blob: 85a6fb0319a1959f10eca7931dd052d0009d453f [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.extensions.compress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.BatchMode;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.WebSocketPolicy;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.extensions.ExtensionConfig;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.extensions.Frame;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.OpCode;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.WebSocketFrame;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.extensions.AbstractExtensionTest;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.extensions.ExtensionTool.Tester;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.frames.ContinuationFrame;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.frames.PingFrame;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.frames.TextFrame;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.test.ByteBufferAssert;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.test.IncomingFramesCapture;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.test.LeakTrackingBufferPoolRule;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.test.OutgoingFramesCapture;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import static;
* Client side behavioral tests for permessage-deflate extension.
* <p/>
* See:
public class PerMessageDeflateExtensionTest extends AbstractExtensionTest
public LeakTrackingBufferPoolRule bufferPool = new LeakTrackingBufferPoolRule("Test");
* Decode payload example as seen in draft-ietf-hybi-permessage-compression-15.
* <p/>
* Section Using a DEFLATE Block with BFINAL Set to 1
public void testDraft15_DeflateBlockWithBFinal1()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate");
tester.parseIncomingHex(// 1 message
"0xc1 0x08", // header
"0xf3 0x48 0xcd 0xc9 0xc9 0x07 0x00 0x00" // example payload
* Decode payload example as seen in draft-ietf-hybi-permessage-compression-15.
* <p/>
* Section Using a DEFLATE Block with No Compression
public void testDraft15_DeflateBlockWithNoCompression()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate");
tester.parseIncomingHex(// 1 message / no compression
"0xc1 0x0b 0x00 0x05 0x00 0xfa 0xff 0x48 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f 0x00" // example frame
* Decode payload example as seen in draft-ietf-hybi-permessage-compression-15.
* <p/>
* Section A message compressed using 1 compressed DEFLATE block
public void testDraft15_Hello_UnCompressedBlock()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate");
tester.parseIncomingHex(//basic, 1 block, compressed with 0 compression level (aka, uncompressed).
"0xc1 0x07 0xf2 0x48 0xcd 0xc9 0xc9 0x07 0x00" // example frame
* Decode payload example as seen in draft-ietf-hybi-permessage-compression-15.
* <p/>
* Section A message compressed using 1 compressed DEFLATE block (with fragmentation)
public void testDraft15_Hello_UnCompressedBlock_Fragmented()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate");
tester.parseIncomingHex(// basic, 1 block, compressed with 0 compression level (aka, uncompressed).
// Fragment 1
"0x41 0x03 0xf2 0x48 0xcd",
// Fragment 2
"0x80 0x04 0xc9 0xc9 0x07 0x00");
new TextFrame().setPayload("He").setFin(false),
new ContinuationFrame().setPayload("llo").setFin(true));
* Decode payload example as seen in draft-ietf-hybi-permessage-compression-15.
* <p/>
* Section Sharing LZ77 Sliding Window
public void testDraft15_SharingL77SlidingWindow_ContextTakeover()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate");
tester.parseIncomingHex( // context takeover (2 messages)
// message 1
"0xc1 0x07", // (HEADER added for this test)
"0xf2 0x48 0xcd 0xc9 0xc9 0x07 0x00",
// message 2
"0xc1 0x07", // (HEADER added for this test)
"0xf2 0x48 0xcd 0xc9 0xc9 0x07 0x00");
tester.assertHasFrames("Hello", "Hello");
* Decode payload example as seen in draft-ietf-hybi-permessage-compression-15.
* <p/>
* Section Sharing LZ77 Sliding Window
public void testDraft15_SharingL77SlidingWindow_NoContextTakeover()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate");
tester.parseIncomingHex(// 2 message, shared LZ77 window
// message 1
"0xc1 0x07", // (HEADER added for this test)
"0xf2 0x48 0xcd 0xc9 0xc9 0x07 0x00",
// message 2
"0xc1 0x05", // (HEADER added for this test)
"0xf2 0x00 0x11 0x00 0x00"
tester.assertHasFrames("Hello", "Hello");
* Decode payload example as seen in draft-ietf-hybi-permessage-compression-15.
* <p/>
* Section Two DEFLATE Blocks in 1 Message
public void testDraft15_TwoDeflateBlocksOneMessage()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate");
tester.parseIncomingHex(// 1 message, 1 frame, 2 deflate blocks
"0xc1 0x0d", // (HEADER added for this test)
"0xf2 0x48 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xff 0xff 0xca 0xc9 0xc9 0x07 0x00"
* Incoming PING (Control Frame) should pass through extension unmodified
public void testIncomingPing()
PerMessageDeflateExtension ext = new PerMessageDeflateExtension();
ExtensionConfig config = ExtensionConfig.parse("permessage-deflate");
// Setup capture of incoming frames
IncomingFramesCapture capture = new IncomingFramesCapture();
// Wire up stack
String payload = "Are you there?";
Frame ping = new PingFrame().setPayload(payload);
capture.assertHasFrame(OpCode.PING, 1);
WebSocketFrame actual = capture.getFrames().poll();
Assert.assertThat("Frame.opcode", actual.getOpCode(), is(OpCode.PING));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.fin", actual.isFin(), is(true));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.rsv1", actual.isRsv1(), is(false));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.rsv2", actual.isRsv2(), is(false));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.rsv3", actual.isRsv3(), is(false));
ByteBuffer expected = BufferUtil.toBuffer(payload, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Assert.assertThat("Frame.payloadLength", actual.getPayloadLength(), is(expected.remaining()));
ByteBufferAssert.assertEquals("Frame.payload", expected, actual.getPayload().slice());
* Verify that incoming uncompressed frames are properly passed through
public void testIncomingUncompressedFrames()
PerMessageDeflateExtension ext = new PerMessageDeflateExtension();
ExtensionConfig config = ExtensionConfig.parse("permessage-deflate");
// Setup capture of incoming frames
IncomingFramesCapture capture = new IncomingFramesCapture();
// Wire up stack
// Quote
List<String> quote = new ArrayList<>();
quote.add("No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right;");
quote.add("a single experiment can prove me wrong.");
quote.add("-- Albert Einstein");
// leave frames as-is, no compression, and pass into extension
for (String q : quote)
TextFrame frame = new TextFrame().setPayload(q);
frame.setRsv1(false); // indication to extension that frame is not compressed (ie: a normal frame)
int len = quote.size();
capture.assertHasFrame(OpCode.TEXT, len);
String prefix;
int i = 0;
for (WebSocketFrame actual : capture.getFrames())
prefix = "Frame[" + i + "]";
Assert.assertThat(prefix + ".opcode", actual.getOpCode(), is(OpCode.TEXT));
Assert.assertThat(prefix + ".fin", actual.isFin(), is(true));
Assert.assertThat(prefix + ".rsv1", actual.isRsv1(), is(false));
Assert.assertThat(prefix + ".rsv2", actual.isRsv2(), is(false));
Assert.assertThat(prefix + ".rsv3", actual.isRsv3(), is(false));
ByteBuffer expected = BufferUtil.toBuffer(quote.get(i), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Assert.assertThat(prefix + ".payloadLength", actual.getPayloadLength(), is(expected.remaining()));
ByteBufferAssert.assertEquals(prefix + ".payload", expected, actual.getPayload().slice());
* Outgoing PING (Control Frame) should pass through extension unmodified
public void testOutgoingPing() throws IOException
PerMessageDeflateExtension ext = new PerMessageDeflateExtension();
ExtensionConfig config = ExtensionConfig.parse("permessage-deflate");
// Setup capture of outgoing frames
OutgoingFramesCapture capture = new OutgoingFramesCapture();
// Wire up stack
String payload = "Are you there?";
Frame ping = new PingFrame().setPayload(payload);
ext.outgoingFrame(ping, null, BatchMode.OFF);
capture.assertHasFrame(OpCode.PING, 1);
WebSocketFrame actual = capture.getFrames().getFirst();
Assert.assertThat("Frame.opcode", actual.getOpCode(), is(OpCode.PING));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.fin", actual.isFin(), is(true));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.rsv1", actual.isRsv1(), is(false));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.rsv2", actual.isRsv2(), is(false));
Assert.assertThat("Frame.rsv3", actual.isRsv3(), is(false));
ByteBuffer expected = BufferUtil.toBuffer(payload, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Assert.assertThat("Frame.payloadLength", actual.getPayloadLength(), is(expected.remaining()));
ByteBufferAssert.assertEquals("Frame.payload", expected, actual.getPayload().slice());
public void testPyWebSocket_Client_NoContextTakeover_ThreeOra()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits; client_no_context_takeover");
// Captured from Pywebsocket (r790) - 3 messages with similar parts.
tester.parseIncomingHex( // context takeover (3 messages)
"c1 09 0a c9 2f 4a 0c 01 62 00 00", // ToraTora
"c1 0b 72 2c c9 2f 4a 74 cb 01 12 00 00", // AtoraFlora
"c1 0b 0a c8 c8 c9 2f 4a 0c 01 62 00 00" // PhloraTora
tester.assertHasFrames("ToraTora", "AtoraFlora", "PhloraTora");
public void testPyWebSocket_Client_ToraToraTora()
Tester tester = clientExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits");
// Captured from Pywebsocket (r790) - "tora" sent 3 times.
tester.parseIncomingHex( // context takeover (3 messages)
"c1 06 2a c9 2f 4a 04 00", // tora 1
"c1 05 2a 01 62 00 00", // tora 2
"c1 04 02 61 00 00" // tora 3
tester.assertHasFrames("tora", "tora", "tora");
public void testPyWebSocket_Server_NoContextTakeover_ThreeOra()
Tester tester = serverExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits; client_no_context_takeover");
// Captured from Pywebsocket (r790) - 3 messages with similar parts.
tester.parseIncomingHex( // context takeover (3 messages)
"c1 89 88 bc 1b b1 82 75 34 fb 84 bd 79 b1 88", // ToraTora
"c1 8b 50 86 88 b2 22 aa 41 9d 1a f2 43 b3 42 86 88", // AtoraFlora
"c1 8b e2 3e 05 53 e8 f6 cd 9a cd 74 09 52 80 3e 05" // PhloraTora
tester.assertHasFrames("ToraTora", "AtoraFlora", "PhloraTora");
public void testPyWebSocket_Server_ToraToraTora()
Tester tester = serverExtensions.newTester("permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits");
// Captured from Pywebsocket (r790) - "tora" sent 3 times.
tester.parseIncomingHex( // context takeover (3 messages)
"c1 86 69 39 fe 91 43 f0 d1 db 6d 39", // tora 1
"c1 85 2d f3 eb 96 07 f2 89 96 2d", // tora 2
"c1 84 53 ad a5 34 51 cc a5 34" // tora 3
tester.assertHasFrames("tora", "tora", "tora");