blob: 30718133fd317ebf150b3664ff6e3fca1fcb9064 [file] [log] [blame]
pluginName = Borders Edit Support
providerName =
_UI_CreateChild_text = {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1}
_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature
_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}.
_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent.
_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1}
_UI_Border_type = Border
_UI_LineBorder_type = Line Border
_UI_MarginBorder_type = Margin Border
_UI_CompoundBorder_type = Compound Border
_UI_CustomBorder_type = Custom Border
_UI_Diagram_type = Diagram
_UI_Unknown_type = Object
_UI_Unknown_datatype= Value
_UI_Diagram_borders_feature = Borders
_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified