blob: 84f6e1a23d195be30bb9a9c2427a44a5ee8743c6 [file] [log] [blame]
modeltype GMFMAP uses mappings('');
modeltype GMFGEN uses gmfgen('');
modeltype GENMODEL uses genmodel('');
transformation Map2Gen(in mapModel : GMFMAP, in domainGenModel : GENMODEL, in diagramRuntumeGenModel : GENMODEL, out gmfgenModel : GMFGEN);
configuration property rcp : Boolean;
configuration property useMapMode : Boolean;
configuration property useFullRunTime : Boolean;
main() {
var mapRoot := mapModel.rootObjects()![GMFMAP::Mapping];
var genEditor := process();
-- 1. (+) structure (NodeMapping -> GenNode, LinkMapping -> GenLink), labels
-- 2. (*) visual id
-- 3. (*) viewmaps
-- 4. (+) navigator
-- 5. (+) parsers
-- 6. (+) palette
-- 7. (+) propertysheet
-- 8. (+) diagram runtime model
-- 9. (+) genmodel and ElementTypes (not part of the structure step?)
-- 10. (+) Audits and Metrics
-- 11. (+) Preference pages
-- 12. (*) Actions
-- 13. (-) RCP
-- 1. Can I define an imperative operation (like main), not a helper or query?
-- 2. access and new for a transformation are supported? (spec: 8.1.11 Composing Transformation)
-- 3. Dot within a comment gives codecompletion
mapping GMFMAP::Mapping::process() : GMFGEN::GenEditorGenerator@gmfgenModel {
diagram := object GenDiagram {};
modelID := rcp.repr() + useMapMode.repr() + useFullRunTime.repr();