cleaning up old stuff
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_cpp_340.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_cpp_340.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6c059..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_cpp_340.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
-  <!-- PackageName is the title of your package 
-       maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
-       iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
-       bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package.  This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
-       testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
-   -->
-  <packageMetaData
-   packageName="Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers"
-   maintainer="Eclipse Packaging Project"
-   iconurl=""
-   bugzillaComponentId="cpp-package"
-   testPlan="" >
-    <!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
-     <description><![CDATA[An IDE for C/C++ developers with Mylyn integration.]]></description>
-    <!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
-     <packageTesters>
-      <tester>Doug Schaefer</tester>
-      <tester>Markus Knauer</tester>
-    </packageTesters>
-  </packageMetaData>
-  <MoreInfo>
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse CDT" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Platform" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Mylyn" />
-  </MoreInfo>
-	<!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file 
-    name of the root file archives -->
-	<rcp version="I20080617-2000" />
-	<!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
-	<product
-    name="eclipse-cpp-ganymede" 
-	  eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
-	  initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CPerspective" />
-	<!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
-  <updateSites>
-    <!-- local mirrors -->
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <!-- update sites -->
-    <!-- 
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/eclipse/updates/3.4milestones/" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-    -->
-  </updateSites>
-	<!-- id, a feature id. -->
-	<!-- version, the feature version. -->
-	<requiredFeatures>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.platform" version="3.4.0.v20080610-9I96EhtEm-T_5LxIsybz-3MdGZmOA3uwv7Ka_M">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cdt.platform" version="">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cdt" version="">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cvs" version="1.1.0.v20080603-7C79E8M9EI99m9c9S">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cdt.mylyn" version="">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature" version="1.0.0.R200806162215">
-    </feature>
-	</requiredFeatures>
-	<!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of 
-		the target platforms. -->
-  <rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
-  <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created. 
-    This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
-  <extensionSite
-    relativeFolder="extension_site">
-  </extensionSite>
-  <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
-	<targetPlatforms>
-		<platform os="win32" ws="win32" arch="x86">
-			<archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
-			<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-		</platform>
-		<platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86">
-			<archiveFormat format="tar" />
-			<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-		</platform>
-    <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86_64">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-		<platform os="macosx" ws="carbon" arch="ppc">
-			<archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-		</platform>
-	</targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_java_340.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_java_340.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f0bb370..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_java_340.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
-  <!-- PackageName is the title of your package 
-       maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
-       iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
-       bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package.  This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
-       testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
-   -->
-  <packageMetaData
-   packageName="Eclipse IDE for Java Developers"
-   maintainer="Eclipse Mylyn Project"
-   iconurl=""
-   bugzillaComponentId="java-package"
-   testPlan="" >
-    <!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
-     <description><![CDATA[The essential tools for any Java developer, including a Java IDE, a CVS client, XML Editor and Mylyn.]]></description>
-    <!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
-     <packageTesters>
-      <tester>Mik Kersten</tester>
-      <tester>Steffen Pingel</tester>
-    </packageTesters>
-  </packageMetaData>
-  <MoreInfo>
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Platform" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Mylyn" />
-  </MoreInfo>
-	<!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file 
-    name of the root file archives -->
-  <rcp version="I20080617-2000" />
-	<!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
-	<product
-	  name="eclipse-java-ganymede"
-	  eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
-    initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective" />
-	<!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
-  <updateSites>
-    <!-- local mirrors -->
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <!-- update sites -->
-    <!-- 
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/eclipse/updates/3.4milestones/" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-    -->
-  </updateSites>
-	<!-- id, a feature id. -->
-	<!-- version, the feature version. -->
-	<requiredFeatures>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.platform" version="3.4.0.v20080610-9I96EhtEm-T_5LxIsybz-3MdGZmOA3uwv7Ka_M">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cvs" version="1.1.0.v20080603-7C79E8M9EI99m9c9S">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jdt" version="3.4.0.v20080603-2000-7o7tEAXEFpPqqoXxgaBhhhq">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.gef" version="3.4.0.v20080115-677-8082A5696H274A">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.common_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7C78ELSE8VrRVor6q2hez07sOLYD">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7F2EN0Cwum5M5u64RsGoSUMYCSXS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature" version="1.0.0.R200806162215">
-    </feature>
-	</requiredFeatures>
-	<!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of 
-		the target platforms. -->
-  <rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
-	<!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created. 
-		This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
-	<extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
-	<!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
-	<targetPlatforms>
-		<platform os="win32" ws="win32" arch="x86">
-			<archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
-			<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-		</platform>
-		<platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86">
-			<archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-		</platform>
-    <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86_64">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-		<platform os="macosx" ws="carbon" arch="ppc">
-			<archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-		</platform>
-	</targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_jee_340.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_jee_340.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5ad87..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_jee_340.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
-  <!-- PackageName is the title of your package 
-       maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
-       iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
-       bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package.  This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
-       testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
-   -->
-  <packageMetaData
-   packageName="Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers"
-   maintainer="WTP and the Eclipse Packaging Project"
-   iconurl=""
-   bugzillaComponentId="jee-package"
-   testPlan="" >
-    <!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
-     <description><![CDATA[Tools for Java developers creating JEE and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for JEE and JSF, Mylyn and others.]]></description>
-    <!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
-     <packageTesters>
-      <tester>David Williams</tester>
-      <tester>Markus Knauer</tester>
-      <tester>Mik Kersten</tester>
-      <tester>Martin Oberhuber</tester>
-    </packageTesters>
-  </packageMetaData>
-  <MoreInfo>
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Webtools Project" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Platform" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Mylyn" />
-  </MoreInfo>
-  <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file 
-    name of the root file archives -->
-  <rcp version="I20080617-2000" />
-  <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
-  <product
-    name="eclipse-jee-ganymede"
-    eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
-    initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.J2EEPerspective" />
-  <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
-  <updateSites>
-    <!-- local mirrors -->
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <!-- update sites -->
-    <!-- 
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-    -->
-  </updateSites>
-  <!-- id, a feature id. -->
-  <!-- version, the feature version. -->
-  <requiredFeatures>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.platform" version="3.4.0.v20080610-9I96EhtEm-T_5LxIsybz-3MdGZmOA3uwv7Ka_M">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cvs" version="1.1.0.v20080603-7C79E8M9EI99m9c9S">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jdt" version="3.4.0.v20080603-2000-7o7tEAXEFpPqqoXxgaBhhhq">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.pde" version="3.4.0.v20080603-7T7U-E_EkMNrNKb39WcMC">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.pde_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.gef" version="3.4.0.v20080115-677-8082A5696H274A">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.common_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7C78ELSE8VrRVor6q2hez07sOLYD">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7F2EN0Cwum5M5u64RsGoSUMYCSXS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-7F27KBcMAAwAeIeHbVf">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.doc.user" version="1.6.0.v200806171040-37_-8w95CKAECFAEGI_">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.designer.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804260945-7C67HCYQCD4CnIkMYha">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-6-0BcMAAwAfFgKSbi">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805151245-7_7K0Dn-QXuj8_GoX7JfPiBEG">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.results.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-30-9oA55S5J_F8CBQ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.ddlgen.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-77--CYQCD4ClJlQXll">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.ddl.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-25-84B22NbYGL9ItRmRYmm">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-30-9oA55S5JAE7F__">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805301340-7F7d-E8yz-SHrDBONwUwXwIyxYSZ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.jdbc.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805301340-3-09oA55S5J8JADJJ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.parsers.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-502AgI99m9VCYHTTS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-7D8H09FSoK_ZabCz-1W8blbFlWui">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- optional DB/SQL features -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.apache.derby.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-650AlJAKaLeL1NnfvBEKK">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.hsqldb.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-57_0_pF9IQJXHvLeamBEKK">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-7D40EB7sQS9RWfUjJLb">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.msft.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-441_kE77c7QARCMOS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.mysql.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-441_kE77c7QASCMPN">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-797P4CYQCD4CpIiDmMN">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.designer.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-21-8s733I3C7F4K63">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-440_kE77c7QBPCFPL">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.postgresql.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-441_kE77c7R_RCIOP">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-440_kE77c7QAQEIQQ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.sybase.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805310538-7A-5E9IgKLhLCdtRvz0F">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- optional DB/SQL features / END -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7A-8Y8QqN2lf4VSWrI2ek5Pf4k7s">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jst" version="3.0.0.v200806111800-7U-8Y9LIrwYBUV7sHGjhtz0LTrMd">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jpt.feature" version="2.0.0.v200806090000-7938aCYQCD4CmHbCCCC">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jpt.eclipselink.feature" version="2.0.0.v200806090000-3--8s733I3D683333">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.rse" version="3.0.0.v20080609-7H3-8qfbaJJZCz-G-QT8RWUC6">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature" version="1.0.0.R200806162215">
-    </feature>
-  </requiredFeatures>
-  <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of 
-    the target platforms. -->
-  <rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
-  <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created. 
-    This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
-  <extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
-  <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
-  <targetPlatforms>
-    <platform
-      os="win32"
-      ws="win32"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86_64">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="macosx"
-      ws="carbon"
-      arch="ppc">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-  </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_modeling_340.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_modeling_340.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ed135..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_modeling_340.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
-  <!-- PackageName is the title of your package 
-       maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
-       iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
-       bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package.  This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
-       testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
-   -->
-  <packageMetaData
-   packageName="Eclipse Modeling Tools (includes Incubating components)"
-   maintainer="Modeling Amalgamation Project"
-   iconurl=""
-   bugzillaComponentId="modeling-package"
-   testPlan="" >
-    <!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
-     <description><![CDATA[This modeling package contains a collection of Eclipse Modeling Project components, including EMF, GMF, MDT XSD/OCL/UML2, M2M, M2T, and EMFT elements. It includes a complete SDK, developer tools and source code. Note that the Modeling package includes some <a href="">incubating</a> components, as indicated by feature numbers less than 1.0.0 on the feature list.]]></description>
-    <!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
-     <packageTesters>
-      <tester>Richard Gronback</tester>
-      <tester>Markus Knauer</tester>
-    </packageTesters>
-  </packageMetaData>
-  <MoreInfo>
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Modeling Framework" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Graphical Modeling Framework" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Model Development Tools" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="M2M ATL" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Ecore Tools" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="EMF Compare" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Platform" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Mylyn" />
-  </MoreInfo>
-  <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file 
-    name of the root file archives -->
-  <rcp version="I20080617-2000" />
-  <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
-  <product
-    name="eclipse-modeling-ganymede-incubation"
-    eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
-    initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective" />
-  <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
-  <updateSites>
-    <!-- local mirrors -->
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <!-- update sites    
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" /> 
-    -->
-  </updateSites>
-  <!-- id, a feature id. -->
-  <!-- version, the feature version. -->
-  <requiredFeatures>
-  	<!-- Platform, JDT, CVS, PDE SDK-->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.sdk" version="3.4.0.v20080522-7O7S-CHEp2gcoGjmFFomLz-d5M8NdvuPgDrH17jw0Mvhe">
-    </feature>
-    <!--- EMF, XSD, SDO SDK-->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.sdk" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd.sdk" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.sdk" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- Query, Transaction, Validation -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.emfqtv.all.sdk" version="1.2.0.v200805130238-35-9-FF4TAdDtyhfiKaEtz0gsQQT">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- GEF + Draw2d SDK (includes examples) -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.gef.sdk" version="3.4.0.v20080115-7B7E-97OK5c7PDdDMPMcHNPTM3CD">
-    </feature> 
-	<!-- UML2 Modeling -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.uml2.sdk" version="2.2.0.v200805201126">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.uml2tools.sdk" version="0.8.0.v200806112132">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- OCL (need to include examples for console) -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.ocl.all.sdk" version="1.2.0.v200805130238-67_8Y_-NQOdLfTWFhivwhwxdBhdq">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- GMF -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.gmf.sdk" version="2.1.0.v20080501-1739-7_77-A9Tdn-VSYbUc0oz-hiY5gdz">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- Operational QVT -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.m2m.qvt.oml.sdk" version="1.0.0.v20080611-1330-7_--AAKDAeC4okgF98SvgNel8wUW">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- ATL -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.sdk" version="2.0.0.v200806101117">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- JET -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jet.sdk" version="0.9.0.v20080516-07X-82Te4djSEJpBWJX">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- CDO -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.sdk" version="1.0.0.v200806180411">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.net4j.sdk" version="1.0.0.v200806180305">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- Teneo -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.teneo.sdk" version="1.0.0.v200806111928-3--87D3BKcgLUKa6ESidYXUVVFGE">
-    </feature> 
-    <!-- Search -->
-    <feature id="" version="0.7.0.v200806130939">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="0.7.0.v200806130939">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="0.7.0.v200806130939">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="0.7.0.v200806130939">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- EMF Tools -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecoretools.sdk" version="0.8.0.v200806130600">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="0.7.0.v200806172223">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="0.8.0.v200806180301">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- Mylyn -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-	<!-- Obligatory EPP feature -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature" version="1.0.0.R200806162215">
-    </feature>
-  </requiredFeatures>
-  <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of 
-    the target platforms. -->
-  <rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" /> 
-  <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created. 
-    This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
-  <extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
-  <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
-  <targetPlatforms>
-    <platform os="win32" ws="win32" arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86_64">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform os="macosx" ws="carbon" arch="ppc">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-  </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_rcp_340.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_rcp_340.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 404dffb..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_rcp_340.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
-  <!-- PackageName is the title of your package 
-       maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
-       iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
-       bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package.  This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
-       testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
-   -->
-  <packageMetaData
-   packageName="Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers"
-   maintainer="Eclipse Packaging Project"
-   iconurl=""
-   bugzillaComponentId="rcp-package"
-   testPlan="" >
-    <!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
-     <description><![CDATA[A complete set of tools for developers who want to create Eclipse plug-ins or Rich Client Applications. It includes a complete SDK, developer tools and source code, plus Mylyn, an XML editor and the Eclipse Communication Framework.]]></description>
-    <!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
-     <packageTesters>
-      <tester>Markus Knauer</tester>
-    </packageTesters>
-  </packageMetaData>
-  <MoreInfo>
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Platform" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Mylyn" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Communication Framework" />
-  </MoreInfo>
-  <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file 
-    name of the root file archives -->
-  <rcp version="I20080617-2000" />
-  <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
-  <product
-    name="eclipse-rcp-ganymede" 
-    eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.sdk.ide"
-    initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective" />
-  <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
-  <updateSites>
-    <!-- local mirrors -->
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <!-- update sites -->
-    <!-- 
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-    -->
-  </updateSites>
-  <!-- id, a feature id. -->
-  <!-- version, the feature version. -->
-  <requiredFeatures>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.platform" version="3.4.0.v20080610-9I96EhtEm-T_5LxIsybz-3MdGZmOA3uwv7Ka_M">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.sdk" version="3.4.0.v20080522-7O7S-CHEp2gcoGjmFFomLz-d5M8NdvuPgDrH17jw0Mvhe">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.pde_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.gef" version="3.4.0.v20080115-677-8082A5696H274A">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.common_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7C78ELSE8VrRVor6q2hez07sOLYD">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7F2EN0Cwum5M5u64RsGoSUMYCSXS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.ecf.core" version="2.0.0.v20080623-0046">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.ecf.examples" version="2.0.0.v20080623-0046">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature" version="1.0.0.R200806162215">
-    </feature>
-  </requiredFeatures>
-  <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of 
-    the target platforms. -->
-  <rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
-  <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created. 
-    This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
-  <extensionSite
-    relativeFolder="extension_site">
-  </extensionSite>
-  <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
-  <targetPlatforms>
-    <platform
-      os="win32"
-      ws="win32"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86_64">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="macosx"
-      ws="carbon"
-      arch="ppc">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-  </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_reporting_340.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_reporting_340.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e426fb..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_reporting_340.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
-  <!-- PackageName is the title of your package 
-       maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
-       iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
-       bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package.  This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
-       testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
-   -->
-  <packageMetaData
-   packageName="Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers"
-   maintainer="Eclipse BIRT Project and the Eclipse Packaging Project"
-   iconurl=""
-   bugzillaComponentId="reporting-package"
-   testPlan="" >
-    <!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
-     <description><![CDATA[JEE tools and BIRT reporting tool for Java developers to create JEE and Web applications that also have reporting needs.]]></description>
-    <!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
-     <packageTesters>
-      <tester>Xiaoying Gu</tester>
-    </packageTesters>
-  </packageMetaData>
-  <MoreInfo>
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse BIRT Project" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Webtools Project" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Platform" />
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Mylyn" />
-  </MoreInfo>
-  <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file 
-    name of the root file archives -->
-  <rcp version="I20080617-2000" />
-  <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
-  <product
-    name="eclipse-reporting-ganymede"
-    eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
-    initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.J2EEPerspective" />
-  <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
-  <updateSites>
-    <!-- local mirrors -->
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <!-- update sites -->
-    <!-- 
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-    -->
-  </updateSites>
-  <!-- id, a feature id. -->
-  <!-- version, the feature version. -->
-  <requiredFeatures>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.platform" version="3.4.0.v20080610-9I96EhtEm-T_5LxIsybz-3MdGZmOA3uwv7Ka_M">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cvs" version="1.1.0.v20080603-7C79E8M9EI99m9c9S">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jdt" version="3.4.0.v20080603-2000-7o7tEAXEFpPqqoXxgaBhhhq">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.pde" version="3.4.0.v20080603-7T7U-E_EkMNrNKb39WcMC">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.pde_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature" version="3.0.0.v20080619-1900">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.common.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.xsd.edit" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.gef" version="3.4.0.v20080115-677-8082A5696H274A">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.common_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7C78ELSE8VrRVor6q2hez07sOLYD">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7F2EN0Cwum5M5u64RsGoSUMYCSXS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo" version="2.4.0.v200806091234">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-7F27KBcMAAwAeIeHbVf">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.doc.user" version="1.6.0.v200806171040-37_-8w95CKAECFAEGI_">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.designer.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804260945-7C67HCYQCD4CnIkMYha">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-6-0BcMAAwAfFgKSbi">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805151245-7_7K0Dn-QXuj8_GoX7JfPiBEG">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.results.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-30-9oA55S5J_F8CBQ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.ddlgen.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-77--CYQCD4ClJlQXll">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.ddl.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-25-84B22NbYGL9ItRmRYmm">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-30-9oA55S5JAE7F__">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805301340-7F7d-E8yz-SHrDBONwUwXwIyxYSZ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.jdbc.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805301340-3-09oA55S5J8JADJJ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.parsers.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-502AgI99m9VCYHTTS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-7D8H09FSoK_ZabCz-1W8blbFlWui">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.intro" version="1.6.0.v200806091-15-3119171_2">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- optional DB/SQL features -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.apache.derby.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-650AlJAKaLeL1NnfvBEKK">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.hsqldb.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-57_0_pF9IQJXHvLeamBEKK">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-7D40EB7sQS9RWfUjJLb">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.msft.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-441_kE77c7QARCMOS">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.mysql.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-441_kE77c7QASCMPN">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-797P4CYQCD4CpIiDmMN">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.designer.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-21-8s733I3C7F4K63">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-440_kE77c7QBPCFPL">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.postgresql.feature" version="1.6.0.v200804021-441_kE77c7R_RCIOP">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.6.0.v200804021-440_kE77c7QAQEIQQ">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.sybase.feature" version="1.6.0.v200805310538-7A-5E9IgKLhLCdtRvz0F">
-    </feature>
-    <!-- optional DB/SQL features / END -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.wst" version="3.0.0.v200806092130-7A-8Y8QqN2lf4VSWrI2ek5Pf4k7s">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jst" version="3.0.0.v200806111800-7U-8Y9LIrwYBUV7sHGjhtz0LTrMd">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jpt.feature" version="2.0.0.v200806090000-7938aCYQCD4CmHbCCCC">
-    </feature>
-  <!-- reporting specific configuration -->
-  <feature id="com.lowagie.itext" version="1.5.4.v20080225-1437w31191339">
-  </feature>
-  <feature id="org.apache.commons.codec" version="1.3.0.v20070920-12-7w3119164102711">
-  </feature>
-  <feature id="org.apache.derby.core" version="">
-  </feature>
-  <feature id="org.mozilla.rhino" version="1.6.7.v20071217-1567w31191325">
-  </feature>
-  <feature id="org.w3c.sac" version="1.3.0.v20080102-46-_kE77b7U_N56BA">
-  </feature>
-  <feature id="org.eclipse.birt" version="2.3.0.v200804251-7N7Y-AYdeIEKS6mGZPHGhs-0vEl6">
-  </feature>
-  <feature id="org.eclipse.birt.doc" version="2.3.0.v200805131-22-7w31191728b">
-  </feature>
-this includes features:
-as mentioned in
-but not the ISV bundles
- -->
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature" version="1.0.0.R200806162215">
-    </feature>
-  </requiredFeatures>
-  <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of 
-    the target platforms. -->
-  <rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
-  <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created. 
-    This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
-  <extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
-  <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
-  <targetPlatforms>
-    <platform
-      os="win32"
-      ws="win32"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86_64">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="macosx"
-      ws="carbon"
-      arch="ppc">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-  </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_sdk_340.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_sdk_340.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1350bd6..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/eclipse_sdk_340.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- IMPORTANT: This is a fake package definition to show the Eclipse Classic, 
-       i.e. the Eclipse SDK download on the packages website. This package definition
-       is not used to build the Eclipse SDK download! -->
-  <!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
-  <!-- PackageName is the title of your package 
-       maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
-       iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
-       bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package.  This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
-       testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
-   -->
-  <packageMetaData
-   packageName="Eclipse Classic 3.4"
-   maintainer="Eclipse Platform Team"
-   iconurl=""
-   bugzillaComponentId=""
-   testPlan="" >
-    <!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
-     <description><![CDATA[The classic Eclipse download: the Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools, and Plug-in Development Environment, including source and both user and programmer documentation. Note: For other downloads see the <a href="">Eclipse Project download page</a>.]]></description>
-    <!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
-     <packageTesters>
-      <tester>Eclipse Project</tester>
-    </packageTesters>
-    <FakePackage>True</FakePackage>
-    <FakePackageLocation>
-      /eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.4-200806172000/
-    </FakePackageLocation>
-  </packageMetaData>
-  <MoreInfo>
-  <NewAndNoteworthy
-    url=""
-    project="Eclipse Platform" />
-  </MoreInfo>
-  <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file 
-    name of the root file archives -->
-  <rcp version="3.4" />
-  <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
-  <product
-    name="eclipse-SDK-3.4" 
-    eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.sdk.ide"
-    initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective" />
-  <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
-  <updateSites>
-    <!-- local mirrors -->
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-    <!-- update sites -->
-    <!-- 
-    <updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-      <updateSite url="" />
-    -->
-  </updateSites>
-  <!-- id, a feature id. -->
-  <!-- version, the feature version. -->
-  <requiredFeatures>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.platform" version="3.4.0.v20080610-9I96EhtEm-T_5LxIsybz-3MdGZmOA3uwv7Ka_M">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.sdk" version="3.4.0.v20080522-7O7S-CHEp2gcoGjmFFomLz-d5M8NdvuPgDrH17jw0Mvhe">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cvs" version="1.1.0.v20080603-7C79E8M9EI99m9c9S">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.cvs.source" version="1.1.0.v20080603-7C79E8M9EI99m9c9S">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui" version="1.0.0.v20080516-7d--ETu637E5se-QIGiA">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui.source" version="1.0.0.v20080516-7d--ETu637E5se-QIGiA">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.0.0.v20080603-7r7xEHJEJkZu5nE6Q4Qrtvu6JZ9L">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="" version="1.0.0.v20080603-7r7xEHJEJkZu5nE6Q4Qrtvu6JZ9L">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jdt" version="3.4.0.v20080603-2000-7o7tEAXEFpPqqoXxgaBhhhq">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.jdt.source" version="3.4.0.v20080603-2000-7o7tEAXEFpPqqoXxgaBhhhq">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.pde" version="3.4.0.v20080603-7T7U-E_EkMNrNKb39WcMC">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.pde.source" version="3.4.0.v20080603-7T7U-E_EkMNrNKb39WcMC">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.pde.p2" version="1.0.0.v20080522-1--7w3119171503111">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.pde.p2.source" version="1.0.0.v20080522-1--7w3119171503111">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.platform.source" version="3.4.0.v20080610-9I96EhtEm-T_5LxIsybz-3MdGZmOA3uwv7Ka_M">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.rcp" version="3.4.0.v20080407a-969KEWNEjMvdgqqz-iNmVtQp">
-    </feature>
-    <feature id="org.eclipse.rcp.source" version="3.4.0.v20080407a-969KEWNEjMvdgqqz-iNmVtQp">
-    </feature>
-  </requiredFeatures>
-  <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of 
-    the target platforms. -->
-  <rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
-  <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created. 
-    This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
-  <extensionSite
-    relativeFolder="extension_site">
-  </extensionSite>
-  <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
-  <targetPlatforms>
-    <platform
-      os="win32"
-      ws="win32"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="linux"
-      ws="gtk"
-      arch="x86_64">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-    <platform
-      os="macosx"
-      ws="carbon"
-      arch="ppc">
-      <archiveFormat format="tar" />
-      <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
-    </platform>
-  </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/getpackages.bat b/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/getpackages.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index a20b1dd..0000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.epp.wizard/data/model/packages/getpackages.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@






\ No newline at end of file