blob: f8f88d2f4557a7d30e1f9f5af2748af0df0b8792 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 Borland Software Corporation and others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) - initial API and implementation
«DEFINE ClassBody(cuName : String) FOR gmfgraph::Figure»«ERROR 'abstract ClassBody(Figure)'»«ENDDEFINE»
«DEFINE ClassBody(cuName : String) FOR gmfgraph::FigureRef
«EXPAND ClassBody(cuName) FOR figure
«DEFINE ClassBody(cuName : String) FOR gmfgraph::RealFigure
* @generated
public «cuName»() {
«EXPAND Layout::Init('this') FOR layout
«EXPAND Attrs::Init('this')-»
«IF not (children)[gmfgraph::Figure]->isEmpty()-»
«EXPAND Children::CreateChildren
«EXPAND Border::InitMethods»
«EXPAND Extras::extraMethods»
«EXPAND additions
«DEFINE ClassBody(cuName : String) FOR gmfgraph::PolylineConnection
* @generated
public «cuName»() {
«EXPAND Attrs::Init('this'
«IF not (children)[gmfgraph::Label]->isEmpty()-»
«IF hasSourceDecoration(self)-»
«IF hasTargetDecoration(self)-»
«IF not (children)[gmfgraph::Label]->isEmpty()»
Copy of Children::CreateChildren with temp workaround to generate child figures for labels only.
Though this is temp workaround for, I'm not sure
what's the right approach with e.g. decoration as child of a link.
* @generated
private void createContents(){
«EXPAND Children::instantiate(0, self, 'this') FOREACH (children)[gmfgraph::Label]»
«IF hasSourceDecoration(self)»
* @generated
private org.eclipse.draw2d.RotatableDecoration createSourceDecoration() {
«EXPAND Decoration::Instantiate('df') FOR sourceDecoration-»
return df;
«IF hasTargetDecoration(self)»
* @generated
private org.eclipse.draw2d.RotatableDecoration createTargetDecoration() {
«EXPAND Decoration::Instantiate('df') FOR targetDecoration-»
return df;
«EXPAND additions-»
«REM»Our regular way to add smth inside generated class body«ENDREM»
«DEFINE additions FOR gmfgraph::Figure»«ENDDEFINE»