blob: 0c24da5e34b121ba4a17ddec6cb0dc3888251dd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Ericsson AB (Pascal Rapicault) - reading preferences from base in shared install
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.EclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.LogHelper;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.Tracing;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.IAgentLocation;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.IProvisioningAgent;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.IProfileRegistry;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException;
* A preference implementation that stores preferences in the engine's profile
* data area. There is one preference file per profile, with an additional file
* that is used when there is no currently running profile.
public class ProfilePreferences extends EclipsePreferences {
private class SaveJob extends Job {
IProvisioningAgent agent;
SaveJob(IProvisioningAgent agent) {
this.agent = agent;
public boolean belongsTo(Object family) {
return family == PROFILE_SAVE_JOB_FAMILY;
protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Tracing.debug("Attempt to save preferences after agent has been stopped"); //$NON-NLS-1$
//ignore - this means the provisioning agent has already been stopped, and since
//this job is joined during agent stop, it means this job has been scheduled after the
//agent stopped and therefore can't have any interesting changes to save
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, EngineActivator.ID, "Exception saving profile preferences", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, EngineActivator.ID, "Exception saving profile preferences", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return Status.OK_STATUS;
// cache which nodes have been loaded from disk
private static Set<String> loadedNodes = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
public static final Object PROFILE_SAVE_JOB_FAMILY = new Object();
private static final long SAVE_SCHEDULE_DELAY = 500;
//private IPath location;
protected IEclipsePreferences loadLevel;
protected Object profileLock;
protected String qualifier;
private SaveJob saveJob;
protected int segmentCount;
public ProfilePreferences() {
this(null, null);
public ProfilePreferences(EclipsePreferences nodeParent, String nodeName) {
super(nodeParent, nodeName);
//path is /profile/{agent location}/{profile id}/qualifier
// cache the segment count
String path = absolutePath();
segmentCount = getSegmentCount(path);
if (segmentCount <= 2)
if (segmentCount == 3)
profileLock = new Object();
if (segmentCount < 4)
// cache the qualifier
qualifier = getQualifierSegment();
private boolean containsProfile(IProfileRegistry profileRegistry, String profileId) {
if (profileId == null || profileRegistry == null)
return false;
return profileRegistry.containsProfile(profileId);
* Create an Engine phase to save profile preferences
protected void doSave(IProvisioningAgent agent) throws BackingStoreException {
synchronized (((ProfilePreferences) parent).profileLock) {
String profileId = getProfileIdSegment();
IProfileRegistry registry = agent.getService(IProfileRegistry.class);
//can't save anything without a profile registry
if (registry == null)
if (!containsProfile(registry, profileId)) {
//use the default location for the self profile, otherwise just do nothing and return
if (IProfileRegistry.SELF.equals(profileId)) {
IPath location = getDefaultLocation(agent);
if (location != null) {;
Tracing.debug("Not saving preferences since there is no file for node: " + absolutePath()); //$NON-NLS-1$
}, profileId));
* Returns a reference to the agent service corresponding to the given encoded
* agent location. Never returns null; throws an exception if the agent could not be found.
protected IProvisioningAgent getAgent(String segment) throws BackingStoreException {
String locationString = SlashEncode.decode(segment);
Exception failure = null;
IProvisioningAgent result = null;
try {
String filter = "(locationURI=" + encodeForFilter(locationString) + ')'; //$NON-NLS-1$
final BundleContext context = EngineActivator.getContext();
if (context != null) {
Collection<ServiceReference<IProvisioningAgent>> refs = context.getServiceReferences(IProvisioningAgent.class, filter);
if (!refs.isEmpty()) {
ServiceReference<IProvisioningAgent> ref = refs.iterator().next();
result = EngineActivator.getContext().getService(ref);
return result;
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
failure = e;
throw new BackingStoreException("Unable to determine provisioning agent from location: " + segment, failure); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Encodes a string so that it is suitable for use as a value for a filter property.
* Any reserved filter characters are escaped.
private String encodeForFilter(String string) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(string.length());
char[] input = string.toCharArray();
for (char element : input) {
switch (element) {
case '(' :
case ')' :
case '*' :
case '\\' :
//fall through
default :
return result.toString();
* Returns the preference file to use when there is no active profile.
private IPath getDefaultLocation(IProvisioningAgent agent) {
//use engine agent location for preferences if there is no self profile
IAgentLocation location = agent.getService(IAgentLocation.class);
if (location == null) {
LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, EngineActivator.ID, "Agent location service not available", new RuntimeException())); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
IPath dataArea = new Path(URIUtil.toFile(location.getDataArea(EngineActivator.ID)).getAbsolutePath());
return computeLocation(dataArea, qualifier);
protected IEclipsePreferences getLoadLevel() {
if (loadLevel == null) {
if (qualifier == null)
return null;
// Make it relative to this node rather than navigating to it from the root.
// Walk backwards up the tree starting at this node.
// This is important to avoid a chicken/egg thing on startup.
IEclipsePreferences node = this;
for (int i = 4; i < segmentCount; i++)
node = (EclipsePreferences) node.parent();
loadLevel = node;
return loadLevel;
* Returns the location of the preference file for the given profile.
private IPath getProfileLocation(IProfileRegistry registry, String profileId) {
SimpleProfileRegistry profileRegistry = (SimpleProfileRegistry) registry;
File profileDataDirectory = profileRegistry.getProfileDataDirectory(profileId);
return computeLocation(new Path(profileDataDirectory.getAbsolutePath()), qualifier);
protected EclipsePreferences internalCreate(EclipsePreferences nodeParent, String nodeName, Object context) {
if (nodeName.equals("shared") && segmentCount == 1) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return new SharedProfilePreferences(nodeParent, nodeName);
return new ProfilePreferences(nodeParent, nodeName);
protected boolean isAlreadyLoaded(IEclipsePreferences node) {
return loadedNodes.contains(node.absolutePath());
protected boolean isAlreadyLoaded(String path) {
return loadedNodes.contains(path);
* Create an Engine phase to load profile preferences
protected void load() throws BackingStoreException {
synchronized (((ProfilePreferences) parent).profileLock) {
IProvisioningAgent agent = getAgent(getAgentLocationSegment());
if (agent == null)
IProfileRegistry registry = agent.getService(IProfileRegistry.class);
String profileId = getProfileIdSegment();
if (!containsProfile(registry, profileId)) {
//use the default location for the self profile, otherwise just do nothing and return
if (IProfileRegistry.SELF.equals(profileId)) {
IPath location = getDefaultLocation(agent);
if (location != null) {
Tracing.debug("Not loading preferences since there is no file for node: " + absolutePath()); //$NON-NLS-1$
load(getProfileLocation(registry, profileId));
protected void loaded() {
public void removeNode() throws BackingStoreException {
* Schedules the save job. This method is synchronized to protect lazily initialization
* of the save job instance.
protected synchronized void save() throws BackingStoreException {
try {
IProvisioningAgent agent = getAgent(getAgentLocationSegment());
if (saveJob == null || saveJob.agent != agent)
saveJob = new SaveJob(agent);
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
//get agent has already gone away so we can't save preferences
//TODO see bug 300450
//only schedule a save if the engine bundle is still running
BundleContext context = EngineActivator.getContext();
if (context == null || saveJob == null)
try {
if (context.getBundle().getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE)
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
//bundle has been stopped concurrently, so don't save
protected String getQualifierSegment() {
return getSegment(absolutePath(), 3);
protected String getProfileIdSegment() {
return getSegment(absolutePath(), 2);
protected String getAgentLocationSegment() {
return getSegment(absolutePath(), 1);