blob: 49cd9f40bfd53afbef59a0f3018a21e578ff08f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 Borland Software Corporation and others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) - initial API and implementation
«DEFINE CreateChildren FOR gmfgraph::RealFigure
* @generated
private void createContents(){
«EXPAND instantiate(0, self, 'this') FOREACH children»
«DEFINE instantiate(count : Integer, parentFigure : gmfgraph::RealFigure, parentFigureVariable : String) FOR gmfgraph::Figure»
«ERROR 'Abstract instantiate(int, RealFigure, String)'»
«DEFINE instantiate(count : Integer, parentFigure : gmfgraph::RealFigure, parentFigureVariable : String) FOR gmfgraph::FigureRef
«LET figureVariableName(figure, count) AS figureVarName»
«EXPAND instantiate(count, parentFigure, parentFigureVariable) FOR figure
// Process FigureRef details
«EXPAND populate(count, parentFigure, parentFigureVariable, figureVarName) FOR self
«DEFINE instantiate(count : Integer, parentFigure : gmfgraph::RealFigure, parentFigureVariable : String) FOR gmfgraph::RealFigure»
«LET figureVariableName(self, count) AS figureVarName»
«EXPAND newFigureInstance(figureVarName
«EXPAND populate(count, parentFigure, parentFigureVariable, figureVarName) FOR self
«EXPAND instantiate(count + 1, self, figureVarName) FOREACH children
«DEFINE populate(count : Integer, parentFigure : gmfgraph::RealFigure, parentFigureVariable : String, figureVarName : String) FOR gmfgraph::Figure»
«EXPAND Attrs::Init(figureVarName)-»
«IF null = layoutData or null = parentFigure.layout-»«REM»Check for (parentLayout != null) to avoid generating data that won't be used. Not sure it's essential, but it was that way with old jet templates«ENDREM»
«EXPAND LayoutData::Init(parentFigureVariable, figureVarName) FOR layoutData
«EXPAND Layout::Init(figureVarName) FOR layout
«DEFINE newFigureInstance(figureVarName : String) FOR gmfgraph::RealFigure»«IF needsField(self)»«figureVarName» = «EXPAND Runtime::newInstance»;«ELSE»«EXPAND Runtime::newInstance(figureVarName)»«ENDIF»«ENDDEFINE»