blob: b42cdd07d07bf63d6f79d221390c5478a7134994 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jem.internal.adapters.jdom;
* $RCSfile:,v $
* $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2004/08/27 15:35:09 $
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMIResource;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
* Insert the type's description here.
* Creation date: (6/6/2000 4:42:50 PM)
* @author: Administrator
public abstract class JDOMAdaptor extends JavaReflectionAdaptor {
protected final static JavaRefPackage JAVA_PACK = JavaRefFactoryImpl.getPackage();
protected IJavaProject sourceProject;
final public static int INVALID_LINENO = -1;
final protected Integer fLINENOLock = new Integer(INVALID_LINENO);
// This object is not static, as it is used as synchronization element.
private int fResolvedLineNo = INVALID_LINENO; // Line offset in source file
private int fResolvedColNo = INVALID_LINENO; // Column offset in source file
public JDOMAdaptor(Notifier target, IJavaProject workingProject) {
protected void clearSource() {
// To be overidden if needed.
* Scan for CRs and LFs within a character buffer
* Creation date: (8/17/2001 2:14:13 PM)
* @return int LineNo at charOffset
* @param charOffset int
* @param buffer org.eclipse.jdt.core.IBuffer
private void computeLineOffset(int charOffset, IBuffer buffer) {
fResolvedColNo = fResolvedLineNo = INVALID_LINENO;
if (buffer == null)
char[] charBuff = buffer.getCharacters();
if (charBuff == null)
int LineCount = 0;
int ColNo = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= charOffset; i++) {
if (charBuff[i] == '\r') {
ColNo = 0;
if (charBuff[i + 1] == '\n')
i++; // skip LineFeed followed a CR
} else if (charBuff[i] == '\n') {
ColNo = 0;
fResolvedColNo = ColNo;
fResolvedLineNo = LineCount;
* computeMethodID - generate the unique ID to be used to identify a method.
* Similar to a Signature, but hopefully more readable.
* The name format will be:
* simpleTypeName.methodName(my.package.Parm_Type1,parmType2
* Note: This implementation is tightly coupled with ReflectionAdapter.getTypeNamesFromMethodID().
public static String computeMethodID(IMethod jdomMethod) {
return computeMethodID(jdomMethod, jdomMethod.getDeclaringType(), null);
* computeMethodID - generate the unique ID to be used to identify a method.
* Similar to a Signature, but hopefully more readable.
* The name format will be:
* simpleTypeName.methodName(my.package.Parm_Type1,parmType2
* Note: This implementation is tightly coupled with ReflectionAdapter.getTypeNamesFromMethodID().
public static String computeMethodID(IMethod jdomMethod, IType type, Map typeCache) {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
String[] parmTypeNames = jdomMethod.getParameterTypes();
String parmName;
for (int i = 0; i < parmTypeNames.length; i++) {
parmName = convertJDOMtypeName(parmTypeNames[i]);
parmName = JDOMSearchHelper.getResolvedTypeName(parmName, type, typeCache);
if (i < (parmTypeNames.length - 1))
try {
if (jdomMethod.isConstructor())
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return out.toString();
* computeMethodName - generate the name to be used to identify a method.
* For the moment, names are simple, and UUID's are complex.
public static String computeMethodName(IMethod jdomMethod) {
return jdomMethod.getElementName();
* Java content has changed, but no structural changes that require
* to reflectValues(); e.g., the body of a method has changed.
* Creation date: (8/17/2001 10:47:58 AM)
public void contentChanged() {
synchronized (fLINENOLock) {
fResolvedLineNo = INVALID_LINENO;
fResolvedColNo = INVALID_LINENO;
* computeMethodID - generate the unique ID to be used to identify a method.
* Similar to a Signature, but hopefully more readable.
* The name format will be:
* methodName_parmType1_parmType2
public static String convertJDOMtypeName(String jdomTypeName) {
return signatureToString(jdomTypeName);
* createJavaField - instantiate a Java Field based on the passed Java Model IField
* We are deferring field contents assuming that its adaptor will reflect its details.
public Field createJavaField(IField jdomField, XMIResource resource) {
String name = jdomField.getElementName();
Field newField = getJavaFactory().createField();
resource.setID(newField, ((JavaClass) getTarget()).getName() + C_CLASS_MEMBER_DELIMITER + name);
return newField;
* createJavaMethod - instantiate a Java Method based on the passed Java Model IMethod
* We are deferring method contents assuming that its adaptor will reflect its details.
* We need to store enough info in the empty Method to find its Java source.
* The UUID will eventually hold enough info to identify the source, so we use it.
public Method createJavaMethod(IMethod jdomMethod, XMIResource resource) {
Method newMethod = getJavaFactory().createMethod();
// We use a simple name, but a complex ID
resource.setID(newMethod, computeMethodID(jdomMethod, getType(), getTypeResolutionCache()));
return newMethod;
protected IPath getBinaryPathFromQualifiedName(String qualifiedName) {
return new Path(qualifiedName.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public IType getBinaryType(String qualifiedName) {
try {
if (getSourceProject() != null) {
IJavaElement found = getSourceProject().findElement(getBinaryPathFromQualifiedName(qualifiedName));
if (found != null)
return ((IClassFile) found).getType();
} catch (JavaModelException jme) {
System.out.println(ResourceHandler.getString("Error_Looking_Up_Type_ERROR_", (new Object[] { qualifiedName, jme.getMessage()}))); //$NON-NLS-1$ = "Error looking up type: "
return null;
* Compute a column number from the ISourceRange offset
* Cache the line number thereafter. Source change will
* Invoke the contentChanged() method.
* Creation date: (8/17/2001 11:16:51 AM)
* @return int
public int getColNo() {
synchronized (fLINENOLock) {
if (fResolvedColNo == INVALID_LINENO)
return fResolvedColNo;
* Compute a line number from the ISourceRange offset
* Cache the line number thereafter. Source change will
* Invoke the contentChanged() method.
* Creation date: (8/17/2001 11:16:51 AM)
* @return int
public int getLineNo() {
synchronized (fLINENOLock) {
if (fResolvedLineNo == INVALID_LINENO)
return fResolvedLineNo;
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (8/17/2001 1:18:29 PM)
public abstract Object getReflectionSource();
* Resolve a type name in the context of a Type.
* (Borrowed from org.eclipse.jdt.ui.codemanipulation.StubUtility.getResolvedTypeName())
* The input is a simple or qualified name, NOT a signature
* The output will be a qualified name, NOT a signature
public static String getResolvedTypeName(String typeName, IType declaringType) {
String name = typeName;
try {
name = JDOMSearchHelper.resolveSimpleTypeName(declaringType, typeName);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// ignore
return name;
protected IJavaProject getSourceProject() {
return sourceProject;
protected abstract IType getType();
protected abstract Map getTypeResolutionCache();
public void releaseSourceType() {
flushReflectedValuesIfNecessary(true); // induce clients to get Notified.
public Notification releaseSourceTypeNoNotification() {
return flushReflectedValuesIfNecessaryNoNotification(true); // induce clients to get Notified.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (8/21/2001 8:09:34 AM)
private void resolveLineColNo() {
IMember rs = (IMember) getReflectionSource();
if (rs != null) {
int offset = INVALID_LINENO;
try {
ISourceRange sr = rs.getNameRange();
if (sr.getLength() <= 0)
offset = sr.getOffset();
} catch (JavaModelException je) {
ICompilationUnit cu = rs.getCompilationUnit();
if (cu != null) {
try {
IBuffer buffer = cu.getBuffer();
computeLineOffset(offset, buffer);
} catch (JavaModelException je) {
protected void setSourceProject(IJavaProject workingProject) {
sourceProject = workingProject;
* Converts a type signature to a readable string.
* Uses Signature.toString(), then tries to undo bad replacement for inner classes.
public static String signatureToString(String signature) throws IllegalArgumentException {
boolean hasDollar = (signature.indexOf(Signature.C_DOLLAR) != -1);
String result = Signature.toString(signature);
if (hasDollar) {
int newPos = result.lastIndexOf("."); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (newPos != -1) {
result = result.substring(0, newPos) + "$" + result.substring(newPos + 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
* setType - set our type here
protected String typeNameFromSignature(String sig) {
return typeNameFromSignature(sig, getType());
* setType - set our type here
protected String typeNameFromSignature(String sig, IType parent) {
return typeNameFromSignature(sig, parent, getTypeResolutionCache());
* setType - set our type here
public static String typeNameFromSignature(String sig, IType parent, Map typeCache) {
String result;
String componentSignature = Signature.getElementType(sig);
int arrayDimensions = Signature.getArrayCount(sig);
result = JDOMSearchHelper.getResolvedTypeName(signatureToString(componentSignature), parent, typeCache);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayDimensions; i++) {
result = result + "[]"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
* @deprecated
* @see org.eclipse.jem.internal.adapters.jdom.JDOMSearchHelper#findType(String, boolean, IJavaProject, JDOMAdaptor)
public IType getType(String qualifiedName) {
return JDOMSearchHelper.findType(qualifiedName, false, getSourceProject(), this);