blob: 5922a020694a233620b1b9e40446c82242f594c3 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copy of reelvant methods from org.eclipse.ocl.lpg.AbstractParser
* Sets the start and end offsets of the given <code>CSTNode</code>
* to the start and end offsets of the given <code>IToken</code>
* @param cstNode <code>CSTNode</code> to set offsets
* @param startEnd <code>IToken</code> to retrieve offsets from
private void setOffsets(CSTNode cstNode, IToken startEnd) {
* Sets the start and end offsets of the given <code>CSTNode</code>
* to the start and end offsets of the 2nd given <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param cstNode <code>CSTNode</code> to set offsets
* @param startEnd <code>CSTNode</code> to retrieve offsets from
private void setOffsets(CSTNode cstNode, CSTNode startEnd) {
* Sets the start and end offsets of the given <code>CSTNode</code>
* to the start offset of the 2nd given <code>CSTNode</code> and the
* end offset of the 3rd given <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param cstNode <code>CSTNode</code> to set offsets
* @param start <code>CSTNode</code> to retrieve start offset from
* @param end <code>CSTNode</code> to retrieve end offset from
private void setOffsets(CSTNode cstNode, CSTNode start, CSTNode end) {
* Sets the start and end offsets of the given <code>CSTNode</code>
* to the start offset of the 2nd given <code>CSTNode</code> and the
* end offset of the given <code>IToken</code>
* @param cstNode <code>CSTNode</code> to set offsets
* @param start <code>CSTNode</code> to retrieve start offset from
* @param end <code>IToken</code> to retrieve end offset from
private void setOffsets(CSTNode cstNode, CSTNode start, IToken end) {
* Sets the start and end offsets of the given <code>CSTNode</code>
* to the start offset of the given <code>IToken</code> and the
* end offset of the 2nd given <code>CSTNode</code>
* @param cstNode <code>CSTNode</code> to set offsets
* @param start <code>IToken</code> to retrieve start offset from
* @param end <code>CSTNode</code> to retrieve end offset from
private void setOffsets(CSTNode cstNode, IToken start, CSTNode end) {
* Sets the start and end offsets of the given <code>CSTNode</code>
* to the start offset of the 1std given <code>IToken</code> and the
* end offset of the 2nd given <code>IToken</code>
* @param cstNode <code>CSTNode</code> to set offsets
* @param start <code>IToken</code> to retrieve start offset from
* @param end <code>IToken</code> to retrieve end offset from
private void setOffsets(CSTNode cstNode, IToken start, IToken end) {
* Removes the "s surrounding a quoted string, if any.
* @param quoted a possibly quoted string
* @return <code>quoted</code> without the surrounding quotes, or just
* <code>quoted</code> verbatim if there were none
private String unquote(String quoted) {
String result = quoted;
if ((result != null) && (result.length() > 1)) {
int max = result.length() - 1;
if ((result.charAt(0) == '"') && (quoted.charAt(max) == '"')) {
result = result.substring(1, max);
// this is a regexp, so the backslash needs to be
// re-escaped, thus "\\" is rendered in a Java
// string literal as "\\\\"
result = result.replaceAll("\\\\\"", "\""); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
* [artem] removed extra error handling fon non-spec escape processing
return result;
private boolean isAtPre(IsMarkedPreCS atPreCS) {
return atPreCS != null;
protected String unDoubleQuote(IToken token) {
if (token == null) {
return null;
String quoted = token.toString();
if (quoted == null) {
return null;
int quotedLength = quoted.length();
if ((quotedLength < 2) || (quoted.charAt(0) != '"') || (quoted.charAt(quotedLength-1) != '"')) {
return quoted;
ProblemHandler.Severity sev = ProblemHandler.Severity.OK;
BasicEnvironment benv = getEnvironment();
if (benv != null) {
sev = benv
if ((sev != null) && (sev != ProblemHandler.Severity.OK)) {
benv.problem(sev, ProblemHandler.Phase.PARSER, OCLMessages
.bind(OCLMessages.NonStd_DQuote_Escape_, quoted),
"unquote", //$NON-NLS-1$
return decodeString(token, quoted.substring(1, quotedLength-1));
protected String unSingleQuote(IToken token) {
if (token == null) {
return null;
String quoted = token.toString();
if (quoted == null) {
return null;
int quotedLength = quoted.length();
if ((quotedLength < 2) || (quoted.charAt(0) != '\'') || (quoted.charAt(quotedLength-1) != '\'')) {
return quoted;
String unquoted = quoted.substring(1, quotedLength-1);
Boolean backslashProcessingEnabled = true;
BasicEnvironment benv = getEnvironment();
if (benv != null) {
backslashProcessingEnabled = benv
if ((backslashProcessingEnabled == null) || !backslashProcessingEnabled) {
return unquoted;
return decodeString(token, unquoted);
protected String decodeString(IToken token, String string) {
if (string.indexOf('\\') < 0) {
return string;
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
StringCharacterIterator i = new StringCharacterIterator(string);
for (char c = i.first(); c != StringCharacterIterator.DONE; c = {
if (c != '\\') {
else {
int iStart = i.getIndex();
char ch = decodeEscapeSequence(i);
if (ch != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) {
else {
[AS]: TODO: report error here
BasicEnvironment benv = getEnvironment();
benv.problem(ProblemHandler.Severity.ERROR, ProblemHandler.Phase.PARSER, OCLMessages
.bind(OCLMessages.InvalidEscapeSequence_ERROR, string.substring(iStart, i.getIndex())),
"unquote", //$NON-NLS-1$
return string;
return s.toString();
protected char decodeEscapeSequence(StringCharacterIterator i) {
int savedIndex = i.getIndex();
char c =;
switch (c) {
case 'b' : return '\b';
case 'f' : return '\f';
case 't' : return '\t';
case 'n' : return '\n';
case 'r' : return '\r';
case '\\' : return '\\';
case '\'' : return '\'';
case '"' : return '\"';
case '0' :
case '1' :
case '2' :
case '3' : {
int c1 = c - '0';
int c2 = decodeOctalCharacter(i);
if (c2 < 0) {
return (char)(c1);
int c3 = decodeOctalCharacter(i);
if (c3 < 0) {
return (char)((c1 << 3) + c2);
return (char)((c1 << 6) + (c2 << 3) + c3);
case '4' :
case '5' :
case '6' :
case '7' : {
int c1 = c - '0';
int c2 = decodeOctalCharacter(i);
if (c2 < 0) {
return (char)(c1);
return (char)((c1 << 3) + c2);
case 'x' : {
int c1 = decodeHexCharacter(;
int c2 = decodeHexCharacter(;
if ((c1 < 0) || (c2 < 0)) {
return (char)((c1 << 4) + c2);
case 'u' : {
int c1 = decodeHexCharacter(;
int c2 = decodeHexCharacter(;
int c3 = decodeHexCharacter(;
int c4 = decodeHexCharacter(;
if ((c1 < 0) || (c2 < 0) || (c3 < 0) || (c4 < 0)) {
return (char)((c1 << 12) + (c2 << 8) + (c3 << 4) + c4);
i.setIndex(savedIndex); // Give derived augmentations the same starting point
return StringCharacterIterator.DONE;
protected int decodeOctalCharacter(StringCharacterIterator i) {
char c =;
if (c == StringCharacterIterator.DONE) {
return -1;
if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '7')) {
return c - '0';
return -1;
protected int decodeHexCharacter(char c) {
if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) {
return c - '0';
if (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'F')) {
return 10 + c - 'A';
if (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'f')) {
return 10 + c - 'a';
return -1;