blob: 359f8d327846b88a558659a710fdc0061dc8be7d [file] [log] [blame]
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2016 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
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package org.eclipse.jetty.server.session;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.SessionManager;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ScheduledExecutorScheduler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Scheduler;
* JDBCSessionIdManager
* SessionIdManager implementation that uses a database to store in-use session ids,
* to support distributed sessions.
public class JDBCSessionIdManager extends AbstractSessionIdManager
final static Logger LOG = SessionHandler.LOG;
public final static int MAX_INTERVAL_NOT_SET = -999;
protected final HashSet<String> _sessionIds = new HashSet<String>();
protected Server _server;
protected Driver _driver;
protected String _driverClassName;
protected String _connectionUrl;
protected DataSource _datasource;
protected String _jndiName;
protected int _deleteBlockSize = 10; //number of ids to include in where 'in' clause
protected Scheduler.Task _task; //scavenge task
protected Scheduler _scheduler;
protected Scavenger _scavenger;
protected boolean _ownScheduler;
protected long _lastScavengeTime;
protected long _scavengeIntervalMs = 1000L * 60 * 10; //10mins
protected String _createSessionIdTable;
protected String _createSessionTable;
protected String _selectBoundedExpiredSessions;
private String _selectExpiredSessions;
protected String _insertId;
protected String _deleteId;
protected String _queryId;
protected String _insertSession;
protected String _deleteSession;
protected String _updateSession;
protected String _updateSessionNode;
protected String _updateSessionAccessTime;
protected DatabaseAdaptor _dbAdaptor = new DatabaseAdaptor();
protected SessionIdTableSchema _sessionIdTableSchema = new SessionIdTableSchema();
protected SessionTableSchema _sessionTableSchema = new SessionTableSchema();
* SessionTableSchema
public static class SessionTableSchema
protected DatabaseAdaptor _dbAdaptor;
protected String _tableName = "JettySessions";
protected String _rowIdColumn = "rowId";
protected String _idColumn = "sessionId";
protected String _contextPathColumn = "contextPath";
protected String _virtualHostColumn = "virtualHost";
protected String _lastNodeColumn = "lastNode";
protected String _accessTimeColumn = "accessTime";
protected String _lastAccessTimeColumn = "lastAccessTime";
protected String _createTimeColumn = "createTime";
protected String _cookieTimeColumn = "cookieTime";
protected String _lastSavedTimeColumn = "lastSavedTime";
protected String _expiryTimeColumn = "expiryTime";
protected String _maxIntervalColumn = "maxInterval";
protected String _mapColumn = "map";
protected void setDatabaseAdaptor(DatabaseAdaptor dbadaptor)
_dbAdaptor = dbadaptor;
public String getTableName()
return _tableName;
public void setTableName(String tableName)
_tableName = tableName;
public String getRowIdColumn()
if ("rowId".equals(_rowIdColumn) && _dbAdaptor.isRowIdReserved())
_rowIdColumn = "srowId";
return _rowIdColumn;
public void setRowIdColumn(String rowIdColumn)
if (_dbAdaptor == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("DbAdaptor is null");
if (_dbAdaptor.isRowIdReserved() && "rowId".equals(rowIdColumn))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("rowId is reserved word for Oracle");
_rowIdColumn = rowIdColumn;
public String getIdColumn()
return _idColumn;
public void setIdColumn(String idColumn)
_idColumn = idColumn;
public String getContextPathColumn()
return _contextPathColumn;
public void setContextPathColumn(String contextPathColumn)
_contextPathColumn = contextPathColumn;
public String getVirtualHostColumn()
return _virtualHostColumn;
public void setVirtualHostColumn(String virtualHostColumn)
_virtualHostColumn = virtualHostColumn;
public String getLastNodeColumn()
return _lastNodeColumn;
public void setLastNodeColumn(String lastNodeColumn)
_lastNodeColumn = lastNodeColumn;
public String getAccessTimeColumn()
return _accessTimeColumn;
public void setAccessTimeColumn(String accessTimeColumn)
_accessTimeColumn = accessTimeColumn;
public String getLastAccessTimeColumn()
return _lastAccessTimeColumn;
public void setLastAccessTimeColumn(String lastAccessTimeColumn)
_lastAccessTimeColumn = lastAccessTimeColumn;
public String getCreateTimeColumn()
return _createTimeColumn;
public void setCreateTimeColumn(String createTimeColumn)
_createTimeColumn = createTimeColumn;
public String getCookieTimeColumn()
return _cookieTimeColumn;
public void setCookieTimeColumn(String cookieTimeColumn)
_cookieTimeColumn = cookieTimeColumn;
public String getLastSavedTimeColumn()
return _lastSavedTimeColumn;
public void setLastSavedTimeColumn(String lastSavedTimeColumn)
_lastSavedTimeColumn = lastSavedTimeColumn;
public String getExpiryTimeColumn()
return _expiryTimeColumn;
public void setExpiryTimeColumn(String expiryTimeColumn)
_expiryTimeColumn = expiryTimeColumn;
public String getMaxIntervalColumn()
return _maxIntervalColumn;
public void setMaxIntervalColumn(String maxIntervalColumn)
_maxIntervalColumn = maxIntervalColumn;
public String getMapColumn()
return _mapColumn;
public void setMapColumn(String mapColumn)
_mapColumn = mapColumn;
public String getCreateStatementAsString ()
if (_dbAdaptor == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("No DBAdaptor");
String blobType = _dbAdaptor.getBlobType();
String longType = _dbAdaptor.getLongType();
return "create table "+_tableName+" ("+getRowIdColumn()+" varchar(120), "+_idColumn+" varchar(120), "+
_contextPathColumn+" varchar(60), "+_virtualHostColumn+" varchar(60), "+_lastNodeColumn+" varchar(60), "+_accessTimeColumn+" "+longType+", "+
_lastAccessTimeColumn+" "+longType+", "+_createTimeColumn+" "+longType+", "+_cookieTimeColumn+" "+longType+", "+
_lastSavedTimeColumn+" "+longType+", "+_expiryTimeColumn+" "+longType+", "+_maxIntervalColumn+" "+longType+", "+
_mapColumn+" "+blobType+", primary key("+getRowIdColumn()+"))";
public String getCreateIndexOverExpiryStatementAsString (String indexName)
return "create index "+indexName+" on "+getTableName()+" ("+getExpiryTimeColumn()+")";
public String getCreateIndexOverSessionStatementAsString (String indexName)
return "create index "+indexName+" on "+getTableName()+" ("+getIdColumn()+", "+getContextPathColumn()+")";
public String getAlterTableForMaxIntervalAsString ()
if (_dbAdaptor == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("No DBAdaptor");
String longType = _dbAdaptor.getLongType();
String stem = "alter table "+getTableName()+" add "+getMaxIntervalColumn()+" "+longType;
if (_dbAdaptor.getDBName().contains("oracle"))
return stem + " default "+ MAX_INTERVAL_NOT_SET + " not null";
return stem +" not null default "+ MAX_INTERVAL_NOT_SET;
private void checkNotNull(String s)
if (s == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
public String getInsertSessionStatementAsString()
return "insert into "+getTableName()+
" ("+getRowIdColumn()+", "+getIdColumn()+", "+getContextPathColumn()+", "+getVirtualHostColumn()+", "+getLastNodeColumn()+
", "+getAccessTimeColumn()+", "+getLastAccessTimeColumn()+", "+getCreateTimeColumn()+", "+getCookieTimeColumn()+
", "+getLastSavedTimeColumn()+", "+getExpiryTimeColumn()+", "+getMaxIntervalColumn()+", "+getMapColumn()+") "+
" values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
public String getDeleteSessionStatementAsString()
return "delete from "+getTableName()+
" where "+getRowIdColumn()+" = ?";
public String getUpdateSessionStatementAsString()
return "update "+getTableName()+
" set "+getIdColumn()+" = ?, "+getLastNodeColumn()+" = ?, "+getAccessTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+
getLastAccessTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+getLastSavedTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+getExpiryTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+
getMaxIntervalColumn()+" = ?, "+getMapColumn()+" = ? where "+getRowIdColumn()+" = ?";
public String getUpdateSessionNodeStatementAsString()
return "update "+getTableName()+
" set "+getLastNodeColumn()+" = ? where "+getRowIdColumn()+" = ?";
public String getUpdateSessionAccessTimeStatementAsString()
return "update "+getTableName()+
" set "+getLastNodeColumn()+" = ?, "+getAccessTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+getLastAccessTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+
getLastSavedTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+getExpiryTimeColumn()+" = ?, "+getMaxIntervalColumn()+" = ? where "+getRowIdColumn()+" = ?";
public String getBoundedExpiredSessionsStatementAsString()
return "select * from "+getTableName()+" where "+getLastNodeColumn()+" = ? and "+getExpiryTimeColumn()+" >= ? and "+getExpiryTimeColumn()+" <= ?";
public String getSelectExpiredSessionsStatementAsString()
return "select * from "+getTableName()+" where "+getExpiryTimeColumn()+" >0 and "+getExpiryTimeColumn()+" <= ?";
public PreparedStatement getLoadStatement (Connection connection, String rowId, String contextPath, String virtualHosts)
throws SQLException
if (_dbAdaptor == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("No DB adaptor");
if (contextPath == null || "".equals(contextPath))
if (_dbAdaptor.isEmptyStringNull())
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from "+getTableName()+
" where "+getIdColumn()+" = ? and "+
getContextPathColumn()+" is null and "+
getVirtualHostColumn()+" = ?");
statement.setString(1, rowId);
statement.setString(2, virtualHosts);
return statement;
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from "+getTableName()+
" where "+getIdColumn()+" = ? and "+getContextPathColumn()+
" = ? and "+getVirtualHostColumn()+" = ?");
statement.setString(1, rowId);
statement.setString(2, contextPath);
statement.setString(3, virtualHosts);
return statement;
* SessionIdTableSchema
public static class SessionIdTableSchema
protected DatabaseAdaptor _dbAdaptor;
protected String _tableName = "JettySessionIds";
protected String _idColumn = "id";
public void setDatabaseAdaptor(DatabaseAdaptor dbAdaptor)
_dbAdaptor = dbAdaptor;
public String getIdColumn()
return _idColumn;
public void setIdColumn(String idColumn)
_idColumn = idColumn;
public String getTableName()
return _tableName;
public void setTableName(String tableName)
_tableName = tableName;
public String getInsertStatementAsString ()
return "insert into "+_tableName+" ("+_idColumn+") values (?)";
public String getDeleteStatementAsString ()
return "delete from "+_tableName+" where "+_idColumn+" = ?";
public String getSelectStatementAsString ()
return "select * from "+_tableName+" where "+_idColumn+" = ?";
public String getCreateStatementAsString ()
return "create table "+_tableName+" ("+_idColumn+" varchar(120), primary key("+_idColumn+"))";
private void checkNotNull(String s)
if (s == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
* DatabaseAdaptor
* Handles differences between databases.
* Postgres uses the getBytes and setBinaryStream methods to access
* a "bytea" datatype, which can be up to 1Gb of binary data. MySQL
* is happy to use the "blob" type and getBlob() methods instead.
* TODO if the differences become more major it would be worthwhile
* refactoring this class.
public static class DatabaseAdaptor
String _dbName;
boolean _isLower;
boolean _isUpper;
protected String _blobType; //if not set, is deduced from the type of the database at runtime
protected String _longType; //if not set, is deduced from the type of the database at runtime
public DatabaseAdaptor ()
public void adaptTo(DatabaseMetaData dbMeta)
throws SQLException
_dbName = dbMeta.getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug ("Using database {}",_dbName);
_isLower = dbMeta.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers();
_isUpper = dbMeta.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers();
public void setBlobType(String blobType)
_blobType = blobType;
public String getBlobType ()
if (_blobType != null)
return _blobType;
if (_dbName.startsWith("postgres"))
return "bytea";
return "blob";
public void setLongType(String longType)
_longType = longType;
public String getLongType ()
if (_longType != null)
return _longType;
if (_dbName == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("DbAdaptor missing metadata");
if (_dbName.startsWith("oracle"))
return "number(20)";
return "bigint";
* Convert a camel case identifier into either upper or lower
* depending on the way the db stores identifiers.
* @param identifier the raw identifier
* @return the converted identifier
public String convertIdentifier (String identifier)
if (_dbName == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("DbAdaptor missing metadata");
if (_isLower)
return identifier.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
if (_isUpper)
return identifier.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
return identifier;
public String getDBName ()
return _dbName;
public InputStream getBlobInputStream (ResultSet result, String columnName)
throws SQLException
if (_dbName == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("DbAdaptor missing metadata");
if (_dbName.startsWith("postgres"))
byte[] bytes = result.getBytes(columnName);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
Blob blob = result.getBlob(columnName);
return blob.getBinaryStream();
public boolean isEmptyStringNull ()
if (_dbName == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("DbAdaptor missing metadata");
return (_dbName.startsWith("oracle"));
* rowId is a reserved word for Oracle, so change the name of this column
* @return true if db in use is oracle
public boolean isRowIdReserved ()
if (_dbName == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("DbAdaptor missing metadata");
return (_dbName != null && _dbName.startsWith("oracle"));
* Scavenger
protected class Scavenger implements Runnable
public void run()
if (_scheduler != null && _scheduler.isRunning())
_task = _scheduler.schedule(this, _scavengeIntervalMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
public JDBCSessionIdManager(Server server)
public JDBCSessionIdManager(Server server, Random random)
* Configure jdbc connection information via a jdbc Driver
* @param driverClassName the driver classname
* @param connectionUrl the driver connection url
public void setDriverInfo (String driverClassName, String connectionUrl)
* Configure jdbc connection information via a jdbc Driver
* @param driverClass the driver class
* @param connectionUrl the driver connection url
public void setDriverInfo (Driver driverClass, String connectionUrl)
public void setDatasource (DataSource ds)
_datasource = ds;
public DataSource getDataSource ()
return _datasource;
public String getDriverClassName()
return _driverClassName;
public String getConnectionUrl ()
return _connectionUrl;
public void setDatasourceName (String jndi)
public String getDatasourceName ()
return _jndiName;
* @param name the name of the blob
* @deprecated see DbAdaptor.setBlobType
public void setBlobType (String name)
public DatabaseAdaptor getDbAdaptor()
return _dbAdaptor;
public void setDbAdaptor(DatabaseAdaptor dbAdaptor)
if (dbAdaptor == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("DbAdaptor cannot be null");
_dbAdaptor = dbAdaptor;
* @return the blob type
* @deprecated see DbAdaptor.getBlobType
public String getBlobType ()
return _dbAdaptor.getBlobType();
* @return the long type
* @deprecated see DbAdaptor.getLogType
public String getLongType()
return _dbAdaptor.getLongType();
* @param longType the long type
* @deprecated see DbAdaptor.setLongType
public void setLongType(String longType)
public SessionIdTableSchema getSessionIdTableSchema()
return _sessionIdTableSchema;
public void setSessionIdTableSchema(SessionIdTableSchema sessionIdTableSchema)
if (sessionIdTableSchema == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null SessionIdTableSchema");
_sessionIdTableSchema = sessionIdTableSchema;
public SessionTableSchema getSessionTableSchema()
return _sessionTableSchema;
public void setSessionTableSchema(SessionTableSchema sessionTableSchema)
_sessionTableSchema = sessionTableSchema;
public void setDeleteBlockSize (int bsize)
this._deleteBlockSize = bsize;
public int getDeleteBlockSize ()
return this._deleteBlockSize;
public void setScavengeInterval (long sec)
if (sec<=0)
long old_period=_scavengeIntervalMs;
long period=sec*1000L;
//add a bit of variability into the scavenge time so that not all
//nodes with the same scavenge time sync up
long tenPercent = _scavengeIntervalMs/10;
if ((System.currentTimeMillis()%2) == 0)
_scavengeIntervalMs += tenPercent;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Scavenging every "+_scavengeIntervalMs+" ms");
synchronized (this)
//if (_timer!=null && (period!=old_period || _task==null))
if (_scheduler != null && (period!=old_period || _task==null))
if (_task!=null)
if (_scavenger == null)
_scavenger = new Scavenger();
_task = _scheduler.schedule(_scavenger,_scavengeIntervalMs,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
public long getScavengeInterval ()
return _scavengeIntervalMs/1000;
public void addSession(HttpSession session)
if (session == null)
synchronized (_sessionIds)
String id = ((JDBCSessionManager.Session)session).getClusterId();
catch (Exception e)
LOG.warn("Problem storing session id="+id, e);
public void addSession(String id)
if (id == null)
synchronized (_sessionIds)
catch (Exception e)
LOG.warn("Problem storing session id="+id, e);
public void removeSession(HttpSession session)
if (session == null)
public void removeSession (String id)
if (id == null)
synchronized (_sessionIds)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Removing sessionid="+id);
catch (Exception e)
LOG.warn("Problem removing session id="+id, e);
public boolean idInUse(String id)
if (id == null)
return false;
String clusterId = getClusterId(id);
boolean inUse = false;
synchronized (_sessionIds)
inUse = _sessionIds.contains(clusterId);
if (inUse)
return true; //optimisation - if this session is one we've been managing, we can check locally
//otherwise, we need to go to the database to check
return exists(clusterId);
catch (Exception e)
LOG.warn("Problem checking inUse for id="+clusterId, e);
return false;
* Invalidate the session matching the id on all contexts.
* @see org.eclipse.jetty.server.SessionIdManager#invalidateAll(java.lang.String)
public void invalidateAll(String id)
//take the id out of the list of known sessionids for this node
synchronized (_sessionIds)
//tell all contexts that may have a session object with this id to
//get rid of them
Handler[] contexts = _server.getChildHandlersByClass(ContextHandler.class);
for (int i=0; contexts!=null && i<contexts.length; i++)
SessionHandler sessionHandler = ((ContextHandler)contexts[i]).getChildHandlerByClass(SessionHandler.class);
if (sessionHandler != null)
SessionManager manager = sessionHandler.getSessionManager();
if (manager != null && manager instanceof JDBCSessionManager)
public void renewSessionId (String oldClusterId, String oldNodeId, HttpServletRequest request)
//generate a new id
String newClusterId = newSessionId(request.hashCode());
synchronized (_sessionIds)
removeSession(oldClusterId);//remove the old one from the list (and database)
addSession(newClusterId); //add in the new session id to the list (and database)
//tell all contexts to update the id
Handler[] contexts = _server.getChildHandlersByClass(ContextHandler.class);
for (int i=0; contexts!=null && i<contexts.length; i++)
SessionHandler sessionHandler = ((ContextHandler)contexts[i]).getChildHandlerByClass(SessionHandler.class);
if (sessionHandler != null)
SessionManager manager = sessionHandler.getSessionManager();
if (manager != null && manager instanceof JDBCSessionManager)
((JDBCSessionManager)manager).renewSessionId(oldClusterId, oldNodeId, newClusterId, getNodeId(newClusterId, request));
* Start up the id manager.
* Makes necessary database tables and starts a Session
* scavenger thread.
public void doStart()
throws Exception
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Scavenging interval = "+getScavengeInterval()+" sec");
//try and use a common scheduler, fallback to own
_scheduler =_server.getBean(Scheduler.class);
if (_scheduler == null)
_scheduler = new ScheduledExecutorScheduler();
_ownScheduler = true;
else if (!_scheduler.isStarted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Shared scheduler not started");
* Stop the scavenger.
public void doStop ()
throws Exception
if (_task!=null)
if (_ownScheduler && _scheduler !=null)
* Get a connection from the driver or datasource.
* @return the connection for the datasource
* @throws SQLException if unable to get the connection
protected Connection getConnection ()
throws SQLException
if (_datasource != null)
return _datasource.getConnection();
return DriverManager.getConnection(_connectionUrl);
* Set up the tables in the database
* @throws SQLException
* @throws SQLException
private void prepareTables()
throws SQLException
if (_sessionIdTableSchema == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("No SessionIdTableSchema");
if (_sessionTableSchema == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("No SessionTableSchema");
try (Connection connection = getConnection();
Statement statement = connection.createStatement())
//make the id table
DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
_createSessionIdTable = _sessionIdTableSchema.getCreateStatementAsString();
_insertId = _sessionIdTableSchema.getInsertStatementAsString();
_deleteId = _sessionIdTableSchema.getDeleteStatementAsString();
_queryId = _sessionIdTableSchema.getSelectStatementAsString();
//checking for table existence is case-sensitive, but table creation is not
String tableName = _dbAdaptor.convertIdentifier(_sessionIdTableSchema.getTableName());
try (ResultSet result = metaData.getTables(null, null, tableName, null))
if (!
//table does not exist, so create it
//make the session table if necessary
tableName = _dbAdaptor.convertIdentifier(_sessionTableSchema.getTableName());
try (ResultSet result = metaData.getTables(null, null, tableName, null))
if (!
//table does not exist, so create it
_createSessionTable = _sessionTableSchema.getCreateStatementAsString();
//session table exists, check it has maxinterval column
ResultSet colResult = null;
colResult = metaData.getColumns(null, null,
catch (SQLException s)
LOG.warn("Problem checking if "+_sessionTableSchema.getTableName()+
" table contains "+_sessionTableSchema.getMaxIntervalColumn()+" column. Ensure table contains column definition: \""
+_sessionTableSchema.getMaxIntervalColumn()+" long not null default -999\"");
throw s;
if (!
//add the maxinterval column
catch (SQLException s)
LOG.warn("Problem adding "+_sessionTableSchema.getMaxIntervalColumn()+
" column. Ensure table contains column definition: \""+_sessionTableSchema.getMaxIntervalColumn()+
" long not null default -999\"");
throw s;
//make some indexes on the JettySessions table
String index1 = "idx_"+_sessionTableSchema.getTableName()+"_expiry";
String index2 = "idx_"+_sessionTableSchema.getTableName()+"_session";
boolean index1Exists = false;
boolean index2Exists = false;
try (ResultSet result = metaData.getIndexInfo(null, null, tableName, false, false))
while (
String idxName = result.getString("INDEX_NAME");
if (index1.equalsIgnoreCase(idxName))
index1Exists = true;
else if (index2.equalsIgnoreCase(idxName))
index2Exists = true;
if (!index1Exists)
if (!index2Exists)
//set up some strings representing the statements for session manipulation
_insertSession = _sessionTableSchema.getInsertSessionStatementAsString();
_deleteSession = _sessionTableSchema.getDeleteSessionStatementAsString();
_updateSession = _sessionTableSchema.getUpdateSessionStatementAsString();
_updateSessionNode = _sessionTableSchema.getUpdateSessionNodeStatementAsString();
_updateSessionAccessTime = _sessionTableSchema.getUpdateSessionAccessTimeStatementAsString();
_selectBoundedExpiredSessions = _sessionTableSchema.getBoundedExpiredSessionsStatementAsString();
_selectExpiredSessions = _sessionTableSchema.getSelectExpiredSessionsStatementAsString();
* Insert a new used session id into the table.
* @param id
* @throws SQLException
private void insert (String id)
throws SQLException
try (Connection connection = getConnection();
PreparedStatement query = connection.prepareStatement(_queryId))
query.setString(1, id);
try (ResultSet result = query.executeQuery())
//only insert the id if it isn't in the db already
if (!
try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(_insertId))
statement.setString(1, id);
* Remove a session id from the table.
* @param id
* @throws SQLException
private void delete (String id)
throws SQLException
try (Connection connection = getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(_deleteId))
statement.setString(1, id);
* Check if a session id exists.
* @param id
* @return
* @throws SQLException
private boolean exists (String id)
throws SQLException
try (Connection connection = getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(_queryId))
statement.setString(1, id);
try (ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery())
* Look for sessions in the database that have expired.
* We do this in the SessionIdManager and not the SessionManager so
* that we only have 1 scavenger, otherwise if there are n SessionManagers
* there would be n scavengers, all contending for the database.
* We look first for sessions that expired in the previous interval, then
* for sessions that expired previously - these are old sessions that no
* node is managing any more and have become stuck in the database.
private void scavenge ()
Set<String> candidateIds = getAllCandidateExpiredSessionIds();
Connection connection = null;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug(getWorkerName()+"- Scavenge sweep started at "+System.currentTimeMillis());
if (_lastScavengeTime > 0)
connection = getConnection();
Set<String> expiredSessionIds = new HashSet<String>();
//Pass 1: find sessions for which we were last managing node that have just expired since last pass
long lowerBound = (_lastScavengeTime - _scavengeIntervalMs);
long upperBound = _lastScavengeTime;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug (getWorkerName()+"- Pass 1: Searching for sessions expired between "+lowerBound + " and "+upperBound);
try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(_selectBoundedExpiredSessions))
statement.setString(1, getWorkerName());
statement.setLong(2, lowerBound);
statement.setLong(3, upperBound);
try (ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery())
while (
String sessionId = result.getString(_sessionTableSchema.getIdColumn());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug ("Found expired sessionId="+sessionId);
scavengeSessions(candidateIds, expiredSessionIds, false);
//Pass 2: find sessions that have expired a while ago for which this node was their last manager
try (PreparedStatement selectExpiredSessions = connection.prepareStatement(_selectExpiredSessions))
upperBound = _lastScavengeTime - (2 * _scavengeIntervalMs);
if (upperBound > 0)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(getWorkerName()+"- Pass 2: Searching for sessions expired before "+upperBound);
selectExpiredSessions.setLong(1, upperBound);
try (ResultSet result = selectExpiredSessions.executeQuery())
while (
String sessionId = result.getString(_sessionTableSchema.getIdColumn());
String lastNode = result.getString(_sessionTableSchema.getLastNodeColumn());
if ((getWorkerName() == null && lastNode == null) || (getWorkerName() != null && getWorkerName().equals(lastNode)))
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug ("Found expired sessionId="+sessionId+" last managed by "+getWorkerName());
scavengeSessions(candidateIds, expiredSessionIds, false);
//Pass 3:
//find all sessions that have expired at least a couple of scanIntervals ago
//if we did not succeed in loading them (eg their related context no longer exists, can't be loaded etc) then
//they are simply deleted
upperBound = _lastScavengeTime - (3 * _scavengeIntervalMs);
if (upperBound > 0)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(getWorkerName()+"- Pass 3: searching for sessions expired before "+upperBound);
selectExpiredSessions.setLong(1, upperBound);
try (ResultSet result = selectExpiredSessions.executeQuery())
while (
String sessionId = result.getString(_sessionTableSchema.getIdColumn());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug ("Found expired sessionId="+sessionId);
scavengeSessions(candidateIds, expiredSessionIds, true);
//Tell session managers to check remaining sessions in memory that may have expired
//but are no longer in the database
catch (Exception e)
if (isRunning())
LOG.warn("Problem selecting expired sessions", e);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(getWorkerName()+"- Scavenge sweep ended at "+_lastScavengeTime);
if (connection != null)
catch (SQLException e)
* @param expiredSessionIds
private void scavengeSessions (Set<String> candidateIds, Set<String> expiredSessionIds, boolean forceDelete)
Set<String> remainingIds = new HashSet<String>(expiredSessionIds);
Set<SessionManager> managers = getAllSessionManagers();
for (SessionManager m:managers)
Set<String> successfullyExpiredIds = ((JDBCSessionManager)m).expire(expiredSessionIds);
if (successfullyExpiredIds != null)
//Any remaining ids are of those sessions that no context removed
if (!remainingIds.isEmpty() && forceDelete)
{"Forcibly deleting unrecoverable expired sessions {}", remainingIds);
//ensure they aren't in the local list of in-use session ids
synchronized (_sessionIds)
catch (Exception e)
LOG.warn("Error removing expired session ids", e);
* These are the session ids that the session managers thought had
* expired, but were not expired in the database. This could be
* because the session is live on another node, or that the
* session no longer exists in the database because some other
* node removed it.
* @param candidateIds
private void scavengeSessions (Set<String> candidateIds)
if (candidateIds.isEmpty())
Set<SessionManager> managers = getAllSessionManagers();
for (SessionManager m:managers)
//tell the session managers to check the sessions that have expired in memory
//if they are no longer in the database, they should be removed
private Set<String> getAllCandidateExpiredSessionIds()
HashSet<String> candidateIds = new HashSet<>();
Set<SessionManager> managers = getAllSessionManagers();
for (SessionManager m:managers)
return candidateIds;
private Set<SessionManager> getAllSessionManagers()
HashSet<SessionManager> managers = new HashSet<>();
Handler[] contexts = _server.getChildHandlersByClass(ContextHandler.class);
for (int i=0; contexts!=null && i<contexts.length; i++)
SessionHandler sessionHandler = ((ContextHandler)contexts[i]).getChildHandlerByClass(SessionHandler.class);
if (sessionHandler != null)
SessionManager manager = sessionHandler.getSessionManager();
if (manager != null && manager instanceof JDBCSessionManager)
return managers;
private void cleanExpiredSessionIds (Set<String> expiredIds)
throws Exception
if (expiredIds == null || expiredIds.isEmpty())
String[] ids = expiredIds.toArray(new String[expiredIds.size()]);
try (Connection con = getConnection())
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
int blocksize = _deleteBlockSize;
int block = 0;
try (Statement statement = con.createStatement())
while (end < ids.length)
start = block*blocksize;
if ((ids.length - start) >= blocksize)
end = start + blocksize;
end = ids.length;
//take them out of the sessionIds table
statement.executeUpdate(fillInClause("delete from "+_sessionIdTableSchema.getTableName()+" where "+_sessionIdTableSchema.getIdColumn()+" in ", ids, start, end));
//take them out of the sessions table
statement.executeUpdate(fillInClause("delete from "+_sessionTableSchema.getTableName()+" where "+_sessionTableSchema.getIdColumn()+" in ", ids, start, end));
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
* @param sql
* @param atoms
* @throws Exception
private String fillInClause (String sql, String[] literals, int start, int end)
throws Exception
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=start; i<end; i++)
if (i+1<end)
return buff.toString();
private void initializeDatabase ()
throws Exception
if (_datasource != null)
return; //already set up
if (_jndiName!=null)
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
_datasource = (DataSource)ic.lookup(_jndiName);
else if ( _driver != null && _connectionUrl != null )
else if (_driverClassName != null && _connectionUrl != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("No database configured for sessions");