blob: 1be99e61e6f134cda7a704112b4bff2e6360ce9f [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Web Tools Platform Patch Build Notes</title>
<h1>WTP 3.0.5 Patches</h1>
<p>Bug <a href=''>272389</a>. tokenizers stuck in loop when input not matched</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>278131</a>. StackOverflow thrown in JDOMSearchHelper.findInnerJavaElement</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>279038</a>. JSP opens dirty if content type header misspells "charset"</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>279175</a>. An internal error occurred during: "Validation TestEJB".</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>281147</a>. problem adding ee5 libs to container</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>281562</a>. Unsafe JDT calls in classpath container code</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283176</a>. NPE in EARArtifactEdit.getModuleByManifestURI(String uri)</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283209</a>. !MESSAGE Exception while reading /EAR5Client/.classpath</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283318</a>. Single root check failing when source folder mapped but deleted</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283580</a>. EAR 5.0 libs performance and missing updates</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283601</a>. For Web Project verify source folders and web content do not collide</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283632</a>. EJb ref validation in EAR validator need to throw error message</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>284302</a>. Memory leaks in IArchive classes</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>284327</a>. Memory leaks because of final static constants</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>284932</a>. TaglibIndex optimization ignores important resource change events</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>285087</a>. JSP Translator does not support IterationTag constructs</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>286937</a>. ExceptionInInitializerError from TaglibHelper.isIterationTag in log</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>286969</a>. Java string constants containing entity references get decoded</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>287742</a>. EAR import showing ejb client jars on second page when it should not</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>287749</a>. Core exceptions during EAR import</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>288184</a>. Ear import fails if two EJB modules use same client jar</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>288832</a>. IArchive performance problems with large amount of files within single archive</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>289203</a>. Facet classpath utility not properly migrating legacy projects</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>288290</a>. NPEs in TLDCMDocumentManager</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>289257</a>. [translation] JSPTranslator should handle assignment in JSP expressions</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290832</a>. Backport the fix for bugzilla#260931 to wtp 3.0.5</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290738</a>. False errors/warnings when validating expressions with maps</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290543</a>. Backport the fix for bugilla#282936 to wtp 3.0.5</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290412</a>. Performance problem in method TypeUtil.resolveInParents()</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290581</a>. Manual validation is cleaning up the already validated cache on every call</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290742</a>. EAR Export not properly closing 1.4 archives</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290757</a>. 'Prepare for Deployment' error message states "J2EEDeployOperation_2_UI_"</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290837</a>. Exceptions from JEM in adopter product</p>
<p>Bug <a href="">290966</a>. JSP include directives do not handle non-JSP content types</p>
<p>Bug <a href="">291143</a>. Mechanism to expose WEB-INF/lib classpath component dependencies</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291225</a>. Output folder support in JavaEE projects</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291251</a>. API needed to determine if project has no single root and reasons why</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291266</a>. Deleting java source folders should remove the corresponding artifacts from the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291536</a>. Session Bean remote interface validation should be error for missing methods</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>249044</a>. Web module's jar modules from another project are not published for Tomcat.</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>272013</a>. JEM JemProjectUtilities#getClasspathAsURLArray(IJavaProject) fails to handle class folders</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290739</a>. Don't validate the expression segments after the map if the map value type is Object</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292079</a>. [parser] Scriptlet in <script> attribute tags can cause the region to not be block text</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292081</a>. [translation] Javascript can cause custom tags to not be translated</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292162</a>. isSingleRoot API should allow non Java src folder as output for JCA</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292177</a>. [validation] JSPDirectiveValidator#processTaglibDirective should handle URL Taglib Records</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292186</a>. WebLib Quick fixes reverting exclusions</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293047</a>. Problem with WTPWorkingCopyManager and deleting projects</p>