blob: bfc8cabea7eb0f1f2c3c01e6b0277870909f4891 [file] [log] [blame]
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2015 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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package org.eclipse.jetty.jspc.plugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.jasper.JspC;
import org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspCServletContext;
import org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.tomcat.JarScanner;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.IO;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource;
* This goal will compile jsps for a webapp so that they can be included in a
* war.
* <p>
* At runtime, the plugin will use the jspc compiler to precompile jsps and tags.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that the same java compiler will be used as for on-the-fly compiled
* jsps, which will be the Eclipse java compiler.
* <p>
* See <a
* href="">Usage
* Guide</a> for instructions on using this plugin.
* </p>
* @goal jspc
* @phase process-classes
* @requiresDependencyResolution compile+runtime
* @description Runs jspc compiler to produce .java and .class files
public class JspcMojo extends AbstractMojo
public static final String END_OF_WEBAPP = "</web-app>";
public static final String PRECOMPILED_FLAG = "org.eclipse.jetty.jsp.precompiled";
* JettyJspC
* Add some extra setters to standard JspC class to help configure it
* for running in maven.
* TODO move all setters on the plugin onto this jspc class instead.
public static class JettyJspC extends JspC
private boolean scanAll;
public void setClassLoader (ClassLoader loader)
this.loader = loader;
public void setScanAllDirectories (boolean scanAll)
this.scanAll = scanAll;
public boolean getScanAllDirectories ()
return this.scanAll;
protected TldScanner newTldScanner(JspCServletContext context, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validate, boolean blockExternal)
if (context != null && context.getAttribute(JarScanner.class.getName()) == null)
StandardJarScanner jarScanner = new StandardJarScanner();
context.setAttribute(JarScanner.class.getName(), jarScanner);
return super.newTldScanner(context, namespaceAware, validate, blockExternal);
* Whether or not to include dependencies on the plugin's classpath with &lt;scope&gt;provided&lt;/scope&gt;
* Use WITH CAUTION as you may wind up with duplicate jars/classes.
* @since jetty-7.6.3
* @parameter default-value="false"
private boolean useProvidedScope;
* The artifacts for the project.
* @since jetty-7.6.3
* @parameter default-value="${project.artifacts}"
* @readonly
private Set projectArtifacts;
* The maven project.
* @parameter default-value="${project}"
* @required
* @readonly
private MavenProject project;
* The artifacts for the plugin itself.
* @parameter default-value="${plugin.artifacts}"
* @readonly
private List pluginArtifacts;
* File into which to generate the &lt;servlet&gt; and
* &lt;servlet-mapping&gt; tags for the compiled jsps
* @parameter default-value="${basedir}/target/webfrag.xml"
private String webXmlFragment;
* Optional. A marker string in the src web.xml file which indicates where
* to merge in the generated web.xml fragment. Note that the marker string
* will NOT be preserved during the insertion. Can be left blank, in which
* case the generated fragment is inserted just before the &lt;/web-app&gt;
* line
* @parameter
private String insertionMarker;
* Merge the generated fragment file with the web.xml from
* webAppSourceDirectory. The merged file will go into the same directory as
* the webXmlFragment.
* @parameter default-value="true"
private boolean mergeFragment;
* The destination directory into which to put the compiled jsps.
* @parameter default-value="${}"
private String generatedClasses;
* Controls whether or not .java files generated during compilation will be
* preserved.
* @parameter default-value="false"
private boolean keepSources;
* Root directory for all html/jsp etc files
* @parameter default-value="${basedir}/src/main/webapp"
private String webAppSourceDirectory;
* Location of web.xml. Defaults to src/main/webapp/web.xml.
* @parameter default-value="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml"
private String webXml;
* The comma separated list of patterns for file extensions to be processed. By default
* will include all .jsp and .jspx files.
* @parameter default-value="**\/*.jsp, **\/*.jspx"
private String includes;
* The comma separated list of file name patters to exclude from compilation.
* @parameter default_value="**\/.svn\/**";
private String excludes;
* The location of the compiled classes for the webapp
* @parameter default-value="${}"
private File classesDirectory;
* Patterns of jars on the system path that contain tlds. Use | to separate each pattern.
* @parameter default-value=".*taglibs[^/]*\.jar|.*jstl[^/]*\.jar$
private String tldJarNamePatterns;
* Source version - if not set defaults to jsp default (currently 1.7)
* @parameter
private String sourceVersion;
* Target version - if not set defaults to jsp default (currently 1.7)
* @parameter
private String targetVersion;
* The JspC instance being used to compile the jsps.
* @parameter
private JettyJspC jspc;
* Whether dirs on the classpath should be scanned as well as jars.
* True by default. This allows for scanning for tlds of dependent projects that
* are in the reactor as unassembled jars.
* @parameter default-value=true
private boolean scanAllDirectories;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled())
getLog().info("webAppSourceDirectory=" + webAppSourceDirectory);
getLog().info("generatedClasses=" + generatedClasses);
getLog().info("webXmlFragment=" + webXmlFragment);
getLog().info("insertionMarker="+ (insertionMarker == null || insertionMarker.equals("") ? END_OF_WEBAPP : insertionMarker));
getLog().info("keepSources=" + keepSources);
getLog().info("mergeFragment=" + mergeFragment);
if (sourceVersion != null)
if (targetVersion != null)
catch (Exception e)
throw new MojoExecutionException("Failure processing jsps", e);
public void compile() throws Exception
ClassLoader currentClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
//set up the classpath of the webapp
List<URL> webAppUrls = setUpWebAppClassPath();
//set up the classpath of the container (ie jetty and jsp jars)
Set<URL> pluginJars = getPluginJars();
Set<URL> providedJars = getProvidedScopeJars(pluginJars);
//Make a classloader so provided jars will be on the classpath
List<URL> sysUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
URLClassLoader sysClassLoader = new URLClassLoader((URL[])sysUrls.toArray(new URL[0]), currentClassLoader);
//make a classloader with the webapp classpath
URLClassLoader webAppClassLoader = new URLClassLoader((URL[]) webAppUrls.toArray(new URL[0]), sysClassLoader);
StringBuffer webAppClassPath = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < webAppUrls.size(); i++)
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled())
getLog().debug("webappclassloader contains: " + webAppUrls.get(i));
webAppClassPath.append(new File(webAppUrls.get(i).toURI()).getCanonicalPath());
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled())
getLog().debug("added to classpath: " + ((URL) webAppUrls.get(i)).getFile());
if (i+1<webAppUrls.size())
//Interpose a fake classloader as the webapp class loader. This is because the Apache JspC class
//uses a TldScanner which ignores jars outside of the WEB-INF/lib path on the webapp classloader.
//It will, however, look at all jars on the parents of the webapp classloader.
URLClassLoader fakeWebAppClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], webAppClassLoader);
if (jspc == null)
jspc = new JettyJspC();
if (sourceVersion != null)
if (targetVersion != null)
// JspC#setExtensions() does not exist, so
// always set concrete list of files that will be processed.
String jspFiles = getJspFiles(webAppSourceDirectory);
if (jspFiles == null | jspFiles.equals(""))
getLog().info("No files selected to precompile");
getLog().info("Compiling "+jspFiles+" from includes="+includes+" excludes="+excludes);
private String getJspFiles(String webAppSourceDirectory)
throws Exception
List fileNames = FileUtils.getFileNames(new File(webAppSourceDirectory),includes, excludes, false);
return StringUtils.join(fileNames.toArray(new String[0]), ",");
* Until Jasper supports the option to generate the srcs in a different dir
* than the classes, this is the best we can do.
* @throws Exception if unable to clean srcs
public void cleanupSrcs() throws Exception
// delete the .java files - depending on keepGenerated setting
if (!keepSources)
File generatedClassesDir = new File(generatedClasses);
if(generatedClassesDir.exists() && generatedClassesDir.isDirectory())
delete(generatedClassesDir, new FileFilter()
public boolean accept(File f)
return f.isDirectory() || f.getName().endsWith(".java");
static void delete(File dir, FileFilter filter)
File[] files = dir.listFiles(filter);
if (files != null)
for(File f: files)
delete(f, filter);
* Take the web fragment and put it inside a copy of the web.xml.
* You can specify the insertion point by specifying the string in the
* insertionMarker configuration entry.
* If you dont specify the insertionMarker, then the fragment will be
* inserted at the end of the file just before the &lt;/webapp&gt;
* @throws Exception if unable to merge the web xml
public void mergeWebXml() throws Exception
if (mergeFragment)
// open the src web.xml
File webXml = getWebXmlFile();
if (!webXml.exists())
getLog().info(webXml.toString() + " does not exist, cannot merge with generated fragment");
File fragmentWebXml = new File(webXmlFragment);
File mergedWebXml = new File(fragmentWebXml.getParentFile(), "web.xml");
try (BufferedReader webXmlReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(webXml));
PrintWriter mergedWebXmlWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(mergedWebXml)))
if (!fragmentWebXml.exists())
getLog().info("No fragment web.xml file generated");
//just copy existing web.xml to expected position
IO.copy(webXmlReader, mergedWebXmlWriter);
// read up to the insertion marker or the </webapp> if there is no
// marker
boolean atInsertPoint = false;
boolean atEOF = false;
String marker = (insertionMarker == null
|| insertionMarker.equals("") ? END_OF_WEBAPP : insertionMarker);
while (!atInsertPoint && !atEOF)
String line = webXmlReader.readLine();
if (line == null)
atEOF = true;
else if (line.indexOf(marker) >= 0)
atInsertPoint = true;
if (atEOF && !atInsertPoint)
throw new IllegalStateException("web.xml does not contain insertionMarker "+insertionMarker);
//put in a context init-param to flag that the contents have been precompiled
// put in the generated fragment
try (BufferedReader fragmentWebXmlReader =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fragmentWebXml)))
IO.copy(fragmentWebXmlReader, mergedWebXmlWriter);
// if we inserted just before the </web-app>, put it back in
if (marker.equals(END_OF_WEBAPP))
// copy in the rest of the original web.xml file
IO.copy(webXmlReader, mergedWebXmlWriter);
private void prepare() throws Exception
// For some reason JspC doesn't like it if the dir doesn't
// already exist and refuses to create the web.xml fragment
File generatedSourceDirectoryFile = new File(generatedClasses);
if (!generatedSourceDirectoryFile.exists())
* Set up the execution classpath for Jasper.
* Put everything in the classesDirectory and all of the dependencies on the
* classpath.
* @returns a list of the urls of the dependencies
* @throws Exception
private List<URL> setUpWebAppClassPath() throws Exception
//add any classes from the webapp
List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>();
String classesDir = classesDirectory.getCanonicalPath();
classesDir = classesDir + (classesDir.endsWith(File.pathSeparator) ? "" : File.separator);
urls.add(Resource.toURL(new File(classesDir)));
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled())
getLog().debug("Adding to classpath classes dir: " + classesDir);
//add the dependencies of the webapp (which will form WEB-INF/lib)
for (Iterator<Artifact> iter = project.getArtifacts().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
// Include runtime and compile time libraries
if (!Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals(artifact.getScope()) && !Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED.equals(artifact.getScope()))
String filePath = artifact.getFile().getCanonicalPath();
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled())
getLog().debug("Adding to classpath dependency file: " + filePath);
return urls;
* @return
* @throws MalformedURLException
private Set<URL> getPluginJars () throws MalformedURLException
HashSet<URL> pluginJars = new HashSet<>();
for (Iterator<Artifact> iter = pluginArtifacts.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
Artifact pluginArtifact =;
if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(pluginArtifact.getType()))
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Adding plugin artifact "+pluginArtifact);}
return pluginJars;
* @param pluginJars
* @return
* @throws MalformedURLException
private Set<URL> getProvidedScopeJars (Set<URL> pluginJars) throws MalformedURLException
if (!useProvidedScope)
return Collections.emptySet();
HashSet<URL> providedJars = new HashSet<>();
for ( Iterator<Artifact> iter = projectArtifacts.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
Artifact artifact =;
if (Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED.equals(artifact.getScope()))
//test to see if the provided artifact was amongst the plugin artifacts
URL jar = artifact.getFile().toURI().toURL();
if (!pluginJars.contains(jar))
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Adding provided artifact: "+artifact);}
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Skipping provided artifact: "+artifact);}
return providedJars;
private File getWebXmlFile ()
throws IOException
File file = null;
File baseDir = project.getBasedir().getCanonicalFile();
File defaultWebAppSrcDir = new File (baseDir, "src/main/webapp").getCanonicalFile();
File webAppSrcDir = new File (webAppSourceDirectory).getCanonicalFile();
File defaultWebXml = new File (defaultWebAppSrcDir, "web.xml").getCanonicalFile();
//If the web.xml has been changed from the default, try that
File webXmlFile = new File (webXml).getCanonicalFile();
if (webXmlFile.compareTo(defaultWebXml) != 0)
file = new File (webXml);
return file;
//If the web app src directory has not been changed from the default, use whatever
//is set for the web.xml location
file = new File (webAppSrcDir, "web.xml");
return file;