blob: b28cb903565e0dcaef3c351cca3ebeeaf44b2501 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.gzip;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.AsyncEvent;
import javax.servlet.AsyncListener;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpMethod;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.MimeTypes;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.pathmap.PathSpecSet;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.IncludeExclude;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.RegexSet;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StringUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.URIUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* GZIP Handler This handler will gzip the content of a response if:
* <ul>
* <li>The handler is mapped to a matching path</li>
* <li>The response status code is >=200 and <300
* <li>The content length is unknown or more than the <code>minGzipSize</code> initParameter or the minGzipSize is 0(default)</li>
* <li>The content-type matches one of the set of mimetypes to be compressed</li>
* <li>The content-type does NOT match one of the set of mimetypes AND setExcludeMimeTypes is <code>true</code></li>
* <li>No content-encoding is specified by the resource</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Compressing the content can greatly improve the network bandwidth usage, but at a cost of memory and CPU cycles. If this handler is used for static content,
* then use of efficient direct NIO may be prevented, thus use of the gzip mechanism of the <code>org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet</code> is advised instead.
* </p>
public class GzipHandler extends HandlerWrapper
private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(GzipHandler.class);
protected int _bufferSize = 8192;
protected int _minGzipSize = 256;
protected String _vary = "Accept-Encoding, User-Agent";
private final IncludeExclude<String> _agentPatterns=new IncludeExclude<>(RegexSet.class);
private final IncludeExclude<String> _methods = new IncludeExclude<>();
private final IncludeExclude<String> _paths = new IncludeExclude<String>(PathSpecSet.class);
private final IncludeExclude<String> _mimeTypes = new IncludeExclude<>();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Instantiates a new gzip handler.
public GzipHandler()
for (String type:MimeTypes.getKnownMimeTypes())
if ("image/svg+xml".equals(type))
else if (type.startsWith("image/")||
LOG.debug("{} mime types {}",this,_mimeTypes);
_agentPatterns.exclude(".*MSIE 6.0.*");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @param patterns Regular expressions matching user agents to exclude
public void addExcludedAgentPatterns(String... patterns)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @param methods The methods to exclude in compression
public void addExcludedMethods(String... methods)
for (String m : methods)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the mime types.
* @param types The mime types to exclude (without charset or other parameters).
* For backward compatibility the mimetypes may be comma separated strings, but this
* will not be supported in future versions.
public void addExcludedMimeTypes(String... types)
for (String t : types)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Add path to excluded paths list.
* <p>
* There are 2 syntaxes supported, Servlet <code>url-pattern</code> based, and
* Regex based. This means that the initial characters on the path spec
* line are very strict, and determine the behavior of the path matching.
* <ul>
* <li>If the spec starts with <code>'^'</code> the spec is assumed to be
* a regex based path spec and will match with normal Java regex rules.</li>
* <li>If the spec starts with <code>'/'</code> then spec is assumed to be
* a Servlet url-pattern rules path spec for either an exact match
* or prefix based match.</li>
* <li>If the spec starts with <code>'*.'</code> then spec is assumed to be
* a Servlet url-pattern rules path spec for a suffix based match.</li>
* <li>All other syntaxes are unsupported</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note: inclusion takes precedence over exclude.
* @param pathspecs Path specs (as per servlet spec) to exclude. If a
* ServletContext is available, the paths are relative to the context path,
* otherwise they are absolute.<br>
* For backward compatibility the pathspecs may be comma separated strings, but this
* will not be supported in future versions.
public void addExcludedPaths(String... pathspecs)
for (String p : pathspecs)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @param patterns Regular expressions matching user agents to exclude
public void addIncludedAgentPatterns(String... patterns)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @param methods The methods to include in compression
public void addIncludedMethods(String... methods)
for (String m : methods)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Add included mime types. Inclusion takes precedence over
* exclusion.
* @param types The mime types to include (without charset or other parameters)
* For backward compatibility the mimetypes may be comma separated strings, but this
* will not be supported in future versions.
public void addIncludedMimeTypes(String... types)
for (String t : types)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Add path specs to include.
* <p>
* There are 2 syntaxes supported, Servlet <code>url-pattern</code> based, and
* Regex based. This means that the initial characters on the path spec
* line are very strict, and determine the behavior of the path matching.
* <ul>
* <li>If the spec starts with <code>'^'</code> the spec is assumed to be
* a regex based path spec and will match with normal Java regex rules.</li>
* <li>If the spec starts with <code>'/'</code> then spec is assumed to be
* a Servlet url-pattern rules path spec for either an exact match
* or prefix based match.</li>
* <li>If the spec starts with <code>'*.'</code> then spec is assumed to be
* a Servlet url-pattern rules path spec for a suffix based match.</li>
* <li>All other syntaxes are unsupported</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note: inclusion takes precedence over exclude.
* @param pathspecs Path specs (as per servlet spec) to include. If a
* ServletContext is available, the paths are relative to the context path,
* otherwise they are absolute
public void addIncludedPaths(String... pathspecs)
for (String p : pathspecs)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getExcludedAgentPatterns()
Set<String> excluded=_agentPatterns.getExcluded();
return excluded.toArray(new String[excluded.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getExcludedMethods()
Set<String> excluded=_methods.getExcluded();
return excluded.toArray(new String[excluded.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getExcludedMimeTypes()
Set<String> excluded=_mimeTypes.getExcluded();
return excluded.toArray(new String[excluded.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getExcludedPaths()
Set<String> excluded=_paths.getExcluded();
return excluded.toArray(new String[excluded.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getIncludedAgentPatterns()
Set<String> includes=_agentPatterns.getIncluded();
return includes.toArray(new String[includes.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getIncludedMethods()
Set<String> includes=_methods.getIncluded();
return includes.toArray(new String[includes.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getIncludedMimeTypes()
Set<String> includes=_mimeTypes.getIncluded();
return includes.toArray(new String[includes.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public String[] getIncludedPaths()
Set<String> includes=_paths.getIncluded();
return includes.toArray(new String[includes.size()]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get the mime types.
* @return mime types to set
* @deprecated use {@link #getExcludedMimeTypes()} or {@link #getIncludedMimeTypes()} instead
public Set<String> getMimeTypes()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use getIncludedMimeTypes or getExcludedMimeTypes instead");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the mime types.
* @param mimeTypes
* the mime types to set
* @deprecated use {@link #setExcludedMimeTypes()} or {@link #setIncludedMimeTypes()} instead
public void setMimeTypes(Set<String> mimeTypes)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use setIncludedMimeTypes or setExcludedMimeTypes instead");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the mime types.
* @param mimeTypes
* the mime types to set
* @deprecated use {@link #setExcludedMimeTypes()} or {@link #setIncludedMimeTypes()} instead
public void setMimeTypes(String mimeTypes)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use setIncludedMimeTypes or setExcludedMimeTypes instead");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the mime types.
* @deprecated use {@link #setExcludedMimeTypes()} instead
public void setExcludeMimeTypes(boolean exclude)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use setExcludedMimeTypes instead");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get the excluded user agents.
* @return excluded user agents
public Set<String> getExcluded()
return _agentPatterns.getExcluded();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the excluded user agents.
* @param excluded
* excluded user agents to set
public void setExcluded(Set<String> excluded)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the excluded user agents.
* @param excluded
* excluded user agents to set
public void setExcluded(String excluded)
if (excluded != null)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @return The value of the Vary header set if a response can be compressed.
public String getVary()
return _vary;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the value of the Vary header sent with responses that could be compressed.
* <p>
* By default it is set to 'Accept-Encoding, User-Agent' since IE6 is excluded by
* default from the excludedAgents. If user-agents are not to be excluded, then
* this can be set to 'Accept-Encoding'. Note also that shared caches may cache
* many copies of a resource that is varied by User-Agent - one per variation of the
* User-Agent, unless the cache does some normalization of the UA string.
* @param vary The value of the Vary header set if a response can be compressed.
public void setVary(String vary)
_vary = vary;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get the buffer size.
* @return the buffer size
public int getBufferSize()
return _bufferSize;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the buffer size.
* @param bufferSize
* buffer size to set
public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
_bufferSize = bufferSize;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get the minimum reponse size.
* @return minimum reponse size
public int getMinGzipSize()
return _minGzipSize;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set the minimum reponse size.
* @param minGzipSize
* minimum reponse size
public void setMinGzipSize(int minGzipSize)
_minGzipSize = minGzipSize;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
protected void doStart() throws Exception
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @see org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper#handle(java.lang.String, org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException
if(_handler == null || !isStarted())
// do nothing
if(isGzippable(baseRequest, request, response))
final CompressedResponseWrapper wrappedResponse = newGzipResponseWrapper(request,response);
boolean exceptional=true;
_handler.handle(target, baseRequest, request, wrappedResponse);
if (request.isAsyncStarted())
request.getAsyncContext().addListener(new AsyncListener()
public void onTimeout(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onStartAsync(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onError(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onComplete(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
catch(IOException e)
else if (exceptional && !response.isCommitted())
_handler.handle(target,baseRequest, request, response);
private boolean isGzippable(Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
String ae = request.getHeader("accept-encoding");
if (ae == null || !ae.contains("gzip"))
// Request not indicated for Gzip
return false;
// Response is already declared, can't gzip
LOG.debug("{} excluded as Content-Encoding already declared {}",this,request);
return false;
// HEAD is never Gzip'd
LOG.debug("{} excluded by method {}",this,request);
return false;
// Exclude based on Request Method
if (!_methods.matches(baseRequest.getMethod()))
LOG.debug("{} excluded by method {}",this,request);
return false;
// Exclude based on Request Path
ServletContext context = baseRequest.getServletContext();
String path = context==null?baseRequest.getRequestURI():URIUtil.addPaths(baseRequest.getServletPath(),baseRequest.getPathInfo());
if(path != null && !_paths.matches(path))
LOG.debug("{} excluded by path {}",this,request);
return false;
// Exclude non compressible mime-types known from URI extension. - no Vary because no matter what client, this URI is always excluded
String mimeType = context==null?null:context.getMimeType(path);
if (mimeType!=null)
mimeType = MimeTypes.getContentTypeWithoutCharset(mimeType);
if (!_mimeTypes.matches(mimeType))
LOG.debug("{} excluded by path suffix mime type {}",this,request);
return false;
// Exclude on User Agent
String ua = request.getHeader("User-Agent");
if(ua != null && !_agentPatterns.matches(ua))
LOG.debug("{} excluded by user-agent {}",this,request);
return false;
return true;
* Allows derived implementations to replace ResponseWrapper implementation.
* @param request the request
* @param response the response
* @return the gzip response wrapper
protected CompressedResponseWrapper newGzipResponseWrapper(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
return new CompressedResponseWrapper(request,response)
protected AbstractCompressedStream newCompressedStream(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
return new AbstractCompressedStream("gzip",request,this,_vary)
protected DeflaterOutputStream createStream() throws IOException
return new GZIPOutputStream(_response.getOutputStream(),_bufferSize);
protected PrintWriter newWriter(OutputStream out,String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
return GzipHandler.this.newWriter(out,encoding);
* Allows derived implementations to replace PrintWriter implementation.
* @param out the out
* @param encoding the encoding
* @return the prints the writer
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
protected PrintWriter newWriter(OutputStream out,String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
return encoding==null?new PrintWriter(out):new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out,encoding));