blob: 17afa84ca47603ab6a1e4370b7f7b77c08eb2347 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2010 AtosOrigin.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Anne Haugommard (Atos Origin) - Initial API and implementation
Mohamed Ali Bach Tobji (Atos) fix bug #515404 : add new method getTableId() to get unique id for a table
[module commons('','')/]
[comment - Replace special characters inside the given String <, >, &, ', " and replace them by corresponding XML codes/]
[query public clean(arg0 : String) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'removeSpecialCharacters(java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0}) /]
[comment - Replace formatting characters by correct document format characters /]
[query public cleanAndFormat(arg0 : String) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'cleanAndFormat(java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0}) /]
[comment - Gets a tab where string is separated on the new lines/]
[query public splitNewLine(arg0 : String) : Sequence(String)
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'splitNewLine(java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0}) /]
[comment - Gendoc Put, share a variable through the Gendoc generation /]
[query public gPut(arg0 : OclAny, arg1 : OclAny) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'gPut(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object)', Sequence{arg0,arg1}) /]
[comment - Gendoc Get, get a variable through the Gendoc generation /]
[query public gGet(arg0 : OclAny) : OclAny
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'gGet(java.lang.Object)', Sequence{arg0}) /]
[comment - Gendoc Get, get a variable through the Gendoc generation /]
[query public getText(arg0 : OclAny) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'getText(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)', Sequence{arg0}) /]
[comment - returns an unique ID for the element in parameter/]
[query public getId(arg0 : OclAny) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'getId(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)', Sequence{arg0}) /]
[comment - returns a unique ID for the element table in parameter/]
[query public getTableId(arg0 : OclAny) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'getTableId(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)', Sequence{arg0}) /]
[comment - load (objet : OclAny, extensionReplacement : String) : String
for a Package p contained in the file located at file://c:/test/file.uml
the call : p.load('notation') will load the file located at file://c:/test/file.notation /]
[query public load(object : OclAny, extensionReplacement : String) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'load(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, java.lang.String)', Sequence{object,extensionReplacement}) /]
[comment - loadRelative (object : OclAny, relativePath : String) : String
for a Package p contained in the file located at file://c:/test/file.uml
the call : p.load('../file.notation') will load the file located at file://c:/file.notation /]
[query public loadRelative(object : OclAny, relativePath : String) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'loadRelative(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, java.lang.String)', Sequence{object,relativePath}) /]
[comment - loadURI (object : OclAny, uri : String) : String
for a Package p contained in the file located at file://c:/test/file.uml
the call : p.load('file://c:/test/file.notation') will load the file located at file://c:/test/file.notation/]
[query public loadURI(uri : String) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'loadURI(java.lang.String)', Sequence{uri}) /]
[query public getPluginImage(pluginId : String, path : String) : String
= invoke('org.eclipse.gendoc.bundle.acceleo.commons.files.CommonService', 'getPluginImage(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)', Sequence{pluginId,path}) /]