blob: b9e944961cde33e872cf58c015628d0eb0fe1e10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 protos software gmbh (
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
package org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.tests
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.DCLanguage
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.DCParser
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstArrayAccessNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstBracketNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstFeatureCallNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstIdentifierNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstMatchNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstOperationCallNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstOtherNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.nodes.DCAstPeriodNode
import org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.fsm.ast.util.DCAstPrinter
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import static org.eclipse.etrice.dctools.tests.TestConstants.*
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*
import static org.junit.Assert.*
class TestDCParser {
DCParser parser
def void createParser() {
parser = new DCParser(DCLanguage.C_LANGUAGE)
def void testString() {
testSingleOther("testString", TEST_STRING)
def void testCComment() {
testSingleOther("testCComment", TEST_C_COMMENT)
def void testCComment2() {
testSingleOther("testCComment2", TEST_C_COMMENT2)
def void testCppComment() {
testSingleOther("testCppComment", TEST_CPP_COMMENT)
def void testEmptyRoundBracket() {
testBracketExpression(TEST_EMPTY_ROUND_BRACKET, DCAstBracketNode.BracketType.ROUND)
def void testEmptyCurlyBracket() {
testBracketExpression(TEST_EMPTY_CURLY_BRACKET, DCAstBracketNode.BracketType.CURLY)
def void testEmptySquareBracket() {
testBracketExpression(TEST_EMPTY_SQUARE_BRACKET, DCAstBracketNode.BracketType.SQUARE)
def void testRoundBracketWithContents() {
testBracketExpression(TEST_EMPTY_ROUND_BRACKET_W_CONTENTS1, DCAstBracketNode.BracketType.ROUND, CONTENTS1)
def void testNestedBrackets() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_NESTED_BRACKETS)
// we have a single bracket expression
assertThat(result.children.size, is(1))
var node = result.children.get(0)
// it is a bracket node
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstBracketNode)
assertTrue((node as DCAstBracketNode).type==DCAstBracketNode.BracketType.ROUND)
// which has one child
assertThat(node.children.size, is(1))
node = node.children.get(0)
// which is a match node
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstMatchNode)
// which has three children
assertThat(node.children.size, is(3))
// first child is a comment
node = node.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstOtherNode)
assertEquals((node as DCAstOtherNode).text, CONTENTS1)
// third child is a comment
node = node.parent.children.get(2)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstOtherNode)
assertEquals((node as DCAstOtherNode).text, CONTENTS3)
// middle child is a bracket
node = node.parent.children.get(1)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstBracketNode)
assertTrue((node as DCAstBracketNode).type==DCAstBracketNode.BracketType.ROUND)
// which has one child
assertThat(node.children.size, is(1))
node = node.children.get(0)
// which is a match node
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstMatchNode)
// which has one child
assertThat(node.children.size, is(1))
node = node.children.get(0)
// which is a comment
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstOtherNode)
assertEquals((node as DCAstOtherNode).text, CONTENTS2)
prettyPrint("testNestedBrackets", TEST_NESTED_BRACKETS, result, 7, 8)
def void testIdentifier() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_IDENTIFIER)
// we have a feature
assertThat(result.children.size, is(1))
var node = result.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstFeatureCallNode)
// it is an identifier node
node = node.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstIdentifierNode)
assertThat((node as DCAstIdentifierNode).id, is(TEST_IDENTIFIER))
prettyPrint("testIdentifier", TEST_IDENTIFIER, result, 1, 3)
def void testArrayAccess() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_ARRAY_ACCESS)
// we have a feature
assertThat(result.children.size, is(1))
var node = result.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstFeatureCallNode)
// with an array access
assertThat(node.children.size, is(1))
node = node.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstArrayAccessNode)
// with two children
assertThat(node.children.size, is(2))
// an identifier
node = node.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstIdentifierNode)
// and a bracket
node = node.parent.children.get(1)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstBracketNode)
prettyPrint("testArrayAccess", TEST_ARRAY_ACCESS, result, 3, 6)
def void testOperationCall() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_OPERATION_CALL)
// we have a feature
assertThat(result.children.size, is(1))
var node = result.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstFeatureCallNode)
// with an operation call
assertThat(node.children.size, is(1))
node = node.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstOperationCallNode)
// with two children
assertThat(node.children.size, is(2))
// an identifier
node = node.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstIdentifierNode)
// and a bracket
node = node.parent.children.get(1)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstBracketNode)
prettyPrint("testOperationCall", TEST_OPERATION_CALL, result, 3, 6)
def void testMemberAccess() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_MEMBER_ACCESS)
// we have a feature
assertThat(result.children.size, is(1))
var node = result.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstFeatureCallNode)
// with identifier period identifier
assertThat(node.children.size, is(3))
// identifier node
node = node.children.get(0)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstIdentifierNode)
// period node
node = node.parent.children.get(1)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstPeriodNode)
// identifier node
node = node.parent.children.get(2)
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstIdentifierNode)
prettyPrint("testMemberAccess", TEST_MEMBER_ACCESS, result, 3, 5)
def void testArrayMemberAccess() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_ARRAY_MEMBER_ACCESS)
prettyPrint("testArrayMemberAccess", TEST_ARRAY_MEMBER_ACCESS, result, 8, 11)
def void testArrayMemberAccessAndCall() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_ARRAY_MEMBER_ACCESS_AND_CALL)
prettyPrint("testArrayMemberAccessAndCall", TEST_ARRAY_MEMBER_ACCESS_AND_CALL, result, 12, 16)
def void testSpaciousArrayMemberAccessAndCall() {
prettyPrint("testSpacyArrayMemberAccessAndCall", TEST_SPACIOUS_ARRAY_MEMBER_ACCESS_AND_CALL, result, 23, 27)
def void testCode() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_CODE)
prettyPrint("testCode", TEST_CODE, result, 20, 29)
def void testCode1() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_CODE1)
prettyPrint("testCode", TEST_CODE1, result, 15, 20)
def void testCode2() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_CODE2)
prettyPrint("testCode2", TEST_CODE2, result, 59, 76)
def void testCode3() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_CODE3)
prettyPrint("testCode3", TEST_CODE3, result, 69, 81)
def void testUnclosedString() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_UNCLOSED_STRING)
prettyPrint("testUnclosedString", TEST_UNCLOSED_STRING, result, 1, 2)
def void testUnclosedNestedBrackets() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_UNCLOSED_NESTED_BRACKETS)
prettyPrint("testUnclosedNestedBrackets", TEST_UNCLOSED_NESTED_BRACKETS, result, 6, 7)
def void testIncompleteFeatureCall() {
val result = parser.parse(TEST_INCOMPLETE_FEATURE_CALL)
prettyPrint("testIncompleteFeatureCall", TEST_INCOMPLETE_FEATURE_CALL, result, 4, 6)
* helper methods
private def prettyPrint(String method, String orig, DCAstMatchNode node, int nTokes, int nNodes) {
val printer = new DCAstPrinter
println("<<<" + method)
println("tree: ")
println(nNodes + " nodes, " + nTokes + " tokens")
println("orig: '" + orig + "'")
println("ast: '" + printer.text + "'")
println(method + ">>>")
assertEquals(orig, printer.text)
assertThat(node.totallyReadTokens, is(nTokes))
assertThat(node.countNodes, is(nNodes))
private def void testBracketExpression(String test, DCAstBracketNode.BracketType bt) {
testBracketExpression(test, bt, null)
private def void testBracketExpression(String test, DCAstBracketNode.BracketType bt, String contents) {
val result = parser.parse(test)
// we have only a bracket expression
assertThat(result.children.size, is(1))
var node = result.children.get(0)
// it is a bracket node
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstBracketNode)
assertTrue((node as DCAstBracketNode).type==bt)
// which has one child
assertThat(node.children.size, is(1))
node = node.children.get(0)
// which is a match node
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstMatchNode)
if (contents===null) {
// which is empty
assertThat(node.children.size, is(0))
else {
// which has a single sub node
assertThat(node.children.size, is(1))
// which is Other with contents
testOther(node.children.get(0), contents)
private def testSingleOther(String method, String test) {
val result = parser.parse(test)
prettyPrint(method, test, result, 1, 2)
// only one Other expression
assertThat(result.children.size, is(1))
testOther(result.children.get(0), test)
private def testOther(DCAstNode node, String contents) {
// which is an Other node
assertTrue(node instanceof DCAstOtherNode)
// with the test text as contents
assertEquals((node as DCAstOtherNode).text, contents)
private def int countNodes(DCAstNode node) {
var sum = 1
for (child : node.children) {
sum += child.countNodes
return sum