blob: eaaa3a1ea70752934c93853b4cd938bc3ed20162 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Copyright (c) 1995-2016 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
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package org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot.internal.serverfactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot.JettyBootstrapActivator;
import org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot.OSGiServerConstants;
import org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot.utils.BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory;
import org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot.utils.Util;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.JarResource;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
* DefaultJettyAtJettyHomeHelper
* <p>
* Creates a default instance of Jetty, based on the values of the
* System properties "jetty.home" or "jetty.home.bundle", one of which
* must be specified in order to create the default instance.
* <p>
* Called by the {@link JettyBootstrapActivator} during the starting of the
* bundle.
public class DefaultJettyAtJettyHomeHelper
private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(DefaultJettyAtJettyHomeHelper.class);
* contains a comma separated list of paths to the etc/jetty-*.xml files
public static final String JETTY_ETC_FILES = OSGiServerConstants.MANAGED_JETTY_XML_CONFIG_URLS;
* Set of config files to apply to a jetty Server instance if none are supplied by SYS_PROP_JETTY_ETC_FILES
public static final String DEFAULT_JETTY_ETC_FILES = "etc/jetty.xml,etc/jetty-http.xml,etc/jetty-deployer.xml";
* Default location within bundle of a jetty home dir.
public static final String DEFAULT_JETTYHOME = "/jettyhome";
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Called by the JettyBootStrapActivator. If the system property jetty.home
* is defined and points to a folder, creates a corresponding jetty
* server.
* <p>
* If the system property jetty.home.bundle is defined and points to a
* bundle, look for the configuration of jetty inside that bundle.
* </p>
* <p>
* In both cases reads the system property 'jetty.etc.config.urls' to locate
* the configuration files for the deployed jetty. It is a comma separated
* list of URLs or relative paths inside the bundle or folder to the config
* files.
* </p>
* <p>
* In both cases the system properties, jetty.http.port and
* jetty.ssl.port are passed to the configuration files that might use them
* as part of their properties.
* </p>
* @param bundleContext the bundle context
* @return the configured server
* @throws Exception if unable to create / configure / or start the server
public static Server startJettyAtJettyHome(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception
String jettyHomeSysProp = System.getProperty(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOME);
String jettyHomeBundleSysProp = System.getProperty(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOME_BUNDLE);
File jettyHomeDir = null;
Bundle jettyHomeBundle = null;
Dictionary<String,String> properties = new Hashtable<String,String>();
if (jettyHomeSysProp != null)
jettyHomeSysProp = Util.resolvePropertyValue(jettyHomeSysProp);
// bug 329621
if (jettyHomeSysProp.startsWith("\"") && jettyHomeSysProp.endsWith("\"") || (jettyHomeSysProp.startsWith("'") && jettyHomeSysProp.endsWith("'")))
jettyHomeSysProp = jettyHomeSysProp.substring(1, jettyHomeSysProp.length() - 1);
if (jettyHomeBundleSysProp != null)
LOG.warn("Both jetty.home and jetty.home.bundle property defined: jetty.home.bundle ignored.");
jettyHomeDir = new File(jettyHomeSysProp);
if (!jettyHomeDir.exists() || !jettyHomeDir.isDirectory())
LOG.warn("Unable to locate the jetty.home folder " + jettyHomeSysProp);
return null;
//set jetty.home
Util.setProperty(properties, OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOME, jettyHomeDir.getAbsolutePath());
else if (jettyHomeBundleSysProp != null)
jettyHomeBundleSysProp = Util.resolvePropertyValue(jettyHomeBundleSysProp);
for (Bundle b : bundleContext.getBundles())
if (b.getState() == Bundle.UNINSTALLED)
if (b.getSymbolicName().equals(jettyHomeBundleSysProp))
jettyHomeBundle = b;
if (jettyHomeBundle == null)
LOG.warn("Unable to find the jetty.home.bundle named " + jettyHomeSysProp);
return null;
if (jettyHomeDir == null && jettyHomeBundle == null)
LOG.warn("No default jetty created.");
return null;
//configure the server here rather than letting the JettyServerServiceTracker do it, because we want to be able to
//configure the ThreadPool, which can only be done via the constructor, ie from within the xml configuration processing
List<URL> configURLs = jettyHomeDir != null ? getJettyConfigurationURLs(jettyHomeDir) : getJettyConfigurationURLs(jettyHomeBundle, properties);"Configuring the default jetty server with {}",configURLs);
String home=properties.get(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOME);
String base=properties.get(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_BASE);
if (base==null)
ClassLoader contextCl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// these properties usually are the ones passed to this type of
// configuration.
Util.setProperty(properties, OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOST, System.getProperty(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOST, System.getProperty("")));
Util.setProperty(properties, OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_PORT, System.getProperty(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_PORT, System.getProperty("jetty.port")));
Util.setProperty(properties, OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_PORT_SSL, System.getProperty(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_PORT_SSL, System.getProperty("ssl.port")));
Util.setProperty(properties, OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOME, home);
Util.setProperty(properties, OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_BASE, base);
Server server = ServerInstanceWrapper.configure(null, configURLs, properties);
//Register the default Server instance as an OSGi service.
//The JettyServerServiceTracker will notice it and set it up to deploy bundles as wars etc
bundleContext.registerService(Server.class.getName(), server, properties);"Default jetty server configured");
return server;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Minimum setup for the location of the configuration files given a
* jettyhome folder. Reads the system property jetty.etc.config.urls and
* look for the corresponding jetty configuration files that will be used to
* setup the jetty server.
* @param jettyhome
* @return
* @throws MalformedURLException
private static List<URL> getJettyConfigurationURLs(File jettyhome)
throws MalformedURLException
List<URL> configURLs = new ArrayList<URL>();
String jettyetc = System.getProperty(JETTY_ETC_FILES, DEFAULT_JETTY_ETC_FILES);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(jettyetc, ";,", false);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
String next = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
//etc files can either be relative to jetty.home or absolute disk locations
if (!next.startsWith("/") && (next.indexOf(':') == -1))
configURLs.add(new File(jettyhome, next).toURI().toURL());
configURLs.add(new URL(next));
return configURLs;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Minimum setup for the location of the configuration files given a
* configuration embedded inside a bundle. Reads the system property
* jetty.etc.config.urls and look for the corresponding jetty configuration
* files that will be used to setup the jetty server.
* @param jettyhome
* @return
private static List<URL> getJettyConfigurationURLs(Bundle configurationBundle, Dictionary properties)
throws Exception
List<URL> configURLs = new ArrayList<URL>();
String files = System.getProperty(JETTY_ETC_FILES, DEFAULT_JETTY_ETC_FILES);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(files, ";,", false);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
String etcFile = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
//file path is absolute
if (etcFile.startsWith("/") || etcFile.indexOf(":") != -1)
configURLs.add(new URL(etcFile));
else //relative file path
Enumeration<URL> enUrls = BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory().getHelper().findEntries(configurationBundle, etcFile);
String home = null;
// default for org.eclipse.osgi.boot where we look inside
// jettyhome/ for the default embedded configuration.
if ((enUrls == null || !enUrls.hasMoreElements()))
String tmp = DEFAULT_JETTYHOME+(DEFAULT_JETTYHOME.endsWith("/")?"":"/")+etcFile;
enUrls = BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory().getHelper().findEntries(configurationBundle, tmp);"Configuring jetty from bundle: {} with {}", configurationBundle.getSymbolicName(),tmp);
//lazily ensure jetty.home value is set based on location of etc files
if (properties.get(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOME) == null)
Resource res = findDir(configurationBundle, home);
if (res != null)
properties.put(OSGiServerConstants.JETTY_HOME, res.toString());
if (enUrls == null || !enUrls.hasMoreElements())
throw new IllegalStateException ("Unable to locate a jetty configuration file for " + etcFile);
URL url = BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory().getHelper().getFileURL(enUrls.nextElement());
return configURLs;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get a resource representing a directory inside a bundle. If the dir is null,
* return a resource representing the installation location of the bundle.
* @param bundle the bundle
* @param dir the directory
* @return the resource found
public static Resource findDir (Bundle bundle, String dir)
if (bundle == null)
return null;
File f = BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory().getHelper().getBundleInstallLocation(bundle);
URL u = f.toURI().toURL();
u = BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory().getHelper().getLocalURL(u);
Resource res = Resource.newResource(u);
String s = res.toString();
//check if it is an unarchived bundle
if (s.endsWith(".jar") && s.startsWith("file:"))
res = JarResource.newJarResource(res);
//if looking for a directory
if (dir != null)
res = res.addPath(dir);
return res;
catch (Exception e)
LOG.warn("Bad bundle location" , e);
return null;