blob: 46021e91b83b831311e9a1f9a7e76e7baeed0628 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Sven Efftinge and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Sven Efftinge - Initial API and implementation
* Alexander Shatalin (Borland) - Initial API and implementation
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.gmf.tests.xtend;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.gmf.tests.expression.ast.ATypeModel;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.BuiltinMetaModel;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.expression.ExecutionContext;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.expression.ExecutionContextImpl;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.util.ClassLoadContext;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.xtend.ast.ExtensionFile;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.xtend.ast.Extension;
* FIXME ExtensionAnalyzationTest uses same extensions - reuse
public class ExtensionEvaluationTest extends AbstractXtendTest {
private ExecutionContextImpl ec;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
ec = new ExecutionContextImpl(null);
ec.setContextClassLoader(new ClassLoadContext.Naive(this.getClass().getClassLoader()));
public final void testWithEverything() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("String toUpperCase(String str) : JAVA " + Helper.class.getName() + ".toUpperCase(java.lang.String) ; \n"
+ "\n"
+ "String privateHelper(String str) : JAVA " + Helper.class.getName() + ".privateHelper(java.lang.String) ; \n"
+ "\n"
+ "String nonStaticHelper(String str) : JAVA " + Helper.class.getName() + ".nonStaticHelper(java.lang.String) ; \n"
+ "\n" + "/* \n" + " * Meine Funktion \n" + " */ \n" + "myExtension(Object val) : {val} ; \n");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
final Object[] params = new Object[] { "test" };
Extension ext = ec.getExtension("toUpperCase", detectTypes(params));
assertEquals("TEST", ext.evaluate(params, ec));
ext = ec.getExtension("myExtension", detectTypes(params));
assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("test"), ext.evaluate(params, ec));
public final void testJavaExtension2() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("Collection[Object] union(Collection[Object] c1,Collection[Object] c2) : JAVA "
+ "org.eclipse.gmf.tests.xtend.Helper.union(java.util.Collection,java.util.Collection) ; \n");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
final Object[] params = new Object[] { Collections.singleton("1"), Collections.singleton("2") };
final Extension ext = ec.getExtension("union", detectTypes(params));
final Collection result = (Collection) ext.evaluate(params, ec);
assertTrue(result.size() == 2);
public final void testPolymorphism() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("ext(Object val) : 'Object' ; \n" + "ext(List[Object] val) : 'List' ; \n"
+ "ext(Collection[Object] val) : 'Collection' ; \n" + "ext(Integer val) : 'Integer' ; \n");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
Extension ext = ec.getExtension("ext", detectTypes(new Object[] { "test" }));
assertEquals("Object", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { "test" }, ec));
ext = ec.getExtension("ext", detectTypes(new Object[] { Collections.EMPTY_SET }));
assertEquals("Collection", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { Collections.EMPTY_SET }, ec));
ext = ec.getExtension("ext", detectTypes(new Object[] { Collections.EMPTY_LIST }));
assertEquals("List", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { Collections.EMPTY_LIST }, ec));
ext = ec.getExtension("ext", detectTypes(new Object[] { new Integer(2) }));
assertEquals("Integer", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { new Integer(2) }, ec));
public final void testRecursion() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("List[Integer] recExtension(Integer von,Integer bis) : von>=bis ? {von} : recExtension(von,bis-1).add(bis) ; \n");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
final Extension ext = ec.getExtension("recExtension", detectTypes(new Object[] { new Long(5), new Long(10) }));
final List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 5; i <= 10; i++) {
expected.add(new Integer(i));
final Object evalResult = ext.evaluate(new Object[] { new Integer(5), new Integer(10) }, ec);
assertEquals(expected, evalResult);
public final void testMemberPosition() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("ext1(String txt) : 'test'+txt ;" + "ext2(String txt) : txt.ext1() ;");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
final Extension ext = ec.getExtension("ext2", detectTypes(new Object[] { "fall" }));
final Object evalResult = ext.evaluate(new Object[] { "fall" }, ec);
assertEquals("testfall", evalResult);
public final void testCachedExtension() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("cached String ext(String txt) : JAVA " + ExtensionEvaluationTest.class.getName() + ".testMethod(java.lang.String);");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
final Extension ext = ec.getExtension("ext", detectTypes(new Object[] { "test" }));
assertEquals("test0", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { "test" }, ec));
assertEquals("test0", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { "test" }, ec));
assertEquals("test0", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { "test" }, ec));
assertEquals("test0", ext.evaluate(new Object[] { "test" }, ec));
private EClassifier[] detectTypes(Object[] objects) {
EClassifier[] rv = new EClassifier[objects.length];
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
rv[i] = BuiltinMetaModel.getType(objects[i]);
return rv;
private static int magic = 0;
public final static String testMethod(final String s) {
return s + magic++;
public final void testCreateExtension() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("create List[String] l test(String s) : l.add(s) ;");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
final List l = (List) file.getExtensions().get(0).evaluate(new String[] { "test" }, ec);
assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("test"), l);
public final void testCreateExtension1() {
final ExtensionFile file = parse("create List[String] test(String s) : add(s) ;");
ec = (ExecutionContextImpl) ec.cloneWithResource(file);
final List l = (List) (file.getExtensions().get(0)).evaluate(new String[] { "test" }, ec);
assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("test"), l);
public final void testAmbigous() {
ATypeModel aType = new ATypeModel();
final ExtensionFile file = parse("import '"+ aType.getMetaType().getEPackage().getName() +"';"+
"doStuff(" + aType.getMetaType().getName() + " this) : true; " +
"doStuff(" + aType.getMetaTypeC().getName() + " this) : false;");
ExecutionContext ctx = aType.newContext(file);
assertNotNull(ctx.getExtension("doStuff", new EClassifier[] { aType.getMetaType() }));
try {
ctx.getExtension("doStuff", new EClassifier[] { aType.getMetaTypeB() });
fail("Ambigous operation exception expected");
} catch (final RuntimeException re) {