blob: 0088f7b491015e0ff5e78db57a09b8c6ca18aa1d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Aston University.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
* Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 3.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-3.0
* Contributors:
* Antonio Garcia-Dominguez - initial API and implementation
@namespace(uri="", prefix="")
package hawk_api;
// Credentials: implied in the "auth" @doc attribute.
// VCSAuthenticationFailed, VCSAuthorizationFailed: for VCS credentials.
// AG: to simplify the API, auth="true" (the default) should imply that both authorization
// and authentication exceptions could happen.
@doc(d="The majority of service operations provided by the server
require user authentication (indicated in the top-left
cell of each operation table) to prevent unaccountable use.
As such, the platform needs to provide basic user management service operations
for creating, updating and deleting user accounts. When handling passwords, only SSL should be used, as otherwise they could be intercepted. ")
class Users {
@doc(d="Creates a new platform user")
op void createUser (
@doc(d="A unique identifier for the user") String username,
@doc(d="The desired password") String password,
@doc(d="The profile of the user") UserProfile profile
) throws UserExists;
@doc(d="Updates the profile of a platform user")
op void updateProfile (
@doc(d="The name of the user to update the profile of") String username,
@doc(d="The updated profile of the user") UserProfile profile
) throws UserNotFound;
@doc(d="Updates the password of a platform user")
op void updatePassword (
@doc(d="The name of the user to update the profile of") String username,
@doc(d="New password to be set") String newPassword
) throws UserNotFound;
@doc(d="Deletes a platform user")
op void deleteUser (
@doc(d="The name of the user to delete") String username
) throws UserNotFound;
@doc(d="The following service operations expose the capabilities of the Hawk heterogeneous model indexing framework.")
class Hawk {
@doc(d="Creates a new Hawk instance (stopped).")
op void createInstance(
@doc(d="The unique name of the new Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The name of the backend to be used, as returned by listBackends()") String backend,
@doc(d="Minimum delay between periodic synchronization in milliseconds") int minimumDelayMillis,
@doc(d="Maximum delay between periodic synchronization in milliseconds (0 to disable periodic synchronization)") int maximumDelayMillis,
@doc(d="List of plugins to be enabled: if not set, all plugins are enabled.", optional="true") String[*] enabledPlugins,
@doc(d="Factory to be used: if not set, the standard LocalHawkFactory is used.", optional="true") String indexFactory
) throws HawkFactoryNotFound;
@doc(d="Lists the names of the available storage backends")
op String[*] listBackends();
@doc(d="Lists all the Hawk plugins that can be enabled or disabled: metamodel parsers, model parsers and graph change listeners.")
op String[*] listPlugins();
@doc(d="Lists all the Hawk plugins that can be enabled or disabled, with details about each of them")
op HawkPlugin[*] listPluginDetails();
@doc(d="Lists the details of all Hawk instances")
op HawkInstance[*] listInstances();
@doc(d="Removes an existing Hawk instance")
op void removeInstance(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance to remove") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound;
@doc(d="Starts a stopped Hawk instance")
op void startInstance(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance to start") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound;
@doc(d="Stops a running Hawk instance")
op void stopInstance(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance to stop") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Forces an immediate synchronization on a Hawk instance")
op void syncInstance(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance to stop") String name,
@doc(d="If true, blocks the call until the synchronisation completes. False by default.", optional="true", default="false") boolean blockUntilDone
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Registers a set of file-based metamodels with a Hawk instance")
op void registerMetamodels (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The metamodels to register.
More than one metamodel file can be provided in one
request, to accomodate fragmented metamodels.") File[*] metamodel
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, InvalidMetamodel, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Unregisters a metamodel from a Hawk instance")
op void unregisterMetamodels (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The URIs of the metamodels") String[*] metamodel
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Lists the URIs of the registered metamodels of a Hawk instance")
op String[*] listMetamodels (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Lists the names of the types registered for a certain metamodel in an instance")
op String[*] listTypeNames(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String hawkInstanceName,
@doc(d="The URI of the metamodel") String metamodelURI
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, HawkMetamodelNotFound;
@doc(d="Lists the names of the attributes in a type registered for a certain metamodel in an instance")
op String[*] listAttributeNames(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String hawkInstanceName,
@doc(d="The URI of the metamodel") String metamodelURI,
@doc(d="The name of the type") String typeName
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, HawkMetamodelNotFound, HawkTypeNotFound;
@doc(d="Lists the details of the metamodel parsers in a Hawk instance")
op MetamodelParserDetails[*] listMetamodelParsers(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Lists the supported query languages and their status")
op String[*] listQueryLanguages(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name
@doc(d="Runs a query on a Hawk instance and returns a sequence of scalar values and/or model elements.")
op QueryResult query (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The query to be executed") String query,
@doc(d="The name of the query language used (e.g. EOL, OCL)") String language,
@doc(d="Options for the query") HawkQueryOptions options
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, UnknownQueryLanguage, InvalidQuery, FailedQuery;
@doc(d="Runs a query on a Hawk instance and returns a sequence of scalar values and/or model elements.")
op QueryReport timedQuery (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The query to be executed") String query,
@doc(d="The name of the query language used (e.g. EOL, OCL)") String language,
@doc(d="Options for the query") HawkQueryOptions options
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, UnknownQueryLanguage, InvalidQuery, FailedQuery;
@doc(d="Returns populated model elements for the provided proxies")
op ModelElement[*] resolveProxies (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="Proxy model element IDs to be resolved") String[*] ids,
@doc(d="Options for the query") HawkQueryOptions options
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Schedules a query to run on a Hawk instance, returning a UUID for later reference.")
op String asyncQuery (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The query to be executed") String query,
@doc(d="The name of the query language used (e.g. EOL, OCL)") String language,
@doc(d="Options for the query") HawkQueryOptions options
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, UnknownQueryLanguage, InvalidQuery;
@doc(d="Cancels a running query in the Hawk server, freeing its resources.")
op void cancelAsyncQuery (@doc(d="The query ID returned by asyncQuery") String queryID) throws InvalidQuery;
@doc(d="Fetches the results from a scheduled query, freeing its resources. Blocks until the query has completed.")
op QueryReport fetchAsyncQueryResults(@doc(d="The query ID returned by asyncQuery") String queryID) throws InvalidQuery, FailedQuery;
@doc(d="Asks a Hawk instance to start monitoring a repository")
op void addRepository (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The repository to monitor") Repository repo,
@doc(d="A valid set of credentials that has read-access to the repository", optional="true") Credentials credentials
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, UnknownRepositoryType, VCSAuthenticationFailed;
@doc(d="Returns true if a repository is frozen, false otherwise.")
op boolean isFrozen (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The URI of the repository to query") String uri
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Changes the 'frozen' state of a repository")
op void setFrozen (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The URI of the repository to be changed") String uri,
@doc(d="Whether the repository should be frozen (true) or not (false)") Boolean isFrozen
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Asks a Hawk instance to stop monitoring a repository and remove its elements from the graph")
op void removeRepository (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The URI of the repository to stop monitoring") String uri
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Changes the credentials used to monitor a repository")
op void updateRepositoryCredentials (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The URI of the repository to update") String uri,
@doc(d="The new credentials to be used") Credentials cred
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Lists the repositories monitored by a Hawk instance")
op Repository[*] listRepositories (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Lists the available repository types in this installation")
op String[*] listRepositoryTypes();
@doc(d="Lists the paths of the files of the indexed repository")
op String[*] listFiles (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The URI of the indexed repository") String[*] repository,
@doc(d="File name patterns to search for (* lists all files)") String[*] filePatterns
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Sets the base polling period and max interval of a Hawk instance")
op void configurePolling (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The base polling period (in seconds)") int base,
@doc(d="The maximum polling interval (in seconds)") int max
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, InvalidPollingConfiguration;
@doc(d="Add a new derived attribute to a Hawk instance")
op void addDerivedAttribute (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The details of the new derived attribute") DerivedAttributeSpec spec
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, InvalidDerivedAttributeSpec;
@doc(d="Remove a derived attribute from a Hawk instance")
op void removeDerivedAttribute (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The details of the derived attribute to be removed.
Only the first three fields of the spec
need to be populated") DerivedAttributeSpec spec
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Lists the derived attributes of a Hawk instance. Only the first three fields of the spec are currently populated")
op DerivedAttributeSpec[*] listDerivedAttributes (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Add a new indexed attribute to a Hawk instance")
op void addIndexedAttribute (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The details of the new indexed attribute") IndexedAttributeSpec spec
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning, InvalidIndexedAttributeSpec;
@doc(d="Remove a indexed attribute from a Hawk instance")
op void removeIndexedAttribute (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The details of the indexed attribute to be removed") IndexedAttributeSpec spec
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Lists the indexed attributes of a Hawk instance")
op IndexedAttributeSpec[*] listIndexedAttributes (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Returns the contents of one or more models indexed in a Hawk instance. Cross-model references are also resolved, and contained objects are always sent.")
op ModelElement[*] getModel (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="Options to limit the contents to be sent") HawkQueryOptions options
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Returns the root objects of one or more models indexed in a Hawk instance. Node IDs are always sent, and contained objects are never sent.")
op ModelElement[*] getRootElements (
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="Options to limit the contents to be sent") HawkQueryOptions options
@doc(d="Returns subscription details to a queue of HawkStateEvents with notifications about changes in the indexer's state", queueOf="HawkStateEvent")
op Subscription watchStateChanges(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Returns subscription details to a queue of HawkChangeEvents with notifications about changes to a set of indexed models.", queueOf="HawkChangeEvent")
op Subscription watchModelChanges(
@doc(d="The name of the Hawk instance") String name,
@doc(d="The URI of the repository in which the model is contained") String repositoryUri,
@doc(d="The pattern(s) for the model file(s) in the repository") String[*] filePath,
@doc(d="Unique client ID (used as suffix for the queue name)") String clientID,
@doc(d="Durability of the subscription.") SubscriptionDurability durableEvents
) throws HawkInstanceNotFound, HawkInstanceNotRunning;
@doc(d="Representation of a set of rules for either including or excluding metamodels, types or slots")"uri", value="metamodel")
class EffectiveMetamodelMap {
@doc(d="Namespace URI of the metamodel")
val String uri;
@doc(d="Types and slots within the metamodel that should be included or excluded: empty means 'all types and slots'")
val EffectiveMetamodel[*] metamodel;
@doc(d="Representation of a set of rules for either including or excluding certain types and/or slots within a metamodel")"type", value="slots")
class EffectiveMetamodel {
@doc(d="Type that should be included or excluded")
val String type;
@doc(d="Slots within the type that should be included or excluded: empty means 'all slots'")
val String[*] slots;
@doc(d="Options for a Hawk query")
class HawkQueryOptions {
@doc(d="The repository for the query (or * for all repositories)", optional="true", default="*")
attr String repositoryPattern;
@doc(d="The file patterns for the query (e.g. *.uml)", optional="true")
attr String[*] filePatterns;
@doc(d="The default namespaces to be used to resolve ambiguous unqualified types", optional="true", default="")
attr String defaultNamespaces;
@doc(d="Whether to include attributes (true) or not (false) in model element results", optional="true", default="true")
attr Boolean includeAttributes;
@doc(d="Whether to include references (true) or not (false) in model element results", optional="true", default="true")
attr Boolean includeReferences;
@doc(d="Whether to include node IDs (true) or not (false) in model element results", optional="true", default="false")
attr Boolean includeNodeIDs;
@doc(d="Whether to include all the child elements of the model element results (true) or not (false)", optional="true", default="true")
attr Boolean includeContained;
@doc(d="If set and not empty, only the specified metamodels, types and features will be fetched. Otherwise, everything that is not excluded will be fetched. The string '*' can be used to refer to all types within a metamodel or all fields within a type.", optional="true")
val EffectiveMetamodelMap effectiveMetamodelIncludes;
@doc(d="If set and not empty, the mentioned metamodels, types and features will not be fetched. The string '*' can be used to refer to all types within a metamodel or all fields within a type.", optional="true")
val EffectiveMetamodelMap effectiveMetamodelExcludes;
@doc(d="Whether to include derived attributes (true) or not (false) in model element results", optional="true", default="true")
attr Boolean includeDerived;
@doc(d="Entity that represents a model repository")
class Repository {
@doc(d="The URI to the repository") attr String uri;
@doc(d="The type of repository") attr String type;
@doc(d="True if the repository is frozen, false otherwise", default="false", optional="true") attr Boolean isFrozen;
@doc(d="One of the states that a Hawk instance can be in.")
enum HawkState {
@doc(d="The instance is running and monitoring the indexed locations") RUNNING;
@doc(d="The instance is updating its contents from the indexed locations") UPDATING;
@doc(d="The instance is stopped and is not monitoring any indexed locations") STOPPED;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a change in the state of a Hawk instance")
class HawkStateEvent {
@doc(d="Timestamp for this state change") val long timestamp;
@doc(d="State of the Hawk instance") val HawkState state;
@doc(d="Short message about the current status of the server") val String message;
@doc(d="Details about a Hawk plugin installed on the server")
class HawkPlugin {
@doc(d="Unique identifier") val String name;
@doc(d="Human-friendly description") val String description;
@doc(d="Plugin category") val HawkPluginCategory category;
@doc(d="Hawk plugin categories")
enum HawkPluginCategory {
@doc(d="Serialized form of a change in the indexed models of a Hawk instance")
class HawkChangeEvent {
@doc(d="A model element was added.") val HawkModelElementAdditionEvent modelElementAddition;
@doc(d="A model element was removed.") val HawkModelElementRemovalEvent modelElementRemoval;
@doc(d="An attribute was updated.") val HawkAttributeUpdateEvent modelElementAttributeUpdate;
@doc(d="An attribute was removed.") val HawkAttributeRemovalEvent modelElementAttributeRemoval;
@doc(d="A reference was added.") val HawkReferenceAdditionEvent referenceAddition;
@doc(d="A reference was removed.") val HawkReferenceRemovalEvent referenceRemoval;
@doc(d="Synchronization started.") val HawkSynchronizationStartEvent syncStart;
@doc(d="Synchronization ended.") val HawkSynchronizationEndEvent syncEnd;
@doc(d="A file was added.") val HawkFileAdditionEvent fileAddition;
@doc(d="A file was removed.") val HawkFileRemovalEvent fileRemoval;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a model element addition event.")
class HawkModelElementAdditionEvent {
@doc(d="Entry within the commit that produced the changes.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="Metamodel URI of the type of the model element") val String metamodelURI;
@doc(d="Name of the type of the model element") val String typeName;
@doc(d="Identifier of the model element that was added.") val String ~id;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a model element removal event.")
class HawkModelElementRemovalEvent {
@doc(d="Entry within the commit that produced the changes.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="Identifier of the model element that was removed.") val String ~id;
@doc(d="Serialized form of an attribute update event.")
class HawkAttributeUpdateEvent {
@doc(d="Entry within the commit that produced the changes.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="Identifier of the model element that was changed.") val String ~id;
@doc(d="Name of the attribute that was changed.") val String attribute;
@doc(d="New value for the attribute.") val SlotValue value;
@doc(d="Serialized form of an attribute removal event.")
class HawkAttributeRemovalEvent {
@doc(d="Entry within the commit that produced the changes.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="Identifier of the model element that was changed.") val String ~id;
@doc(d="Name of the attribute that was removed.") val String attribute;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a reference addition event.")
class HawkReferenceAdditionEvent {
@doc(d="Entry within the commit that produced the changes.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="Identifier of the source model element.") val String ~sourceId;
@doc(d="Identifier of the target model element.") val String ~targetId;
@doc(d="Name of the reference that was added.") val String refName;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a reference removal event.")
class HawkReferenceRemovalEvent {
@doc(d="Entry within the commit that produced the changes.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="Identifier of the source model element.") val String ~sourceId;
@doc(d="Identifier of the target model element.") val String ~targetId;
@doc(d="Name of the reference that was removed.") val String refName;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a sync start event.")
class HawkSynchronizationStartEvent {
@doc(d="Local timestamp, measured in nanoseconds. Only meant to be used to compute synchronization cost.") val long timestampNanos;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a sync end event.")
class HawkSynchronizationEndEvent {
@doc(d="Local timestamp, measured in nanoseconds. Only meant to be used to compute synchronization cost.") val long timestampNanos;
@doc(d="Serialized form of a file addition event.")
class HawkFileAdditionEvent {
@doc(d="Reference to file that was added, including VCS metadata.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="A file was removed.")
class HawkFileRemovalEvent {
@doc(d="Reference to file that was removed, including VCS metadata.") val CommitItem vcsItem;
@doc(d="Simplified entry within a commit of a repository.")
class CommitItem {
@doc(d="URL of the repository") attr String repoURL;
@doc(d="Unique identifier of the revision of the repository.") attr String revision;
@doc(d="Path within the repository, using / as separator.") attr String path;
@doc(d="Type of change within the commit.") attr CommitItemChangeType type;
@doc(d="Type of change within a commit.")
enum CommitItemChangeType {
@doc(d="File was added.") ADDED;
@doc(d="File was removed.") DELETED;
@doc(d="File was updated.") UPDATED;
@doc(d="File was removed.") REPLACED;
@doc(d="Unknown type of change.") UNKNOWN;
@doc(d="No Hawk instance exists with that name.")
class HawkInstanceNotFound {
@doc(d="Name provided by the client.", optional="true")
attr String instanceName;
@doc(d="No Hawk factory exists with that name.")
class HawkFactoryNotFound {
@doc(d="Name provided by the client.", optional="true")
attr String factoryName;
@doc(d="The selected Hawk instance is not running.")
class HawkInstanceNotRunning {
@doc(d="Name provided by the client.", optional="true")
attr String instanceName;
@doc(d="The selected Hawk instance does not have a metamodel with that URI.")
class HawkMetamodelNotFound {
@doc(d="URI provided by the client.", optional="true")
attr String metamodelURI;
@doc(d="The selected Hawk instance does not have a type with that name.")
class HawkTypeNotFound {
@doc(d="Name provided by the client.", optional="true")
attr String typeName;
@doc(d="The provided metamodel is not valid (e.g. unparsable or inconsistent).")
class InvalidMetamodel {
@doc(d="Reason for the metamodel not being valid.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="The specified query language is not supported by the operation.")
class UnknownQueryLanguage {
@doc(d="Query language requested by the client.", optional="true")
attr String queryLanguage;
@doc(d="The specified repository type is not supported by the operation.")
class UnknownRepositoryType {
@doc(d="Repository type provided by the client.", optional="true")
attr String repositoryType;
@doc(d="The specified query is not valid")
class InvalidQuery {
@doc(d="Reason for the query not being valid.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="The specified query failed to complete its execution")
class FailedQuery {
@doc(d="Reason for the query failing to complete its execution.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="The derived attribute specification is not valid")
class InvalidDerivedAttributeSpec {
@doc(d="Reason for the spec not being valid.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="The indexed attribute specification is not valid")
class InvalidIndexedAttributeSpec {
@doc(d="Reason for the spec not being valid.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="The polling configuration is not valid")
class InvalidPollingConfiguration {
@doc(d="Reason for the spec not being valid.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="Credentials of the client in the target VCS")
class Credentials {
@doc(d="Username for logging into the VCS")
attr String username;
@doc(d="Password for logging into the VCS")
attr String password;
@doc(d="Represents a model element")
class ModelElement {
@doc(d="Unique ID of the model element (not set if using position-based references)", optional="true")
attr String ~id;
@doc(d="URI of the repository to which the element belongs (not set if equal to that of the previous model element)", optional="true")
attr String repositoryURL;
@doc(d="Name of the file to which the element belongs (not set if equal to that of the previous model element)", optional="true")
attr String file;
@doc(d="URI of the metamodel to which the type of the element belongs (not set if equal to that of the previous model element)", optional="true")
attr String metamodelUri;
@doc(d="Name of the type that the model element is an instance of (not set if equal to that of the previous model element)", optional="true")
attr String typeName;
@doc(d="Slots holding the values of the model element's attributes, if any have been set", optional="true")
val AttributeSlot[*] attributes;
@doc(d="Slots holding the values of the model element's references, if any have been set", optional="true")
val ReferenceSlot[*] references;
@doc(d="Slots holding contained model elements, if any have been set", optional="true")
val ContainerSlot[*] containers;
@doc(d="Represents a type of model element")
class ModelElementType {
@doc(d="Unique ID of the model element type")
attr String ~id;
@doc(d="URI of the metamodel to which the type belongs")
attr String metamodelUri;
@doc(d="Name of the type")
attr String typeName;
@doc(d="Metadata for the attribute slots", optional="true")
val SlotMetadata[*] attributes;
@doc(d="Metadata for the reference slots", optional="true")
val SlotMetadata[*] references;
@doc(d="Represents a slot that can store the value(s) of a property of a model element")
class Slot {
@doc(d="The name of the model element property the value of which is stored in this slot")
attr String name;
@doc(d="Represents the metadata of a slot in a model element type")
class SlotMetadata {
@doc(d="The name of the model element property that is stored in this slot")
attr String name;
@doc(d="The type of the values in this slot")
attr String type;
@doc(d="True if this slot holds a collection of values instead of a single value.")
attr boolean isMany;
@doc(d="True if the values in this slot are ordered.")
attr boolean isOrdered;
@doc(d="True if the value of this slot must be unique within its containing model.")
attr boolean isUnique;
@doc(d="Represents a slot that can store the value(s) of an attribute of a model element")
class AttributeSlot extends Slot {
@doc(d="Value of the slot (if set).", optional="true")
val SlotValue value;
Represents a slot that can store the value(s) of a reference of a model element.
References can be expressed as positions within a result tree (using pre-order traversal)
or IDs. id, ids, position, positions and mixed are all mutually exclusive. At least one position
or one ID must be given.
class ReferenceSlot extends Slot {
@doc(d="Position of the referenced element (if there is only one position-based reference in this slot)", optional="true")
val int position;
@doc(d="Positions of the referenced elements (if more than one).", optional="true")
val int[*] positions;
@doc(d="Unique identifier of the referenced element (if there is only one ID based reference in this slot)", optional="true")
val String ~id;
@doc(d="Unique identifiers of the referenced elements (if more than one).", optional="true")
val String[*] ids;
@doc(d="Mix of identifier- and position-bsaed references (if there is at least one position and one ID)", optional="true")
val MixedReference[*] mixed;
@doc(d="Represents a reference to a model element: it can be an identifier or a position.
Only used when the same ReferenceSlot has both identifier-based and position-based references.
This may be the case if we are retrieving a subset of the model which has references
between its elements and with elements outside the subset at the same time.")
class MixedReference {
@doc(d="Identifier-based reference to a model element")
val String ~id;
@doc(d="Position-based reference to a model element")
val int position;
//"name", value="elements")
@doc(d="Represents a slot that can store other model elements within a model element")
class ContainerSlot extends Slot {
@doc(d="Contained elements for this slot.")
val ModelElement[*] elements;
@doc(d="Union type for a scalar value, a reference to a model element, a heterogeneous
list or a string/value map. Query results may return all types of results, so we need
to stay flexible.")
class QueryResult extends Value {
@doc(d="Encoded model element.")
val ModelElement vModelElement;
@doc(d="Encoded model element type.")
val ModelElementType vModelElementType;
@doc(d="Map between query results.")
val QueryResultMap vMap;
@doc(d="Nested list of query results.")
val QueryResult[*] vList;
@doc(d="Report from a query, including execution time and any other information we may consider later")
class QueryReport {
@doc(d="Result of the query")
val QueryResult result;
@doc(d="Wall time on the server in milliseconds")
attr long wallMillis;
@doc(d="Was the query cancelled?")
attr boolean isCancelled = false;
}"name", value="value")
class QueryResultMap {
attr String name;
val QueryResult value;
@doc(d="Union type for a single scalar value.")
class Value {
// If we only have one value, even if it should be a list, it's
// better to use this so we don't use space specifying "size 1".
@doc(d="Boolean (true/false) value.") attr boolean vBoolean;
@doc(d="8-bit signed integer value.") attr byte vByte;
@doc(d="16-bit signed integer value.")attr short vShort;
@doc(d="32-bit signed integer value.")attr int vInteger;
@doc(d="64-bit signed integer value.")attr long vLong;
@doc(d="64-bit floating point value.") attr double vDouble;
@doc(d="Sequence of UTF8 characters.") attr String vString;
@doc(d="Union type for a single scalar value, a homogeneous collection of scalar values, or a collection of collections.")
class SlotValue extends Value {
// Only for when we have 2 or more values!
@doc(d="List of true/false values.") attr boolean[*] vBooleans;
@doc(d="List of 8-bit signed integers.") attr EByteArray vBytes;
@doc(d="List of 16-bit signed integers.") attr short[*] vShorts;
@doc(d="List of 32-bit signed integers.") attr int[*] vIntegers;
@doc(d="List of 64-bit signed integers.") attr long[*] vLongs;
@doc(d="List of 64-bit floating point values.") attr double[*] vDoubles;
@doc(d="List of sequences of UTF8 characters.") attr String[*] vStrings;
@doc(d="List of lists.") val SlotValue[*] vLists;
@doc(d="Captures information about source/target models of ATL transformations")
class ModelSpec {
@doc(d="The URI from which the model will be loaded or to which it will be persisted")
attr String uri;
@doc(d="The URIs of the metamodels to which elements of the model conform")
attr String[*] metamodelUris;
@doc(d="Used to configure Hawk's indexed attributes (discussed in D5.3)")
class IndexedAttributeSpec {
@doc(d="The URI of the metamodel to which the indexed attribute belongs")
attr String metamodelUri;
@doc(d="The name of the type to which the indexed attribute belongs")
attr String typeName;
@doc(d="The name of the indexed attribute")
attr String attributeName;
@doc(d="Used to configure Hawk's derived attributes (discussed in D5.3)")
class DerivedAttributeSpec {
@doc(d="The URI of the metamodel to which the derived attribute belongs")
attr String metamodelUri;
@doc(d="The name of the type to which the derived attribute belongs")
attr String typeName;
@doc(d="The name of the derived attribute")
attr String attributeName;
@doc(d="The (primitive) type of the derived attribute", optional="true")
attr String attributeType;
@doc(d="The multiplicity of the derived attribute", optional="true")
attr boolean isMany;
@doc(d="A flag specifying whether the order of the values of the derived attribute is significant (only makes sense when isMany=true)", optional="true")
attr boolean isOrdered;
@doc(d="A flag specifying whether the the values of the derived attribute are unique (only makes sense when isMany=true)", optional="true")
attr boolean isUnique;
@doc(d="The language used to express the derivation logic", optional="true")
attr String derivationLanguage;
@doc(d="An executable expression of the derivation logic in the language above", optional="true")
attr String derivationLogic;
@doc(d="Status of a Hawk instance")
class HawkInstance {
@doc(d="The name of the instance")
attr String name;
@doc(d="Current state of the instance")
attr HawkState state;
@doc(d="Last info message from the instance")
attr String message;
@doc(d="Minimal details about registered users")
class UserProfile {
@doc(d="The real name of the user")
attr String realName;
@doc(d="Whether the user has admin rights (i.e. so that they can create new users, change the status of admin users etc)")
attr boolean admin;
datatype EByteArray : "byte[]";
@doc(d="A file to be sent through the network")
class File {
@doc(d="Name of the file.") attr String name;
@doc(d="Sequence of bytes with the contents of the file.") attr EByteArray contents;
@doc(d="The specified username already exists.")
class UserExists {}
@doc(d="The specified username does not exist.")
class UserNotFound {}
@doc(d="The client failed to prove its identity in the VCS.")
class VCSAuthenticationFailed {}
@doc(d="The transformation is not valid: it is unparsable or inconsistent.")
class InvalidTransformation {
@doc(d="Reason for the transformation not being valid.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="Location of the problem, if applicable. Usually a combination of line and column numbers.") attr String location;
@doc(d="The model specification is not valid: the model or the metamodels are inaccessible or invalid.")
class InvalidModelSpec {
@doc(d="A copy of the invalid model specification.") val ModelSpec spec;
@doc(d="Reason for the spec not being valid.") attr String reason;
@doc(d="Details about a subscription to a topic queue")
class Subscription {
@doc(d="Host name of the message queue server") attr String host;
@doc(d="Port in which the message queue server is listening") attr int port;
@doc(d="Address of the topic queue") attr String queueAddress;
@doc(d="Name of the topic queue") attr String queueName;
@doc(d="Whether SSL is required or not", default="false") attr boolean sslRequired;
@doc(d="Durability of a subscription")
enum SubscriptionDurability {
@doc(d="Subscription removed after disconnecting.") TEMPORARY;
@doc(d="Subscription survives client disconnections but not server restarts.") DEFAULT;
@doc(d="Subscription survives client disconnections and server restarts.") DURABLE;
@doc(d="Details for a metamodel registered in a Hawk instance")
class MetamodelParserDetails {
@doc(d="Recognised file extensions, starting with '.'")
val String[*] fileExtensions;
@doc(d="Type identifier")
attr String identifier;