blob: e68e2d4231163b0921d40c3f6aaff79ba2f5a2f5 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.eclipse.jetty.xml;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class XmlAppendableTest
public void test() throws Exception
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
XmlAppendable out = new XmlAppendable(b);
Map<String, String> attr = new LinkedHashMap<>();
attr.put("name", "attr value");
attr.put("noval", null);
attr.put("quotes", "'\"");
out.tag("tag", attr);
out.tag("tag", attr, "content");
out.openTag("level1").tag("tag", "content").tag("tag", "content").closeTag();
out.openTag("level1", attr).openTag("level2").tag("tag", "content").tag("tag", "content").closeTag().closeTag();
String expected = "" +
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
"<test>\n" +
" <tag/>\n" +
" <tag name=\"attr value\" noval=\"\" quotes=\"&apos;&quot;\"/>\n" +
" <tag name=\"attr value\" noval=\"\" quotes=\"&apos;&quot;\">content</tag>\n" +
" <level1>\n" +
" <tag>content</tag>\n" +
" <tag>content</tag>\n" +
" </level1>\n" +
" <level1 name=\"attr value\" noval=\"\" quotes=\"&apos;&quot;\">\n" +
" <level2>\n" +
" <tag>content</tag>\n" +
" <tag>content</tag>\n" +
" </level2>\n" +
" </level1>\n" +
Assert.assertEquals(expected, b.toString());