00:36:21.984-0800" version="1.0.0">
A team gathers members, who as a whole, is able to perform all the various tasks for which it collectively takes
responsability during each sprint.
It is able to determine what needs to be done to reach the sprint goal. It gets autonomously organized and plans its
own tasks, without external interference.
<keyConsiderations>Through a collectivity-centric approach,&amp;nbsp;agility contributes to improve fellowship within the team.</keyConsiderations>
<skills>Team must be able to perform all the various tasks for which it collectively takes responsability during sprint planning.
This means it must be cross-functional to cover analysis, design, coding, testing and other tasks.</skills>
<assignmentApproaches>A Scrum team is generally made of 3 to 10 members.</assignmentApproaches>