blob: 917571ecb471878a698e81a4d6815bb0b780b2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 9th November 2018 Cloudreach Limited Europe
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
* Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
* with the GNU Classpath Exception which is
* available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package org.eclipse.jemo.sys;
import org.eclipse.jemo.AbstractJemo;
import org.eclipse.jemo.Jemo;
import org.eclipse.jemo.api.ModuleLimit;
import org.eclipse.jemo.internal.model.*;
import org.eclipse.jemo.internal.model.JemoError;
import org.eclipse.jemo.sys.internal.Util;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* @author christopher stura
public class JemoQueueListener extends Thread {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
private String queueUrl = null;
private long lastPoll = 0;
private long lastPollDuration = 0;
private volatile boolean interrupted = false;
private ScheduledExecutorService resendScheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
private final AbstractJemo jemoServer;
private final List<JemoMessage> DELAYED_MESSAGE_QUEUE = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private ScheduledFuture DELAYED_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR = null;
public JemoQueueListener(ThreadGroup group, String queueUrl, AbstractJemo jemoServer) {
super(group, queueUrl);
this.queueUrl = queueUrl;
this.jemoServer = jemoServer;
public synchronized void start() {
super.start(); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
DELAYED_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR = resendScheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> {
List<JemoMessage> msgToSchedule = new ArrayList<>();
Set<String> msgIdList = -> msg.getId()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
DELAYED_MESSAGE_QUEUE.removeIf(msg -> msgIdList.contains(msg.getId()));
//now reschedule each of the messages -> scheduleMessage(msg));
}, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public String getQueueUrl() {
return queueUrl;
public long getLastPoll() {
return lastPoll;
public long getLastPollDuration() {
return lastPollDuration;
public JemoQueueListener restart() {
JemoQueueListener newListener = new JemoQueueListener(getThreadGroup(), queueUrl, jemoServer);
return newListener;
public boolean isDead() {
if(isAlive() && !interrupted) {
if(System.currentTimeMillis()-lastPoll > TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(2, TimeUnit.HOURS)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
public void interrupt() {
jemoServer.LOG("("+getClass().getName()+":"+this.queueUrl+") interrupted. Shutdown sequence initiated",Level.INFO);
interrupted = true;
try { resendScheduler.awaitTermination(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch(InterruptedException irrEx) {}
private static final AtomicInteger executed = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static final AtomicInteger submitted = new AtomicInteger(0);
public void run() {
while(!interrupted) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastPoll = start;
try {
if(queueUrl.equals(jemoServer.getINSTANCE_QUEUE_URL())) {
CloudProvider.getInstance().getRuntime().store(jemoServer.getINSTANCE_ID()+".lastpoll", System.currentTimeMillis());
int messagesProcessed = CloudProvider.getInstance().getRuntime().pollQueue(queueUrl, (msg) -> {
if(messagesProcessed == 0) {
Thread.sleep(jemoServer.getQUEUE_POLL_WAIT_TIME()); //sleep 20 sec if there was nothing in the queue.
} else {
}catch(InterruptedException irrEx) {
}catch(QueueDoesNotExistException exEx) {
if(!interrupted) {
jemoServer.LOG(Level.SEVERE, "Queue Does not Exist {%s} - %s retry in 20 seconds",new Object[] { this.queueUrl, exEx.getMessage() });
//we can attempt to re-create the queue as it may have been deleted.
if(queueUrl.equals(jemoServer.getINSTANCE_QUEUE_URL())) {
try {
} catch(Exception ex) {}
try { Thread.sleep(20000); } catch(InterruptedException ex) {}
}catch(Throwable ex) {
if(!interrupted) {
jemoServer.LOG(Level.SEVERE, "[Jemo][QueueListener][%s] Unhandled error processing queue %s retry in 20 seconds",new Object[] { this.queueUrl, ex.getMessage() });
try { Thread.sleep(20000); } catch(InterruptedException irrEx) {}
} finally {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastPoll = end;
lastPollDuration = end-start;
* this method will schedule a message for immediate or delayed execution taking the execution rules of the destination
* module into account when scheduling is done.
* @param msg the message to process.
public final void scheduleMessage(JemoMessage msg) {
if(msg.getPluginId() == 0 || jemoServer.getPluginManager().PLUGIN_VALID(msg.getPluginId())) {
if(msg.getPluginId() == 0) {
} else {
//now if we are to submit this we need to check if the execute limits are respected on this instance.
JemoApplicationMetaData app = jemoServer.getPluginManager().getApplication(msg.getPluginId(), msg.getPluginVersion());
if (app == null) {
// The app is deleted or deactivated, therefore there is nothing to submit
//get the current execution count for this instance
ModuleLimit appLimits = app.getLimits().get(msg.getModuleClass());
if(appLimits == null || (appLimits.getEventFrequency() == null && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerGSM() <= 0 && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerLocation() <= 0 && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerInstance() <= 0)) {
submitMessage(msg); //now limits apply and neither does a defined execution frequency.
} else {
boolean submit = true;
if(appLimits.getEventFrequency() != null) {
long lastLaunchedOn = jemoServer.getPluginManager().getLastLaunchedModuleEvent(msg.getPluginId(), msg.getPluginVersion(), msg.getModuleClass());
if(lastLaunchedOn != 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLaunchedOn < appLimits.getEventFrequency().getUnit().toMillis(appLimits.getEventFrequency().getValue())) {
submit = false;
} else {
jemoServer.LOG(Level.INFO,"[%s][%s][Frequency] - The current module frequency means it's ok to launch. The last time this module was launched was %d (ms) ago and is allowed to be launched every %d (ms)", getClass().getSimpleName(), msg.getModuleClass(),
lastLaunchedOn == 0 ? 0 : System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLaunchedOn, appLimits.getEventFrequency().getUnit().toMillis(appLimits.getEventFrequency().getValue()));
if(submit) {
int numRunning = jemoServer.getPluginManager().getNumModuleEventsRunning(msg.getPluginId(), msg.getPluginVersion(), msg.getModuleClass()); //the number of events running here.
int numRunningLocation = jemoServer.getPluginManager().getNumModuleEventsRunningOnLocation(msg.getPluginId(), msg.getPluginVersion(), msg.getModuleClass()); //the number currently running at this location.
int numRunningGSM = jemoServer.getPluginManager().getNumModuleEventsRunningOnGSM(msg.getPluginId(), msg.getPluginVersion(), msg.getModuleClass()); //the number currently running across the GSM.
if(appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerGSM() != -1 && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerGSM() > numRunningGSM) {
} else if(appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerLocation() != -1 && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerLocation() > numRunningLocation) {
} else if(appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerInstance() != -1 && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerInstance() > numRunning) {
} else if(appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerGSM() == -1 && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerLocation() == -1 && appLimits.getMaxActiveEventsPerInstance() == -1) {
} else {
} else {
//we should not wrap this message in a thread.
private void queueMessage(JemoMessage msg) {
private void submitMessage(JemoMessage msg) {
//If there are two versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the same plugin,
// then if 'writeExecuteModuleEvent' was called outside of the submitted lamda the following bug would occur:
// writeExecuteModuleEvent increases the counter for version 1.0,
// then the processMessage method changes the version from 1.0 to 2.0
// and then deleteExecuteModuleEvent decreases the counter for version 2.0.
final String moduleClass = (msg.getModuleClass().equals(Jemo.class.getName()) && msg.getAttributes().containsKey("module_class")) ? (String)msg.getAttributes().get("module_class") : msg.getModuleClass();
jemoServer.getEVENT_EXECUTOR().submit(()-> {
try {
jemoServer.getPluginManager().writeExecuteModuleEvent(msg.getPluginId(), msg.getPluginVersion(), moduleClass);
jemoServer.LOG(Level.FINE,"QUEUE [%s] executed %d submitted %d", queueUrl, executed.addAndGet(1), submitted.get());
jemoServer.LOG(Level.FINE,"QUEUE [%s] executed %d submitted %d finished %s", queueUrl, executed.decrementAndGet(), submitted.decrementAndGet(), msg.getAttributes().toString());
}finally {
jemoServer.getPluginManager().deleteExecuteModuleEvent(msg.getPluginId(), msg.getPluginVersion(), moduleClass);
public final void processMessage(JemoMessage msg) {
try {
if(msg.getPluginId() == 0 || jemoServer.getPluginManager().PLUGIN_VALID(msg.getPluginId())) {
} else if(!queueUrl.equals(jemoServer.getINSTANCE_QUEUE_URL())) {
//we need to re-publish the message but only if the queue url is not related to this instance. (this will also allow processing of messages) which were not originally recieved.
//the first step will be to make sure that we are not re-sending messages for modules which nobody is running (otherwise they will bounce back and forth forever)
if(jemoServer.getPluginManager().getLiveModuleList(jemoServer.getLOCATION()).stream().anyMatch(m -> m.getId() == msg.getPluginId())) {
CloudProvider.getInstance().getRuntime().sendMessage(queueUrl, Jemo.toJSONString(msg));
} else {
jemoServer.LOG(Level.WARNING, "[QueueListener][%s][%d] Message Discarded %s", queueUrl, msg.getPluginId(), Jemo.toJSONString(msg));
//so this is basically an infinate loop caused by the fact that we will delete messages off the queue immediately
//even if we should not be processing them, in reality we should validate the messages to make sure they can in-fact be locally processed
//before removing them from the queue. what we need to do is find out which modules are active in the cluster so we know whether to re-forward this message or simply just drop it.
} else {
jemoServer.LOG(Level.WARNING, "[QueueListener][%s][%d] Message Discarded %s", queueUrl, msg.getPluginId(), Jemo.toJSONString(msg));
}catch(Throwable ex) {
if(!(ex instanceof InterruptedException)) {
try {
if(msg.getExecutionCount() < 25) {
Util.B(null, y -> jemoServer.getPluginManager().runWithModuleContext(Void.class, x -> {
if(!(ex instanceof TooMuchWorkException)) {
//it is incorrect to republish messages to the location queue. They should be re-published to the same queue they came from.
//if there was an error running this it does not make sense to resend it immediately we should wait 1000 for each time it has failed before re-sending it
resendScheduler.schedule(() -> {
Util.B(null, a -> jemoServer.getPluginManager().runWithModuleContext(Void.class, z -> {
msg.send(queueUrl); //send the message back through the queue
return null;
}, (msg.getExecutionCount()+1)*10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return null;
} else {
jemoServer.LOG(Level.WARNING, "Discarded message: %s to many errors", Jemo.toJSONString(msg));
}catch(JsonProcessingException republishEx) {} //this is not an important exception to handle because it would will never happen anyway.