blob: f0e516631837738a9a8b06a0a5d31150889afc0a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:TaskDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" rmc:version="7.1.0" epf:version="1.0.0" xmi:id="-XdgedeazfFRGDxMY3Fnh5g" name="Manage product backlog,_STkWYP_BEdqtbrr0B1TG-A" guid="-XdgedeazfFRGDxMY3Fnh5g" changeDate="2006-12-03T00:12:31.968-0800" version="1.0.0">
During a sprint, no one can modify the selection of backlog items, done at the beginning of the sprint: the sprint
scope remains unchanged.
However, anyone, even a external stakeholder, can suggest new items for later. These items are studied and prioritized
by the product owner prior to next sprint planning.&lt;br /&gt;
Bugs and enhancement requests coming from partial product tests done at the end of previous sprint are also used to
update the backlog.
<sections xmi:id="_c3HaQAPKEdubhrgDuRb4fA" name="Collecting changes" guid="_c3HaQAPKEdubhrgDuRb4fA">
Anyone, even an external stakeholder, can suggest changes to be added to the backlog.&lt;br /&gt;
Bugs and enhancement requests coming from partial product tests done at the end of previous sprint are also used to
update the backlog.
These items are analyzed by the product owner prior to next sprint planning.
<sections xmi:id="_fkXDoAPKEdubhrgDuRb4fA" name="Reprioritizing items" guid="_fkXDoAPKEdubhrgDuRb4fA">
<sectionDescription>Added items since previous sprint are prioritized in the backlog by the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;
href=&quot;./../../Scrum/roles/Product Owner,_ICJyYPpaEdqsc-f87sBK8A.html&quot; guid=&quot;_ICJyYPpaEdqsc-f87sBK8A&quot;&gt;Product Owner&lt;/a&gt;
prior to next sprint planning.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_k-kCgAPKEdubhrgDuRb4fA" name="Reestimating items" guid="_k-kCgAPKEdubhrgDuRb4fA">
Point-based estimation of new items added to the backlog is done by the team, ideally during a brainstorming with the
Product Owner, one or two days prior to Sprint review.
Existing items can also be reestimated.
<purpose>Updating the backlog and adjusting the planning, taking into account changes emerged since the last sprint.</purpose>