blob: 0219a909186a837cd10a9f7a256289c9b8cee444 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Borland Software Corporation and others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) - initial API and implementation
«DEFINE Top(packageStmt : String) FOR gmfgraph::FigureDescriptor»
«IF packageStmt <> null and packageStmt.size() > 0»package «packageStmt»;
* @generated
public class «compilationUnitName(self extends «EXPAND Runtime::fqn FOR actualFigure» {
«EXPAND body»
«DEFINE Inner FOR gmfgraph::FigureDescriptor»
* @generated
public class «compilationUnitName(self extends «EXPAND Runtime::fqn FOR actualFigure» {
«EXPAND body»
«DEFINE body FOR gmfgraph::FigureDescriptor»
«EXPAND accessorField FOREACH accessors->select(a | not (allCustomAccessors(self).typedFigure)[gmfgraph::Figure]->includes(a.figure))»
«EXPAND Figure::ClassBody(compilationUnitName(self)) FOR actualFigure»
«EXPAND accessorToField FOREACH accessors->select(a | not (allCustomAccessors(self).typedFigure)[gmfgraph::Figure]->includes(a.figure))»
«FOREACH accessors->select(a | (allCustomAccessors(self).typedFigure)[gmfgraph::Figure]->includes(a.figure))->asSequence() AS a
«EXPAND accessorToCustom(allCustomAccessors(self)->select(fa | fa.typedFigure = a.figure)) FOR a»
«DEFINE accessorField FOR gmfgraph::ChildAccess
* @generated
private «EXPAND Runtime::fqn FOR figure» «self.figureFieldName()»;
«REM»ChildAccess points to figure we've generated, there's a field for it«ENDREM»
«DEFINE accessorToField FOR gmfgraph::ChildAccess
* @generated
public «EXPAND Runtime::fqn FOR figure» «accessor»() {
return «self.figureFieldName()»;
«REM»ChildAccess points to some child of a CustomFigure, need to delegate to it's accessor
Perhaps, should add support for ChildAccess not being generated (in case they are have same name as
«DEFINE accessorToCustom(fa : Sequence(gmfgraph::FigureAccessor)) FOR gmfgraph::ChildAccess-»
* @generated
public «EXPAND Runtime::fqn FOR figure» «accessor»() {
return «fa.accessor->first()»;