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<title>Web Tools Platform Patch Build Notes</title>
<h1>WTP 3.0.5 Patches</h1>
<p>Bug <a href=''>272389</a>. tokenizers stuck in loop when input not matched</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>278131</a>. StackOverflow thrown in JDOMSearchHelper.findInnerJavaElement</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>279038</a>. JSP opens dirty if content type header misspells "charset"</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>279175</a>. An internal error occurred during: "Validation TestEJB".</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>281147</a>. problem adding ee5 libs to container</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>281562</a>. Unsafe JDT calls in classpath container code</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283176</a>. NPE in EARArtifactEdit.getModuleByManifestURI(String uri)</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283209</a>. !MESSAGE Exception while reading /EAR5Client/.classpath</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283318</a>. Single root check failing when source folder mapped but deleted</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283580</a>. EAR 5.0 libs performance and missing updates</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283601</a>. For Web Project verify source folders and web content do not collide</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283632</a>. EJb ref validation in EAR validator need to throw error message</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>284302</a>. Memory leaks in IArchive classes</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>284327</a>. Memory leaks because of final static constants</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>284932</a>. TaglibIndex optimization ignores important resource change events</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>285087</a>. JSP Translator does not support IterationTag constructs</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>286937</a>. ExceptionInInitializerError from TaglibHelper.isIterationTag in log</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>286969</a>. Java string constants containing entity references get decoded</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>287742</a>. EAR import showing ejb client jars on second page when it should not</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>287749</a>. Core exceptions during EAR import</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>288184</a>. Ear import fails if two EJB modules use same client jar</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>288832</a>. IArchive performance problems with large amount of files within single archive</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>289203</a>. Facet classpath utility not properly migrating legacy projects</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>288290</a>. NPEs in TLDCMDocumentManager</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>289257</a>. [translation] JSPTranslator should handle assignment in JSP expressions</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290832</a>. Backport the fix for bugzilla#260931 to wtp 3.0.5</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290738</a>. False errors/warnings when validating expressions with maps</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290543</a>. Backport the fix for bugilla#282936 to wtp 3.0.5</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290412</a>. Performance problem in method TypeUtil.resolveInParents()</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290581</a>. Manual validation is cleaning up the already validated cache on every call</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290742</a>. EAR Export not properly closing 1.4 archives</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290757</a>. 'Prepare for Deployment' error message states "J2EEDeployOperation_2_UI_"</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290837</a>. Exceptions from JEM in adopter product</p>
<p>Bug <a href="">290966</a>. JSP include directives do not handle non-JSP content types</p>
<p>Bug <a href="">291143</a>. Mechanism to expose WEB-INF/lib classpath component dependencies</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291225</a>. Output folder support in JavaEE projects</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291251</a>. API needed to determine if project has no single root and reasons why</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291266</a>. Deleting java source folders should remove the corresponding artifacts from the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291536</a>. Session Bean remote interface validation should be error for missing methods</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>249044</a>. Web module's jar modules from another project are not published for Tomcat.</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>272013</a>. JEM JemProjectUtilities#getClasspathAsURLArray(IJavaProject) fails to handle class folders</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>290739</a>. Don't validate the expression segments after the map if the map value type is Object</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292079</a>. [parser] Scriptlet in script attribute tags can cause the region to not be block text</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292081</a>. [translation] Javascript can cause custom tags to not be translated</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292162</a>. isSingleRoot API should allow non Java src folder as output for JCA</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292177</a>. [validation] JSPDirectiveValidator#processTaglibDirective should handle URL Taglib Records</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292186</a>. WebLib Quick fixes reverting exclusions</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293047</a>. Problem with WTPWorkingCopyManager and deleting projects</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293502</a>. Performance degradation because of JavaLite calls</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293685</a>. JAX-RPC client JSPs: JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource /sampleEchoProxy/TestClient.jsp</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293992</a>. [validation] JSPBatchValidator is taking substantially longer when needed taglibs are not on class path</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293981</a>. [validation] Attributes do not indicate problems with dynamic content in rtexprvalue attributes</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>294369</a>. EAR 5.0 Lib utility deployment</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>294490</a>. EAR Libraries container miscomputing because of stale IJavaLite</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293211</a>. Performance problem when validate managed properties</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>294627</a>. Deleting folders should remove entry from .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>295353</a>. Adding module to application.xml no longer generating "id" attributes</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>294716</a>. ClasspathDecorationsManager may cause SAXParseException</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>295617</a>. Web project creation does not honour user input</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>295728</a>. Deferred EL expressions are being marked with validation problems</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>296719</a>. Runtime Change Delegate throws NPE when changing from Unknown Runtime type</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>298796</a>. isSingleRoot API should not require a Java src folder</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293504</a>. [validation] JSP syntax validator requires brackets after IF statement</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>297852</a>. Error log entry for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException related to Annotations and EMF</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>298891</a>. Classpath initialization is very slow for complex EARs</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299156</a>. [parser] JSPTokenizer does not detect Unicode character references as you type</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299393</a>. Validation of runtime expressions in JSP custom tag attributes</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299432</a>. J2EE Deployment framework doesn't allow facet exclusions</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299437</a>. NPEs logged due to bug 295353</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299488</a>. [translation] XMLJSPRegionHelper#decodeRemainingRegions can cause NPE</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299489</a>. [content model] CMDocumentFactoryTLD#getContainedText can cause NPE</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299541</a>. Excessive logging in TaglibClassLoader</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299655</a>. ClasspathSelection needs better error handling</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299785</a>. HTML causes validation errors in Tag files</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>300062</a>. Performance improvement of VirtualComponent caching</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>300098</a>. 'In Lib Dir' checkbox being ignored when a jar dependency is added to an EAR</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>300183</a>. Componentcore.createComponent returns a null value when called from adopter product</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>300387</a>. Need to protect against NPE in adopter J2EEElementChangedListener</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>301419</a>. IllegalException thrown during deployment</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>301477</a>. EAR Libraries container missing entries on restart</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>301540</a>. Incorrect reporting of JSP problems</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>301598</a>. [translation] Cannot be resolved errors when Struts <bean:define> is defined within input type HTML tag</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>303070</a>. random build/compile error due to out of sync deployment descriptor</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>303140</a>. ComponentArchiveSaveAdapter incorrectly handles .settings files</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>303131</a>. J2EEComponentClasspathContainer.getEARLibDir should check both DD and facet version</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>303963</a>. Error Exception logged during deploy</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>305252</a>. ClassCastException:j2ee.application.internal.impl.ApplicationImpl incompatible with javaee.application.Application</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>305253</a>. Performance issue in Manual EAR validation</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>306058</a>. NoClassDefFoundError coming from the TaglibHelper</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>313181</a>. Java EE import fails if zip entries contain leading slashes</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>313399</a>. Opener of Archive didn't close a file</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>313608</a>. random build/compile error due to out of sync files</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>313630</a>. V1 Validator extension point changes for performance</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>316222</a>. [parser] < or > in attribute values are not supported</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>316291</a>. [hotbug] Backport 292943 to wtp 3.0.5Patch</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>317560</a>. Errors flagged by error annotations not reflected in the Problems, Explorer, and/or Navigator views.</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>318736</a>. ImportDataModel unsafely checks java facet name</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>319311</a>. Jars exported as variable names instead of jar names</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>319439</a>. EAR Validation throws exceptions on project close</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>319735</a>. Unwanted newlines before display name value</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>320312</a>. NLS missing messages in .log</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>320322</a>. [validation] JSP source validators running even when respective batch validators have been turned off</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>320436</a>. jar's placed in Java EE 5 Ear's lib directory should never be considered "modules"</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>322173</a>. J2EEDeployOperation does not allow callers to get a list of affected projects</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>322411</a>. Weblib classpath dependencies not returned from members() when single-root</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>322678</a>. In EARVirtualComponent.getHardReferences, need to get the archiveName directly from the referencedComponent, instead of getting it from the dependentObject</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>322953</a>. J2EEDeployOperation affect projects support needs a way to tell if any deployer do not provide that info</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>324221</a>. JavaEEArchiveUtilities.inLibDir needs to consider component parameter while returning result</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>325803</a>. NPE in</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>326015</a>. EarVirtualComponent needs to continue to use complete ArchiveName</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>328093</a>. EAR Library Directory field should not have preceding slash</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>334151</a>. Need to back out bug 294627</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>334556</a>. Need to restore support fallback to dependentObject in maintenance stream</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>339307</a>. Name collisions not properly handled on EAR import</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>342747</a>. Regular jars are imported as App Client projects when importing an EAR 5.0 if jars have MAIN-CLASS attribute in MANIFEST.MF</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>343559</a>. JEM needs to handle a flush better</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>348221</a>. JEM needs to handle a flush better (redux)</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>352148</a>. XML JSP can create unbalanced DOM.</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>349741</a>. Utility jars in EAR50/lib or EAR/ not listed in in EAR Java EE Module Dependencies</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>355244</a>. EAR5.0 Java EE Module Dependencies, selecting "In Lib Dir" deletes imported utility jar from workspace and it cause a NPE.</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>357421</a>. Utility jars in EAR50/lib or EAR/ cannot be edited in in EAR Java EE Module Dependencies page</p>