blob: 8f8c8f305c76e95a217bf39f327c3679f067ed3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Borland Software Corporation
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) - initial API and implementation
import "";
import "";
extension xpt::GenModelUtils reexport;
* NOTE: Extensions from this file are supposed to be used
* ONLY from MetaModel.xpt. No other .xpt or .ext should import
* this file. Common GenModel functionality, unrelated to meta-model
* access and access to generated model code should go into GenModelUtils.ext.
// GenPackageImpl#getQualifiedPackageInterfaceName()
String getQualifiedPackageInterfaceName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
gp.genModel.suppressEMFMetaData ? getQualifiedPackageClassName(gp) : getReflectionPackageName(gp) + "." + getPackageInterfaceName(gp)
// GenPackageImpl#getQualifiedFactoryInterfaceName()
String getQualifiedFactoryInterfaceName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
getReflectionPackageName(gp) + "." + getPrefixedName(gp, "Factory")
// GenPackage#getFactoryInstanceName
String getFactoryInstanceName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
gp.genModel.suppressEMFMetaData ? "INSTANCE" : "eINSTANCE"
// GenPackageImpl#getQualifiedItemProviderAdapterFactoryClassName()
String getQualifiedItemProviderAdapterFactoryClassName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
getQualifiedPackageName(gp, gp.providerPackageSuffix) + "." + getItemProviderAdapterFactoryClassName(gp)
// GenPackageImpl#getItemProviderAdapterFactoryClassName()
private String getItemProviderAdapterFactoryClassName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
getPrefixedName(gp, "ItemProviderAdapterFactory")
// GenClass#getQualifiedInterfaceName
String getQualifiedInterfaceName(genmodel::GenClass gc) :
null != gc.ecoreClass.instanceClassName
? gc.ecoreClass.instanceClassName.replaceAll('\\$', '\\.')
: (getInterfacePackageName(gc.genPackage) + "." +
// GenPackageImpl#getInterfacePackageName()
private String getInterfacePackageName(GenPackage gp) :
getQualifiedPackageName(gp, gp.interfacePackageSuffix)
String getQualifiedClassName(GenClassifier dt) : null ;
// NOTE GenDataType#getQualifiedInstanceClassName returns primitive types as is,
// while we return their java.lang wrappers
String getQualifiedClassName(GenDataType dt) : getObjectCompatibleClassName(dt.ecoreDataType) ;
String getQualifiedClassName(GenEnum e) : getInterfacePackageName(e.genPackage) + "." +
// GenClass#getClassifierAccessorName
String getClassifierAccessorName(genmodel::GenClassifier gc) :
switch (gc.getEcoreClassifier().name) {
case "Class" : "Class_"
case "Name" : "Name_"
default : gc.getEcoreClassifier().name
// GenFeature#getFeatureAccessorName
String getFeatureAccessorName(genmodel::GenFeature gf) : + "_" +
// GenFeatureImpl#getAccessorName
String getAccessorName(genmodel::GenFeature gf) :
isMapEntryFeature(gf) ? "Typed" + :
// GenFeature#getGetAccessor()
String getGetAccessor(genmodel::GenFeature gf) :
JAVA org.eclipse.gmf.internal.codegen.util.GenModelUtils.getGetAccessor(org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenFeature)
// GenClassImpl#isMapEntry
boolean isMapEntry(genmodel::GenClass gc) :
("java.util.Map.Entry" == gc.ecoreClass.instanceClassName || "java.util.Map$Entry" == gc.ecoreClass.instanceClassName)
&& gc.ecoreClass.getEStructuralFeature("key") != null
&& gc.ecoreClass.getEStructuralFeature("value") != null
* Casts the argument (which is assumed to be of the given source class) to the given target class.
* A null value may be used for both source and target class to specify the EObject class.
* If the cast is required, it will be parenthesized as a whole, producing, e.g., ((EObject) o).
* If the parentheses are not required, use unparenthesizedCast() extension.
String parenthesizedCast(String what, genmodel::GenClass source, genmodel::GenClass target) :
needsCast(source, target) ? "(" + unparenthesizedCast(what, source, target) + ")" : what
* Casts the argument (which is assumed to be of the given source class) to the given target class.
* A null value may be used for both source and target class to specify the EObject class.
* If the cast is required, it will NOT be parenthesized as a whole, producing, e.g., (EObject) o.
* If the parentheses are required, use parenthesizedCast() extension.
String unparenthesizedCast(String what, genmodel::GenClass source, genmodel::GenClass target) :
needsCast(source, target) ?
(target == null ? "(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)" + what : "(" + target.getQualifiedInterfaceName() + ")" + what)
: what
//See cast()
private boolean needsCast(genmodel::GenClass source, genmodel::GenClass target) :
source == target ? false :
(target == null ?
(source != null && source.isExternalInterface()) :
source == null || target.isExternalInterface() || source.isExternalInterface() || !target.ecoreClass.isSuperTypeOf(source.ecoreClass))
private ecore::EClassifier getEcoreClassifier(genmodel::GenClassifier gc) : null ;
private ecore::EClassifier getEcoreClassifier(genmodel::GenClass gc) : gc.ecoreClass ;
private ecore::EClassifier getEcoreClassifier(genmodel::GenDataType gc) : gc.ecoreDataType ;
// GenPackageImpl#getReflectionPackageName()
private String getReflectionPackageName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
getQualifiedPackageName(gp, gp.metaDataPackageSuffix)
// GenPackageImpl#getQualifiedPackageClassName()
private String getQualifiedPackageClassName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
getReflectionClassPackageName(gp) + "." + getPackageClassName(gp)
// GenPackageImpl#getReflectionClassPackageName()
private String getReflectionClassPackageName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
getQualifiedPackageName(gp, gp.genModel.suppressInterfaces ? gp.metaDataPackageSuffix : gp.classPackageSuffix)
// GenPackageImpl#getPackageClassName()
private string getPackageClassName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
!gp.genModel.suppressEMFMetaData && !gp.genModel.suppressInterfaces ? getPackageInterfaceName(gp) + "Impl" : getPackageInterfaceName(gp)
// GenPackageImpl#getPackageInterfaceName()
private string getPackageInterfaceName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
gp.genModel.suppressEMFMetaData && !gp.genModel.suppressInterfaces ? getPrefixedName(gp, "PackageImpl") : getPrefixedName(gp, "Package")
// GenPackageImpl#getPrefixedName()
private string getPrefixedName(genmodel::GenPackage gp, String name) :
null != gp.prefix ? gp.prefix + name : name
// GenPackageImpl#getQualifiedPackageName(String)
private String getQualifiedPackageName(genmodel::GenPackage gp, String suffix) :
isBlank(suffix) ? getQualifiedPackageName(gp) : getQualifiedPackageName(gp) + "." + suffix
// GenPackageImpl#getQualifiedPackageName()
private String getQualifiedPackageName(genmodel::GenPackage gp) :
isBlank(gp.basePackage) ? safeName( : gp.basePackage + "." + safeName(
// GenFeatureImpl#isMapEntryFeature
private boolean isMapEntryFeature(genmodel::GenFeature gf) :
gf.genClass.isMapEntry() && ("key" == || "value" ==
private boolean isBlank(String s) :
null == s || s.length() == 0
private String safeName(String name) :
JAVA org.eclipse.emf.codegen.util.CodeGenUtil.safeName(java.lang.String)