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<title>Decorator Service Example</title>
<h2>Decorator Service Example</h2>
This guide describes the Decorator Service example in the SDK.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:yes">  </SPAN>The Decorator Service provides an easy way to annotate a shape or connection with an image. This
example demonstrates how to add an image decoration above a note depending on the text in the note.<BR>
<P>This example plug-in is named <SPAN class="SpellE">org.eclipse.gmf.examples.runtime.diagram.decorator</SPAN>.
<SPAN style="mso-spacerun:yes"> </SPAN>The purpose of the plug-in is <SPAN
class="GramE">to install a decorator on a shape with description text (e.g. a note) which will review the text on the shape and decorate the shape accordingly. More specifically, if the text begins with &quot;Passed&quot; a checkmark icon is shown above the shape, and if the text begins with &quot;Failed&quot; an error icon is shown above the shape.</SPAN><BR>
<IMG border="0" src="decoratedNotes.gif" width="376" height="110">
<BR>The '<SPAN class="SpellE">ReviewDecorator</SPAN>' listens to changes to the text on the shape and adds the appropriate decoration. The '<SPAN
class="SpellE">ReviewDecoratorProvider</SPAN>' installs the 'ReviewDecorator' on all the shapes that contain description text.<SPAN
style="mso-spacerun:yes">  </SPAN>To register this provider, an
extension for the <SPAN class="SpellE">org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.decoratorProviders</SPAN>
extension point must be added to the <SPAN class="SpellE">plugin.xml</SPAN>
<P class="MsoNormal"><SPAN class="GramE">i.e.</SPAN></P><DIV
style="border:solid windowtext 1.0pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .75pt;
padding:4.0pt 4.0pt 4.0pt 4.0pt;margin-left:48.0pt;margin-right:24.0pt"><PRE
style="margin-left:0in;border:none;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .75pt;
padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:4.0pt 4.0pt 4.0pt 4.0pt"><SPAN
class="GramE"><SPAN style="color:navy">&lt;extension
&lt;Priority name=&quot;Lowest&quot;/&gt;
<P class="MsoNormal"
font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white;mso-highlight:white'><SPAN
style="mso-spacerun:yes">   </SPAN></SPAN><BR>In the '<SPAN class="SpellE">ReviewDecoratorProvider</SPAN>' class, the provides() method checks to see if the decorator target is a node with description text. This check
is necessary because we only want to install the ReviewDecorator on certain shapes. The createDecorators() method then installs the ReviewDecorator. Note: There only needs to be one decorator provider per plugin as one provider can install many decorators.<BR>
<BR>The <SPAN class="SpellE"><SPAN class="GramE">'ReviewDecorator' class adds and later removes a listener in the activate and deactivate methods that will listen to changes in the description text. The refresh() method adds the appropriate image as a decoration.</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN
<P>Refer to this example if you need to know how to add a decoration to a shape or connection on a diagram.</P>To see the ReviewDecorator in action, simply create a note on a GMF Logic Diagram and add the text &quot;Passed&quot; or &quot;Failed&quot;. The ReviewDecorator is installed as long as the
<SPAN class="SpellE">org.eclipse.gmf.examples.runtime.diagram.decorator</SPAN>
is in the target environment or workspace.<br/>
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