blob: 779a066a5c299d750e4760fa5524ef16649c346f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Borland Software Corporation
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) - initial API and implementation
«DEFINE Init(String figureVarName) FOR gmfgraph::Border
«figureVarName».setBorderEXPAND border(figureVarName)»);
«DEFINE InitMethods FOR gmfgraph::Figure»
«FOREACH getBordersInUse() AS b»«EXPAND initMethod(getBordersInUse().indexOf(b)) FOR b»«ENDFOREACH
«DEFINE initMethod(int c) FOR gmfgraph::CustomBorder
* @generated
private org.eclipse.draw2d.Border createBorder«c»() {
«EXPAND Runtime::newInstance("result"
«EXPAND attr::CustomClass::Init("result"
return result;
«DEFINE border(String figureVarName) FOR gmfgraph::Border»
«ERROR "This is an abstract definition border(String, Border) invoked for " + this»
«DEFINE border(String figureVarName) FOR gmfgraph::LineBorder
new org.eclipse.draw2d.LineBorderIF null == color»null«ELSE»«EXPAND attr::Figure::color(figureVarName.toUpperCase() + "_BORDER") FOR color»«ENDIF», «EXPAND MapMode::map FOR width»)«ENDDEFINE»
«DEFINE border(String figureVarName) FOR gmfgraph::MarginBorder
new org.eclipse.draw2d.MarginBorderEXPAND MapMode::map FOR insets»)«ENDDEFINE»
«DEFINE border(String figureVarName) FOR gmfgraph::CompoundBorder
new org.eclipse.draw2d.CompoundBorderIF outer == null»null«ELSE»«EXPAND border(figureVarName) FOR outer»«ENDIF», «IF inner == null»null«ELSE»«EXPAND border(figureVarName) FOR inner»«ENDIF»)
«DEFINE border(String figureVarName) FOR gmfgraph::CustomBorder
«DEFINE border(String figureVarName) FOR gmfgraph::BorderRef
«EXPAND border(figureVarName) FOR actual