blob: aba494785fdf44ad5d0f0a4a2f9e5ead19f961f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.model.internal.validation;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.EJBJar;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.EjbPackage;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.EnterpriseBean;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.Entity;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.MessageDriven;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.core.IMessage;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.core.ValidationException;
import org.eclispe.wst.validation.internal.core.MessageLimitException;
* Validate the WebSphere-specific implementation of non-spec features, such
* as component inheritance.
public class EJBExt20VRule extends AValidationRule implements IMessagePrefixEjb20Constants {
private static final Map MESSAGE_IDS;
private static final Object[] DEPENDS_ON = new Object[]{IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATELESS_SESSION_BEANCLASS, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATELESS_SESSION_REMOTE, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATELESS_SESSION_HOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATELESS_SESSION_LOCAL, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATELESS_SESSION_LOCALHOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATEFUL_SESSION_BEANCLASS, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATEFUL_SESSION_REMOTE, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATEFUL_SESSION_HOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATEFUL_SESSION_LOCAL, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_STATEFUL_SESSION_LOCALHOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_CMP_BEANCLASS, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_CMP_REMOTE, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_CMP_HOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_CMP_LOCAL, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_CMP_LOCALHOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_CMP_KEYCLASS, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_BMP_BEANCLASS, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_BMP_REMOTE, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_BMP_HOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_BMP_LOCAL, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_BMP_LOCALHOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_BMP_KEYCLASS, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_MESSAGE_BEANCLASS, IValidationRuleList.EJB20_EJBJAR};
static {
MESSAGE_IDS = new HashMap();
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2106, new String[]{CHKJ2106+SPEC});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2849, new String[]{CHKJ2849+SPEC});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2852, new String[]{CHKJ2852});
public Object[] getDependsOn() {
return DEPENDS_ON;
public Object getId() {
return IValidationRuleList.EJB20_EJBEXT;
public Map getMessageIds() {
public Object getTarget(Object parent, Object clazz) {
return null;
* If the bean components (home interface, remote interface, bean class, and primary
* key) can all be found and reflected, return true. Let the DDValidator
* report the error message against the bean if one of these types doesn't reflect.
public boolean areBeanComponentsReflected(EnterpriseBean bean) {
// Don't need to check if the bean is null, because this method will
// not be called if it is.
try {
ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, bean.getEjbClass());
catch (InvalidInputException exc) {
return false;
if(bean instanceof MessageDriven) {
// don't need to check the rest
return true;
try {
if(bean.eIsSet(EjbPackage.eINSTANCE.getEnterpriseBean_HomeInterface())) {
ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, bean.getHomeInterface());
catch (InvalidInputException exc) {
return false;
try {
if(bean.eIsSet(EjbPackage.eINSTANCE.getEnterpriseBean_RemoteInterface())) {
ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, bean.getRemoteInterface());
catch (InvalidInputException exc) {
return false;
try {
if(bean.eIsSet(EjbPackage.eINSTANCE.getEnterpriseBean_LocalHomeInterface())) {
ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, bean.getLocalHomeInterface());
catch (InvalidInputException exc) {
return false;
try {
if(bean.eIsSet(EjbPackage.eINSTANCE.getEnterpriseBean_LocalInterface())) {
ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, bean.getLocalInterface());
catch (InvalidInputException exc) {
return false;
if (bean.isEntity()) {
JavaClass primaryKey = ((Entity) bean).getPrimaryKey();
try {
if(((Entity)bean).eIsSet(EjbPackage.eINSTANCE.getEntity_PrimaryKey())) {
ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, primaryKey);
catch (InvalidInputException exc) {
return false;
return true;
public void validate(IValidationContext vc, Object targetParent, Object target) throws ValidationCancelledException, ValidationException {
Logger logger = vc.getMsgLogger();
if(logger != null && logger.isLoggingLevel(Level.FINEST)) {
LogEntry entry = vc.getLogEntry();
entry.setSourceID("EJB20Validator - validate"); //$NON-NLS-1$
entry.setText(getClass().getName() + "::validate(" + targetParent + ", " + target); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
logger.write(Level.FINEST, entry);
EJBJar ejbJar = null;
if(targetParent == null) {
ejbJar = (EJBJar)target;
validate(vc, ejbJar);
else {
// running as a dependent
ejbJar = (EJBJar)vc.loadModel(EJBValidatorModelEnum.EJB_MODEL);
EnterpriseBean bean = (EnterpriseBean)targetParent;
validate(vc, ejbJar, bean);
* @see IValidationRule#validate(IValidationContext, Object, Object)
public void validate(IValidationContext vc, EJBJar ejbJar) throws ValidationCancelledException, ValidationException {
List enterpriseBeans = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans();
Iterator iterator = enterpriseBeans.iterator();
EnterpriseBean bean = null;
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
bean = (EnterpriseBean);
if(bean == null) {
// If bean isn't valid, don't perform any of the other
// validation checks on it. Let DDValidator output the error message.
validate(vc, ejbJar, bean);
public void validate(IValidationContext vc, EJBJar ejbJar, EnterpriseBean bean) throws ValidationCancelledException, ValidationException {
try {
// Check if the class exists, etc.
if(!areBeanComponentsReflected(bean)) {
// Something didn't reflect properly, so don't continue with the
// rest of the checks. Some metadata will be nonsense.
// Component inheritance is now checked in each VRule instead of here.
// This was necessary for incremental validation; if one class changed
// in the bean, and the bean was a member of component inheritance, then
// messages were added multiple times onto the classes which had not changed.
// In order to avoid multiple messages, only the component inheritance of
// the class which changed should be revalidated when the class changes.
validateAppendixB(vc, ejbJar, bean); // validate the key class since that message is registered against ejb-jar.xml
catch(MessageLimitException e) {
throw e;
catch(ValidationCancelledException e) {
throw e;
/* unreachable catch block
catch(ValidationException exc) {
// If there's a problem, proceed with the next bean.
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IEJBValidatorConstants.CHKJ2852, IValidationContext.WARNING, bean, new String[]{ArchiveConstants.EJBJAR_EXTENSIONS_SHORT_NAME, beanName}, this);
if(logger.isLoggingLevel(Level.FINER)) {
logger.write(Level.FINER, exc);
catch(Throwable exc) {
// If there's a problem, proceed with the next bean.
String superTypeName = getEJBInheritanceFileName();
if(superTypeName == null)
superTypeName = "unknown super type"; //$NON-NLS-1$
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb20Constants.CHKJ2852, IValidationContext.WARNING, bean, new String[]{superTypeName, bean.getName()}, this);
Logger logger = vc.getMsgLogger();
if(logger != null && logger.isLoggingLevel(Level.SEVERE)) {
logger.write(Level.SEVERE, exc);
protected void validateAppendixB(IValidationContext vc, EJBJar ejbJar, EnterpriseBean bean) {
// The Java inheritance structure must match the EJB inheritance structure.
// e.g. if EJB B is a child of EJB A, then class B must be a child of class A.
// B could be a grandchild (or great-grandchild or ...) of A.
if(bean == null) {
if(!bean.isEntity()) {
JavaClass thisKey = ((Entity)bean).getPrimaryKey();
EnterpriseBean supertype = getSuperType(bean);
JavaClass parentKey = null;
if (supertype != null) {
// check this CMP's supertype
// Key a Xchild of parent Key
// In WSA EJB component inheritance, the root EJB must define the key.
// The key is the same for all child EJBs.
if (supertype instanceof Entity) {
parentKey = ((Entity) supertype).getPrimaryKey();
if ((thisKey == null) || (parentKey == null) || !thisKey.equals(parentKey)) {
String[] msgParm = new String[] { bean.getName(), parentKey.getQualifiedName()};
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb20Constants.CHKJ2106, IValidationContext.ERROR, bean, msgParm, this);
// validateAppendixB(vc, supertype, parentKey);