blob: 91464549b31149ff8329eb9ce71c99d531d8b812 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 9th November 2018 Cloudreach Limited Europe
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
* Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
* with the GNU Classpath Exception which is
* available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package org.eclipse.jemo.internal.model;
import org.eclipse.jemo.AbstractJemo;
import org.eclipse.jemo.sys.ClusterParams;
import org.eclipse.jemo.sys.internal.TerraformJob;
import org.eclipse.jemo.sys.internal.TerraformJob.TerraformResult;
import org.eclipse.jemo.sys.internal.Util;
import io.kubernetes.client.ApiException;
import org.eclipse.jemo.sys.JemoRuntimeSetup;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING;
* @author Christopher Stura ""
public interface CloudRuntime {
String defineQueue(String queueName);
void storeModuleList(String moduleJar, List<String> moduleList) throws Throwable;
List<String> getModuleList(String moduleJar) throws Throwable;
CloudBlob getModule(String moduleJar) throws IOException;
Long getModuleInstallDate(String moduleJar) throws IOException;
void setModuleInstallDate(String moduleJar, long installDate) throws IOException;
void log(List<CloudLogEvent> eventList);
Set<String> listPlugins();
void uploadModule(String pluginFile, byte[] pluginBytes);
void uploadModule(String pluginFile, InputStream in, long moduleSize);
default void removeModule(String pluginFile) {
remove(null, pluginFile);
default String createInstanceQueue(final String location, final String instanceId) {
return defineQueue("JEMO-" + location + "-" + instanceId);
void deleteQueue(String queueId);
String sendMessage(String queueId, String jsonMessage);
* this method will return the corresponding id for the queueName which was passed,
* this method does not guarantee that the queue actually exists but will return an id that can be used for the other methods.
* for cloud vendors who cannot generate the id of the queue but instead need to look it up using the api's this method
* can return null.
* @param queueName the name of the queue to fetch the id for.
* @return the unique id representing the queue.
String getQueueId(String queueName);
default List<String> listQueueIds(String location) {
return listQueueIds(location, false);
* this method will return the name of a queue given it's cloud native identifier
* @param queueId the id of the queue as identified by the cloud provider
* @return the name of the queue
String getQueueName(String queueId);
List<String> listQueueIds(String location, boolean includeWorkQueues);
int pollQueue(String queueId, CloudQueueProcessor processor) throws QueueDoesNotExistException;
boolean hasNoSQLTable(String tableName);
void createNoSQLTable(String tableName);
void dropNoSQLTable(String tableName);
<T extends Object> List<T> listNoSQL(String tableName, Class<T> objectType);
<T extends Object> List<T> queryNoSQL(String tableName, Class<T> objectType, String... pkList);
<T extends Object> T getNoSQL(String tableName, String id, Class<T> objectType) throws IOException;
void saveNoSQL(String tableName, SystemDBObject... data);
void deleteNoSQL(String tableName, SystemDBObject... data);
void watchdog(final String location, final String instanceId, final String instanceQueueUrl);
void setModuleConfiguration(int pluginId, ModuleConfiguration config);
Map<String, String> getModuleConfiguration(int pluginId);
void store(String key, Object data);
<T extends Object> T retrieve(String key, Class<T> objType);
void store(String category, String key, Object data);
<T extends Object> T retrieve(String category, String key, Class<T> objType);
void delete(String category, String key);
String getDefaultCategory();
//we added support to the runtime for data streaming to big data repositories.
default InputStream read(String path, String key) {
return read(getDefaultCategory(), path, key);
default <T extends Object> T read(Class<T> returnType, String path, String key) {
return read(returnType, getDefaultCategory(), path, key);
default <T extends Object> T read(Class<T> returnType, String category, String path, String key) {
return Util.F(read(category, path, key), input -> input == null ? null : Util.fromJSONString(returnType, Util.toString(input)));
default <T extends Object> Stream<T> readAll(Class<T> type, String path) {
return readAll(type, getDefaultCategory(), path);
default <T extends Object> Stream<T> readAll(Class<T> type, String category, String path) {
return readAll(category, path).map(input -> Util.F(null, x -> Util.fromJSONString(type, Util.toString(input))));
default void write(String path, String key, Object data) {
write(getDefaultCategory(), path, key, data);
default void write(String category, String path, String key, Object data) {
Util.B(null, x -> write(category, path, key, new ByteArrayInputStream(Util.toJSONString(data).getBytes("UTF-8"))));
default void write(String path, String key, InputStream dataStream) {
write(getDefaultCategory(), path, key, dataStream);
default void remove(String path, String key) {
remove(getDefaultCategory(), path, key);
void write(String category, String path, String key, InputStream dataStream);
InputStream read(String category, String path, String key);
Stream<InputStream> readAll(String category, String path);
void remove(String category, String path, String key);
* this method should validate that this provider is active and has the correct security settings for the application to function correctly.
* @return a validation result object listing all the not permitted actions if any
ValidationResult validatePermissions();
* Validates the credentials.
* @param credentials
* @return a validation result object listing all the not permitted actions if any
ValidationResult validateCredentials(Map<String, String> credentials);
* Writes the credentials from the specified map to common location for cloud cli tooling.
* @param credentials a map containing the credentials needed by this runtime in the form of (credential_name, credential_value) pairs.
* @throws IOException if creating/writing the file fails.
void updateCredentials(Map<String, String> credentials) throws IOException;
* Starts the runtime.
* This method is called after the runtime is validated
* @param jemoServer
void start(AbstractJemo jemoServer);
* Sets the region to the region matching the specified code
* @param regionCode the region code
void setRegion(String regionCode) throws IOException;
String readInstanceTag(String key);
* Returns the regions available on this runtime
* @return the available regions
List<RegionInfo> getRegions();
* Resets the log console handler.
* Called when the jemo logging parameters are changed in the setup.
* @param handler the log console handler to set
void resetLogConsoleHandler(Handler handler);
* Returns a list of the existing vpcs
* @return list of strings including the vpc name and vpc id
List<String> getExistingNetworks();
* Returns the list of all customer managed policy names
* @return the list of all customer managed policy names
List<String> getCustomerManagedPolicies();
* Checks if the policy with the specified name has the permissions required by Jemo
* @param policyName the policy name
* @return the validation result
ValidationResult validatePolicy(String policyName);
* Creates the cluster by running terraform.
* Also intantiate the kubernetes pods to run in the worker nodes.
* @param setupParams the setup parameters
* @param builder a string builder object used by the UI to monitor the progress of terraform commands
* @return the resulting terraform job
* @throws IOException
* @throws ApiException
JemoRuntimeSetup.ClusterCreationResponse createCluster(JemoRuntimeSetup.SetupParams setupParams, StringBuilder builder) throws IOException, ApiException;
* Generates the terraform templates needed for the cluster creation and the kubernetes yaml files
* @param setupParams the setup parameters
* @return the path of the directory containing the files
* @throws IOException
Path createClusterTerraformTemplates(JemoRuntimeSetup.SetupParams setupParams) throws IOException;
List<InstallProperty> getInstallProperties();
void setInstallProperties(Map<String, String> properties);
* Creates all the CSP resources needed to setup jemo, e.g. user, policy, role.
* @param region the CSP region the cluster will be deployed to
* @param builder a string builder object used by the UI to monitor the progress of terraform commands
* @return the resulting terraform job
* @throws IOException
JemoRuntimeSetup.TerraformJobResponse install(String region, StringBuilder builder) throws IOException;
* Generates the terraform templates needed to create the CSP resources of the installation phase.
* @param region the CSP region the cluster will be deployed to
* @return the path of the directory containing the files
* @throws IOException
Path createInstallTerraformTemplates(String region) throws IOException;
* Generates a map with the credentials required by the CSP
* @param terraformResult the terraform result including created resources and outputs
* @return the credentials map
Map<String, String> getCredentialsFromTerraformResult(TerraformResult terraformResult);
* Provides the information that the UI needs to present to users that don't have the admin user (a.k.a. terraform user) credentials
* @return the AdminUserCreationInstructions object
AdminUserCreationInstructions getAdminUserCreationInstructions();
default void prepareClusterCreation(JemoRuntimeSetup.SetupParams setupParams) {
final Map<String, String> containerIdToParamSet = new HashMap<>();
final Map<String, Integer> containersPerParamSet = Stream.of(setupParams.parameters().get("containersPerParamSet").split(","))
.map(pair -> pair.split(":"))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(pair -> pair[0], pair -> Integer.valueOf(pair[1])));
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : containersPerParamSet.entrySet()) {
for (int j = 0; j < entry.getValue(); j++) {
containerIdToParamSet.put(String.valueOf(i++), entry.getKey());
write("containers_per_paramset", "container_id_to_paramset", containerIdToParamSet);
ClusterParams getClusterParameters();
default JemoRuntimeSetup.TerraformJobResponse deleteInstallResources(StringBuilder builder) throws IOException {
final String terraformDirPath = getTerraformInstallDir();
Files.copy(Paths.get(terraformDirPath + "terraform.tfstate"), Paths.get("terraform.tfstate"), REPLACE_EXISTING);
final TerraformJob terraformJob = new TerraformJob(terraformDirPath, terraformDirPath + "/" + JemoRuntimeSetup.TFVARS_FILE_NAME).destroy(builder);
return JemoRuntimeSetup.TerraformJobResponse.fromTerraformJob(terraformJob);
default JemoRuntimeSetup.TerraformJobResponse deleteClusterResources(StringBuilder builder) throws IOException {
final String terraformDirPath = getTerraformClusterDir();
Files.copy(Paths.get(terraformDirPath + "terraform.tfstate"), Paths.get("terraform.tfstate"), REPLACE_EXISTING);
final TerraformJob terraformJob = new TerraformJob(terraformDirPath, terraformDirPath + "/" + JemoRuntimeSetup.TFVARS_FILE_NAME).destroy(builder);
return JemoRuntimeSetup.TerraformJobResponse.fromTerraformJob(terraformJob);
void deleteKubernetesResources(StringBuilder builder) throws IOException;
default String getTerraformInstallDir() {
return getCspLabel() + "/install/";
default String getTerraformClusterDir() {
return getCspLabel() + "/cluster/";
* A label used to created a directory to store terraform templates in.
* Use a single world that uniquely identifies the CSP.
* @return the CSP label
String getCspLabel();
* Removes from the cloud storage all files related to a plugin version identified by the jar file name
* @param pluginJarFileName the jar file name of the plugin under deletion
void removePluginFiles(String pluginJarFileName);