blob: 0239344a40d654cb25eebbbe88560eebb44179e1 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ArrayUtil;
* Groups rules that apply only to a specific virtual host
* or sets of virtual hosts
public class VirtualHostRuleContainer extends RuleContainer
private String[] _virtualHosts;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Set the virtual hosts that the rules within this container will apply to
* @param virtualHosts Array of virtual hosts that the rules within this container are applied to.
* A null hostname or null/empty array means any hostname is acceptable.
public void setVirtualHosts( String[] virtualHosts )
if ( virtualHosts == null )
_virtualHosts = virtualHosts;
_virtualHosts = new String[virtualHosts.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < virtualHosts.length; i++ )
_virtualHosts[i] = normalizeHostname( virtualHosts[i]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get the virtual hosts that the rules within this container will apply to
* @return Array of virtual hosts that the rules within this container are applied to.
* A null hostname or null/empty array means any hostname is acceptable.
public String[] getVirtualHosts()
return _virtualHosts;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @param virtualHost add a virtual host to the existing list of virtual hosts
* A null hostname means any hostname is acceptable
public void addVirtualHost(String virtualHost)
_virtualHosts = ArrayUtil.addToArray(_virtualHosts,virtualHost,String.class);
* Process the contained rules if the request is applicable to the virtual hosts of this rule
* @param target target field to pass on to the contained rules
* @param request request object to pass on to the contained rules
* @param response response object to pass on to the contained rules
public String matchAndApply(String target, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
if(_virtualHosts != null && _virtualHosts.length > 0 )
String requestHost = normalizeHostname( request.getServerName() );
for( String ruleHost : _virtualHosts )
if(ruleHost == null || ruleHost.equalsIgnoreCase(requestHost)
|| (ruleHost.startsWith("*.") && ruleHost.regionMatches(true,2,requestHost,requestHost.indexOf(".")+1,ruleHost.length()-2)))
return apply(target, request, response);
return apply(target, request, response);
return null;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
private String normalizeHostname( String host )
if ( host == null )
return null;
if ( host.endsWith( "." ) )
return host.substring( 0, host.length() -1);
return host;