blob: 20a7e9bab751b88f6d343169f827a64296ba3297 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="build-site">
<target name="init">
<property name="sitedir" location="thirdparty-nonp2"/>
<property name="thriftversion" value="0.9.3"/>
<property name="thrifturl" value="${thriftversion}/libthrift-${thriftversion}.jar" />
<property name="thriftfname" value="org.apache.thrift_${thriftversion}.jar"/>
<property name="unsigned_thriftfname" value="unsigned-thrift.jar"/>
<!-- Packages everything we don't have in p2 update sites to a p2 update site, which we can upload to Github Pages and use from Tycho (Tycho only works with unpacked p2 repos). -->
<target name="build-site" depends="init">
<delete dir="${sitedir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${sitedir}/features"/>
<mkdir dir="${sitedir}/plugins"/>
<!-- SVNKit has a "publish yourself as OSS and you'll be fine" kind of license ( -->
<!-- 1.8.x no longer available: leave out for now, will need to move to
SVNKit 1.10.x from 2.1.0 onwards (will need CQ) -->
<!--<p2.mirror source="">
<destination kind="metadata" location="file://${sitedir}" name="SVNKit" append="true" />
<destination kind="artifact" location="file://${sitedir}" name="SVNKit" append="true" />
<iu id="" />
<iu id="" />
<delete dir="${sitedir}" includes="*.jar"/>-->
<!-- Thrift is an Apache project (ASL 2.0) -->
<get src="${thrifturl}" dest="${unsigned_thriftfname}"/>
<!-- We can only get access to the signing service from Jenkins!-->
<exec dir="${basedir}" executable="curl">
<arg value="--output"/>
<arg value="${sitedir}/plugins/${thriftfname}"/>
<arg value="--form"/>
<arg value="file=@${unsigned_thriftfname}"/>
<arg value="--silent"/>
<arg value="--show-error"/>
<arg value="--fail"/>
<arg value=""/>
<features dir="${sitedir}/features" />
<bundles dir="${sitedir}/plugins" />