blob: 0d57c50f14713d1f19ab6035fc8e93b182d09bbb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.deployables;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jem.workbench.utility.JemProjectUtilities;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.Application;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.componentcore.J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.componentcore.J2EEModuleVirtualComponent;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.componentcore.util.EARArtifactEdit;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.EJBJar;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.EjbModuleExtensionHelper;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.IEJBModelExtenderManager;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.J2EEConstants;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.plugin.IJ2EEModuleConstants;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.plugin.J2EEPlugin;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.project.J2EEProjectUtilities;
import org.eclipse.jst.server.core.IApplicationClientModule;
import org.eclipse.jst.server.core.IConnectorModule;
import org.eclipse.jst.server.core.IEJBModule;
import org.eclipse.jst.server.core.IEnterpriseApplication;
import org.eclipse.jst.server.core.IJ2EEModule;
import org.eclipse.jst.server.core.IWebModule;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.ArtifactEdit;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.ComponentCore;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.ComponentResource;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.Property;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.StructureEdit;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.WorkbenchComponent;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.util.ComponentUtilities;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.util.IModuleConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualComponent;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualFolder;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IModule;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.ServerUtil;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal.ModuleFile;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal.ModuleFolder;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.model.IModuleFolder;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.model.IModuleResource;
import org.eclipse.wst.web.internal.deployables.ComponentDeployable;
* J2EE module superclass.
public class J2EEFlexProjDeployable extends ComponentDeployable implements IJ2EEModule, IEnterpriseApplication, IApplicationClientModule, IConnectorModule, IEJBModule, IWebModule {
private static final IPath WEB_CLASSES_PATH = new Path(J2EEConstants.WEB_INF_CLASSES);
private static IPath WEBLIB = new Path(J2EEConstants.WEB_INF_LIB).makeAbsolute();
private static String USE_SINGLE_ROOT_PROPERTY = "useSingleRoot"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private IPackageFragmentRoot[] cachedSourceContainers;
private IContainer[] cachedOutputContainers;
private HashMap cachedOutputMappings;
private HashMap cachedSourceOutputPairs;
* Constructor for J2EEFlexProjDeployable.
* @param project
* @param aComponent
public J2EEFlexProjDeployable(IProject project, IVirtualComponent aComponent) {
super(project, aComponent);
* Constructor for J2EEFlexProjDeployable.
* @param project
public J2EEFlexProjDeployable(IProject project) {
* Returns the root folders for the resources in this module.
* @return a possibly-empty array of resource folders
public IContainer[] getResourceFolders() {
List result = new ArrayList();
IVirtualComponent vc = ComponentCore.createComponent(getProject());
if (vc != null) {
IVirtualFolder vFolder = vc.getRootFolder();
if (vFolder != null) {
IContainer[] underlyingFolders = vFolder.getUnderlyingFolders();
return (IContainer[]) result.toArray(new IContainer[result.size()]);
* Returns the root folders containing Java output in this module.
* @return a possibly-empty array of Java output folders
public IContainer[] getJavaOutputFolders() {
if (cachedOutputContainers == null)
cachedOutputContainers = getJavaOutputFolders(getProject());
return cachedOutputContainers;
public IContainer[] getJavaOutputFolders(IProject project) {
if (project == null)
return new IContainer[0];
return J2EEProjectUtilities.getOutputContainers(project);
protected boolean shouldIncludeUtilityComponent(IVirtualComponent virtualComp,IVirtualReference[] references, ArtifactEdit edit) {
// If the component module is an EAR we know all archives are filtered out of virtual component members
// and we will return only those archives which are not binary J2EE modules in the EAR DD. These J2EE modules will
// be returned by getChildModules()
if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(component.getProject()))
return virtualComp != null && virtualComp.isBinary() && !isNestedJ2EEModule(virtualComp, references, (EARArtifactEdit)edit);
return super.shouldIncludeUtilityComponent(virtualComp, references, edit);
protected IModuleResource[] getBinaryModuleMembers() {
IPath archivePath = ((J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent)component).getWorkspaceRelativePath();
ModuleFile mf = null;
if (archivePath != null) { //In Workspace
IFile utilFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(archivePath);
mf = new ModuleFile(utilFile, utilFile.getName(), ((J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent)component).getRuntimePath().makeRelative());
} else {
File extFile = ((J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent)component).getUnderlyingDiskFile();
mf = new ModuleFile(extFile, extFile.getName(), ((J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent)component).getRuntimePath().makeRelative());
return new IModuleResource[] {mf};
public IModuleResource[] members() throws CoreException {
// Handle binary components
if (component instanceof J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent)
return getBinaryModuleMembers();
// If j2ee project structure is a single root structure, just return optimized members
if (isSingleRootStructure())
return getOptimizedMembers();
cachedSourceContainers = J2EEProjectUtilities.getSourceContainers(getProject());
try {
IPath javaPath = Path.EMPTY;
if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isDynamicWebProject(component.getProject()))
if (component != null) {
IVirtualFolder vFolder = component.getRootFolder();
IModuleResource[] mr = getMembers(vFolder, Path.EMPTY);
int size = mr.length;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
IContainer[] javaCont = getJavaOutputFolders();
int size = javaCont.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
//If the java output is in the scope of the virtual component, ignore to avoid duplicates
if (ComponentCore.createResources(javaCont[i]).length > 0)
IModuleResource[] mr = getMembers(javaCont[i], javaPath, javaPath, javaCont);
int size2 = mr.length;
for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++) {
if (component != null) {
List consumableMembers = getConsumableReferencedMembers(component);
if (!consumableMembers.isEmpty())
IModuleResource[] mr = new IModuleResource[members.size()];
return mr;
} finally {
cachedSourceContainers = null;
cachedOutputContainers = null;
cachedOutputMappings = null;
cachedSourceOutputPairs = null;
protected IModuleResource[] handleJavaPath(IPath path, IPath javaPath, IPath curPath, IContainer[] javaCont, IModuleResource[] mr, IContainer cc) throws CoreException {
if (curPath.equals(javaPath)) {
int size = javaCont.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
IModuleResource[] mr2 = getMembers(javaCont[i], path.append(cc.getName()), null, null);
IModuleResource[] mr3 = new IModuleResource[mr.length + mr2.length];
System.arraycopy(mr, 0, mr3, 0, mr.length);
System.arraycopy(mr2, 0, mr3, mr.length, mr2.length);
mr = mr3;
} else {
boolean containsFolder = false;
String name = javaPath.segment(curPath.segmentCount());
int size = mr.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size && !containsFolder; i++) {
if (mr[i] instanceof IModuleFolder) {
IModuleFolder mf2 = (IModuleFolder) mr[i];
if (name.equals(mf2.getName())) {
containsFolder = true;
if (!containsFolder && javaCont.length > 0) {
ModuleFolder mf2 = new ModuleFolder(javaCont[0], name, curPath);
IModuleResource[] mrf = new IModuleResource[0];
size = javaCont.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
IModuleResource[] mrf2 = getMembers(javaCont[i], javaPath, null, null);
IModuleResource[] mrf3 = new IModuleResource[mrf.length + mrf2.length];
System.arraycopy(mrf, 0, mrf3, 0, mrf.length);
System.arraycopy(mrf2, 0, mrf3, mrf.length, mrf2.length);
mrf = mrf3;
IModuleResource[] mr3 = new IModuleResource[mr.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(mr, 0, mr3, 0, mr.length);
mr3[mr.length] = mf2;
mr = mr3;
return mr;
* Returns the classpath as a list of absolute IPaths.
* @return an array of paths
public IPath[] getClasspath() {
List paths = new ArrayList();
IJavaProject proj = JemProjectUtilities.getJavaProject(getProject());
URL[] urls = JemProjectUtilities.getClasspathAsURLArray(proj);
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
URL url = urls[i];
return (IPath[]) paths.toArray(new IPath[paths.size()]);
public String getJNDIName(String ejbName) {
if (!J2EEProjectUtilities.isEJBProject(component.getProject()))
return null;
EjbModuleExtensionHelper modHelper = null;
EJBJar jar = null;
ArtifactEdit ejbEdit = null;
try {
ejbEdit = ComponentUtilities.getArtifactEditForRead(component);
if (ejbEdit != null) {
jar = (EJBJar) ejbEdit.getContentModelRoot();
modHelper = IEJBModelExtenderManager.INSTANCE.getEJBModuleExtension(null);
return modHelper == null ? null : modHelper.getJNDIName(jar, jar.getEnterpriseBeanNamed(ejbName));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (ejbEdit != null)
return null;
* This method will handle a number of J2EE related scenarios. If this is an ear and a child module is passed in,
* the URI for that child module will be returned. If no child module was passed, the URI of the EAR is returned.
* If this is a child component and the module passed in is the EAR, we grab the module uri for this compared to that
* EAR. If no ear module is passed in we look for one and use it and return URI relative to found EAR. If no EAR's
* are found the URI is returned in a default manner.
* @return URI string
public String getURI(IModule module) {
// If the component is an ear and the module passed in is a child module
if (component!=null && module!=null && J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(component.getProject()))
return getContainedURI(module);
IVirtualComponent ear = null;
String aURI = null;
// If the component is a child module and the module passed in is the ear
if (module != null && J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(module.getProject()))
ear = ComponentCore.createComponent(module.getProject());
// else if the component is a child module and the module passed in is null, search for first ear
else if (module==null && component != null) {
IProject[] earProjects = J2EEProjectUtilities.getReferencingEARProjects(component.getProject());
if (earProjects.length>0)
ear = ComponentCore.createComponent(earProjects[0]);
// We have a valid ear and the component is a valid child
if (ear != null && component != null) {
EARArtifactEdit earEdit = null;
try {
earEdit = EARArtifactEdit.getEARArtifactEditForRead(ear);
if (earEdit != null)
aURI = earEdit.getModuleURI(component);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (earEdit != null)
// We have an ear component and no child module
else if (component!=null && J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(component.getProject())) {
aURI = component.getDeployedName()+IJ2EEModuleConstants.EAR_EXT;
// We have child components but could not find valid ears
else if (component != null && J2EEProjectUtilities.isDynamicWebProject(component.getProject())) {
if (module != null) {
IVirtualComponent webComp = ComponentCore.createComponent(component.getProject());
IVirtualReference reference = webComp.getReference(module.getProject().getName());
if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isDynamicWebProject(module.getProject())) {
aURI = ComponentUtilities.getDeployUriOfComponent(reference, IJ2EEModuleConstants.WAR_EXT);
else if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isJCAProject(module.getProject())) {
aURI = ComponentUtilities.getDeployUriOfComponent(reference, IJ2EEModuleConstants.RAR_EXT);
else {
aURI = ComponentUtilities.getDeployUriOfComponent(reference, IJ2EEModuleConstants.JAR_EXT);
else {
aURI = component.getDeployedName() + IJ2EEModuleConstants.WAR_EXT;
else if (component!=null && (J2EEProjectUtilities.isEJBProject(component.getProject()) || J2EEProjectUtilities.isApplicationClientProject(component.getProject()))) {
aURI = component.getDeployedName()+IJ2EEModuleConstants.JAR_EXT;
else if (component!=null && J2EEProjectUtilities.isJCAProject(component.getProject())) {
aURI = component.getDeployedName()+IJ2EEModuleConstants.RAR_EXT;
if (aURI !=null && aURI.length()>1 && aURI.startsWith("/")) //$NON-NLS-1$
aURI = aURI.substring(1);
return aURI;
private boolean isBinaryModuleArchive(IModule module) {
if (module!=null && module.getName().endsWith(IJ2EEModuleConstants.JAR_EXT) || module.getName().endsWith(IJ2EEModuleConstants.WAR_EXT) ||
module.getName().endsWith(IJ2EEModuleConstants.RAR_EXT)) {
if (component!=null && J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(component.getProject()))
return true;
return false;
private String getContainedURI(IModule module) {
if (component instanceof J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent || isBinaryModuleArchive(module))
return new Path(module.getName()).lastSegment();
IVirtualComponent comp = ComponentCore.createComponent(module.getProject());
String aURI = null;
if (comp!=null && component!=null && J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(component.getProject())) {
EARArtifactEdit earEdit = null;
try {
earEdit = EARArtifactEdit.getEARArtifactEditForRead(component);
if (earEdit != null)
aURI = earEdit.getModuleURI(comp);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (earEdit != null)
if (aURI !=null && aURI.length()>1 && aURI.startsWith("/")) //$NON-NLS-1$
aURI = aURI.substring(1);
return aURI;
* This method returns the context root property from the deployable project's .component file
public String getContextRoot() {
Properties props = component.getMetaProperties();
return props.getProperty(J2EEConstants.CONTEXTROOT);
return component.getName();
* This method is applicable for a web deployable. The module passed in should either be null or
* the EAR module the web deployable is contained in. It will return the context root from the EAR
* if it has one or return the .component value in the web project if it is standalone.
* @param module
* @return contextRoot String
public String getContextRoot(IModule earModule) {
IProject deployProject = component.getProject();
String contextRoot = null;
if (earModule == null)
return getContextRoot();
else if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(earModule.getProject()) && J2EEProjectUtilities.isDynamicWebProject(deployProject)) {
EARArtifactEdit edit = null;
try {
edit = EARArtifactEdit.getEARArtifactEditForRead(earModule.getProject());
contextRoot = edit.getWebContextRoot(deployProject);
} finally {
if (edit!=null)
return contextRoot;
* Find the source container, if any, for the given file.
* @param file
* @return IPackageFragmentRoot sourceContainer for IFile
protected IPackageFragmentRoot getSourceContainer(IFile file) {
if (file == null)
return null;
IPackageFragmentRoot[] srcContainers = getSourceContainers();
for (int i=0; i<srcContainers.length; i++) {
IPath srcPath = srcContainers[i].getPath();
if (srcPath.isPrefixOf(file.getFullPath()))
return srcContainers[i];
return null;
* Either returns value from cache or stores result as value in cache for the corresponding
* output container for the given source container.
* @param sourceContainer
* @return IContainer output container for given source container
protected IContainer getOutputContainer(IPackageFragmentRoot sourceContainer) {
if (sourceContainer == null)
return null;
HashMap pairs = getCachedSourceOutputPairs();
IContainer output = (IContainer) pairs.get(sourceContainer);
if (output == null) {
output = J2EEProjectUtilities.getOutputContainer(getProject(), sourceContainer);
return output;
private IPackageFragmentRoot[] getSourceContainers() {
if (cachedSourceContainers != null)
return cachedSourceContainers;
return J2EEProjectUtilities.getSourceContainers(getProject());
protected List getConsumableReferencedMembers(IVirtualComponent vc) throws CoreException {
List consumableMembers = new ArrayList();
IVirtualReference[] refComponents = vc.getReferences();
for (int i = 0; i < refComponents.length; i++) {
IVirtualReference reference = refComponents[i];
if (reference != null && reference.getDependencyType()==IVirtualReference.DEPENDENCY_TYPE_CONSUMES) {
IVirtualComponent consumedComponent = reference.getReferencedComponent();
if (consumedComponent!=null && isProjectOfType(consumedComponent.getProject(),IModuleConstants.JST_UTILITY_MODULE)) {
if (consumedComponent != null && consumedComponent.getRootFolder()!=null) {
IVirtualFolder vFolder = consumedComponent.getRootFolder();
IModuleResource[] mr = getMembers(vFolder, reference.getRuntimePath().makeRelative());
int size = mr.length;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (!members.contains(mr[j]))
List childConsumableMembers = getConsumableReferencedMembers(consumedComponent);
if (!childConsumableMembers.isEmpty())
IContainer[] javaCont = getJavaOutputFolders(consumedComponent.getProject());
int size = javaCont.length;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
IModuleResource[] mr = getMembers(javaCont[j], reference.getRuntimePath(), reference.getRuntimePath(), javaCont);
int size2 = mr.length;
for (int k = 0; k < size2; k++) {
if (!members.contains(mr[k]))
return consumableMembers;
protected IModule gatherModuleReference(IVirtualComponent component, IVirtualComponent targetComponent ) {
IModule module = super.gatherModuleReference(component, targetComponent);
// Handle binary module components
if (targetComponent instanceof J2EEModuleVirtualArchiveComponent) {
if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(component.getProject()) || targetComponent.getProject()!=component.getProject())
module = ServerUtil.getModule(J2EEDeployableFactory.ID+":"+targetComponent.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return module;
* Determine if the component is nested J2EE module on the application.xml of this EAR
* @param aComponent
* @return boolean is passed in component a nested J2EE module on this EAR
private boolean isNestedJ2EEModule(IVirtualComponent aComponent, IVirtualReference[] references, EARArtifactEdit edit) {
if (edit==null)
return false;
Application app = edit.getApplication();
IVirtualReference reference = getReferenceNamed(references,aComponent.getName());
// Ensure module URI exists on EAR DD for binary archive
return app.getFirstModule(reference.getArchiveName()) != null;
private IVirtualReference getReferenceNamed(IVirtualReference[] references, String name) {
for (int i=0; i<references.length; i++) {
if (references[i].getReferencedComponent().getName().equals(name))
return references[i];
return null;
protected ArtifactEdit getComponentArtifactEditForRead() {
return EARArtifactEdit.getEARArtifactEditForRead(component.getProject());
* The references for J2EE module deployment are only those child modules of EARs or web modules
protected IVirtualReference[] getReferences(IVirtualComponent aComponent) {
if (aComponent == null || aComponent.isBinary()) {
return new IVirtualReference[] {};
} else if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isDynamicWebProject(aComponent.getProject())) {
return getWebLibModules((J2EEModuleVirtualComponent)aComponent);
} else if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(aComponent.getProject())) {
return super.getReferences(aComponent);
} else {
return new IVirtualReference[] {};
* This method will return the list of dependent modules which are utility jars in the web lib
* folder of the deployed path of the module. It will not return null.
* @return array of the web library dependent modules
private IVirtualReference[] getWebLibModules(J2EEModuleVirtualComponent comp) {
List result = new ArrayList();
IVirtualReference[] refComponents = comp.getNonManifestReferences();
// Check the deployed path to make sure it has a lib parent folder and matchs the web.xml
// base path
for (int i = 0; i < refComponents.length; i++) {
if (refComponents[i].getRuntimePath().equals(WEBLIB))
return (IVirtualReference[]) result.toArray(new IVirtualReference[result.size()]);
* If the resource to check is a file then this method will return true if the file is linked. If the resource to
* check is a folder then this method will return true if it, any of its sub directories, or any file contained
* with-in this directory of any of it's sub directories are linked. Otherwise false is returned.
private boolean hasLinkedContent(final IResource resourceToCheck) throws CoreException {
if ((resourceToCheck != null) && resourceToCheck.isAccessible()) {
// skip non-accessible files
if (resourceToCheck.isLinked()) {
return true;
else {
switch (resourceToCheck.getType()) {
case IResource.FOLDER:
// recursively check sub directory contents
final IResource[] subDirContents = ((IFolder) resourceToCheck).members();
for (int i = 0; i < subDirContents.length; i++) {
if (hasLinkedContent(subDirContents[i])) {
return true;
case IResource.FILE:
return resourceToCheck.isLinked();
// skip as we only care about files and folders
return false;
* This method returns true if the root folders of this component have any linked resources (folder or file);
* Otherwise false is returned.
private boolean rootFoldersHaveLinkedContent() {
if (this.component != null) {
final IContainer[] rootFolders = this.component.getRootFolder().getUnderlyingFolders();
for (int i = 0; i < rootFolders.length; i++) {
try {
boolean hasLinkedContent = this.hasLinkedContent(rootFolders[i]);
if (hasLinkedContent) {
return true;
catch (CoreException coreEx) {
// log any exception that occurs
return false;
* Returns <code>true</code> if this module has a simple structure based on a
* single root folder, and <code>false</code> otherwise.
* <p>
* In a single root structure, all files that are contained within the root folder
* are part of the module, and are already in the correct module structure. No
* module resources exist outside of this single folder.
* For J2EE, this method will check if the project is already in J2EE spec standard output form.
* The project must follow certain rules, but in general, the project's content roots must be source folders
* and the output folder must also be the the content root folder.
* </p>
* @return <code>true</code> if this module has a single root structure, and
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isSingleRootStructure() {
StructureEdit edit = null;
try {
edit = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForRead(getProject());
if (edit == null || edit.getComponent() == null)
return false;
WorkbenchComponent wbComp = edit.getComponent();
List resourceMaps = wbComp.getResources();
// 229650 - check to see if the property 'useSingleRoot' is defined. If it is set and
// the value of the property is true then it will override the logic checks below
final List componentProperties = wbComp.getProperties();
if (componentProperties != null) {
final Iterator componentPropertiesIterator = componentProperties.iterator();
while (componentPropertiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Property wbProperty = (Property);
if (J2EEFlexProjDeployable.USE_SINGLE_ROOT_PROPERTY.equals(wbProperty.getName())) {
boolean useSingleRoot = Boolean.valueOf(wbProperty.getValue()).booleanValue();
if (useSingleRoot) {
return true;
if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isEARProject(getProject())) {
// Always return false for EARs so that members for EAR are always calculated and j2ee modules
// are filtered out
return false;
} else if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isDynamicWebProject(getProject())) {
// if there are any linked resources then this is not a singleroot module
if (this.rootFoldersHaveLinkedContent()) {
return false;
// Ensure there are only basic component resource mappings -- one for the content folder
// and any for src folders mapped to WEB-INF/classes
if (hasDefaultWebResourceMappings(resourceMaps)) {
// Verify only one java output folder
if (getJavaOutputFolders().length==1) {
// Verify the java output folder is to <content root>/WEB-INF/classes
IPath javaOutputPath = getJavaOutputFolders()[0].getProjectRelativePath();
IPath compRootPath = component.getRootFolder().getUnderlyingFolder().getProjectRelativePath();
if (compRootPath.append(J2EEConstants.WEB_INF_CLASSES).equals(javaOutputPath))
return true;
return false;
} else if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isEJBProject(getProject()) || J2EEProjectUtilities.isJCAProject(getProject())
|| J2EEProjectUtilities.isApplicationClientProject(getProject()) || J2EEProjectUtilities.isUtilityProject(getProject())) {
// if there are any linked resources then this is not a singleroot module
if (this.rootFoldersHaveLinkedContent()) {
return false;
// Ensure there are only source folder component resource mappings to the root content folder
if (isRootResourceMapping(resourceMaps,false)) {
IContainer[] javaOutputFolders = getJavaOutputFolders();
// Verify only one java outputfolder
if (javaOutputFolders.length==1) {
// By the time we get here we know: for any folders defined as source in the
// .component file that they are also java source folders.
if (! isSourceContainer(javaOutputFolders[0].getFullPath())) {
// The single output folder is NOT a source folder so this is single-rooted. Since the
// output folder (something like classes or bin) is not a source folder, JDT copies all files
// (including non Java files) to this folder, so every resource needed at runtime is located
// in a single directory.
return true;
} else {
// Don't implement at this time. Currently, we claim single-rooted when ejbModlule is the output folder. However,
// we know this is not true because it cannot contain non Java files unless it is the only source folder. But, fixing
// at this time would break all current users.
// // The single output folder IS a source folder. If there is more than one source folder
// // then this cannot be single-rooted because JDT does NOTcopy non Java resources into the
// // output folder when it is a source folder.
// if (getSourceContainers().length > 1) {
// return false;
// } else {
// // There is only one source folder and since the output folder is a source folder
// // this is single-rooted.
// return true;
// }
// // At this point for utility projects, this project is optimized, we can just use the output folder
// if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isUtilityProject(getProject()))
// return true;
// Verify the java output folder is the same as one of the content roots
IPath javaOutputPath = getJavaOutputFolders()[0].getProjectRelativePath();
IContainer[] rootFolders = component.getRootFolder().getUnderlyingFolders();
for (int i=0; i<rootFolders.length; i++) {
IPath compRootPath = rootFolders[i].getProjectRelativePath();
if (javaOutputPath.equals(compRootPath))
return true;
return false;
return true;
} finally {
if (edit !=null)
* Ensure that any component resource mappings are for source folders and
* that they map to the root content folder
* @param resourceMaps
* @return boolean
private boolean isRootResourceMapping(List resourceMaps, boolean isForEAR) {
// If the list is empty, return false
if (resourceMaps.size()<1)
return false;
for (int i=0; i<resourceMaps.size(); i++) {
ComponentResource resourceMap = (ComponentResource) resourceMaps.get(i);
// Verify it maps to "/" for the content root
if (!resourceMap.getRuntimePath().equals(Path.ROOT))
return false;
// If this is not for an EAR, verify it is also a src container
if (!isForEAR) {
IPath sourcePath = getProject().getFullPath().append(resourceMap.getSourcePath());
if (!isSourceContainer(sourcePath))
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the path argument is to a source container for the project.
* @param a workspace relative full path
* @return is path a source container?
private boolean isSourceContainer(IPath path) {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] srcContainers = getSourceContainers();
for (int i=0; i<srcContainers.length; i++) {
if (srcContainers[i].getPath().equals(path))
return true;
return false;
* Ensure the default web setup is correct with one resource map and any number of java
* resource maps to WEB-INF/classes
* @param resourceMaps
* @return boolean
private boolean hasDefaultWebResourceMappings(List resourceMaps) {
int rootValidMaps = 0;
int javaValidRoots = 0;
// If there aren't at least 2 maps, return false
if (resourceMaps.size()<2)
return false;
IPath webInfClasses = new Path(J2EEConstants.WEB_INF_CLASSES).makeAbsolute();
for (int i=0; i<resourceMaps.size(); i++) {
ComponentResource resourceMap = (ComponentResource) resourceMaps.get(i);
IPath sourcePath = getProject().getFullPath().append(resourceMap.getSourcePath());
// Verify if the map is for the content root
if (resourceMap.getRuntimePath().equals(Path.ROOT)) {
// Verify if the map is for a java src folder and is mapped to "WEB-INF/classes"
} else if (resourceMap.getRuntimePath().equals(webInfClasses) && isSourceContainer(sourcePath)) {
// Otherwise we bail because we have a non optimized map
} else {
return false;
// Make sure only one of the maps is the content root, and that at least one is for the java folder
return rootValidMaps==1 && javaValidRoots>0;
* This method is added for performance reasons.
* It assumes the virtual component is not using any flexible features and is in a standard J2EE format
* with one component root folder and an output folder the same as its content folder. This will bypass
* the virtual component API and just return the module resources as they are on disk.
* @return array of ModuleResources
* @throws CoreException
private IModuleResource[] getOptimizedMembers() throws CoreException {
if (component != null) {
// For java utility modules, we can just use the output container, at this point we know there is only one
if (J2EEProjectUtilities.isUtilityProject(getProject())) {
return getModuleResources(Path.EMPTY, getJavaOutputFolders()[0]);
// For J2EE modules, we use the contents of the content root
else {
IVirtualFolder vFolder = component.getRootFolder();
return getModuleResources(Path.EMPTY, vFolder.getUnderlyingFolder());
return new IModuleResource[] {};
* This method will return from cache or add to cache whether or not an output container
* is mapped in the virtual component.
* @param outputContainer
* @return if output container is mapped
private boolean isOutputContainerMapped(IContainer outputContainer) {
if (outputContainer == null)
return false;
HashMap outputMaps = getCachedOutputMappings();
Boolean result = (Boolean) outputMaps.get(outputContainer);
if (result == null) {
// If there are any component resources for the container, we know it is mapped
if (ComponentCore.createResources(outputContainer).length > 0)
result = Boolean.TRUE;
// Otherwise it is not mapped
result = Boolean.FALSE;
// Cache the result in the map for this output container
outputMaps.put(outputContainer, result);
return result.booleanValue();
* Lazy initialize the cached output mappings
* @return HashMap
private HashMap getCachedOutputMappings() {
if (cachedOutputMappings==null)
cachedOutputMappings = new HashMap();
return cachedOutputMappings;
* Lazy initialize the cached source - output pairings
* @return HashMap
private HashMap getCachedSourceOutputPairs() {
if (cachedSourceOutputPairs==null)
cachedSourceOutputPairs = new HashMap();
return cachedSourceOutputPairs;
* This file should be added to the members list from the virtual component maps only if:
* a) it is not in a source folder
* b) it is in a source folder, and the corresponding output folder is a mapped component resource
* @return boolean should file be added to members
protected boolean shouldAddComponentFile(IFile file) {
IPackageFragmentRoot sourceContainer = getSourceContainer(file);
// If the file is not in a source container, return true
if (sourceContainer==null) {
return true;
// Else if it is a source container and the output container is mapped in the component, return true
// Otherwise, return false.
} else {
IContainer outputContainer = getOutputContainer(sourceContainer);
return outputContainer!=null && isOutputContainerMapped(outputContainer);