blob: 2ad7061f3b1af40321e2d7eae7557804a1d1348b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
#pragma once
#include "activdbg.h"
#include <vector>
#include "CrossfireEvent.h"
#include "CrossfireLineBreakpoint.h"
#include "CrossfireRequest.h"
#include "CrossfireResponse.h"
#include "IBreakpointTarget.h"
#include "IECrossfireServer.h"
#include "JSEvalCallback.h"
#include "Value.h"
#include "Logger.h"
class CrossfireContext; // forward declaration
#include "PendingScriptLoad.h"
#include "CrossfireServer.h"
#include "IEDebugger.h"
class CrossfireContext : IBreakpointTarget, IJSEvalHandler {
CrossfireContext(DWORD processId, DWORD threadId, wchar_t* url, CrossfireServer* server);
virtual ~CrossfireContext();
void executionBreak(IRemoteDebugApplicationThread *pDebugAppThread, BREAKREASON br, IActiveScriptErrorDebug *pScriptErrorDebug);
bool getDebugApplication(IRemoteDebugApplication** _value);
IDebugApplicationNode* getLastInitializedScriptNode();
wchar_t* getName();
DWORD getProcessId();
wchar_t* getUrl();
void installBreakpoints(std::vector<Value*>* breakpoints);
bool performRequest(CrossfireRequest* request);
bool scriptInitialized(IDebugApplicationNode *applicationNode, bool isFromAnotherContext);
void scriptLoaded(IDebugApplicationNode *applicationNode, bool sendScriptLoadEvent);
/* IBreakpointTarget methods */
bool breakpointAttributeChanged(unsigned int handle, wchar_t* name, Value* value);
bool deleteBreakpoint(unsigned int handle);
CrossfireBreakpoint* getBreakpoint(unsigned int handle);
void getBreakpoints(CrossfireBreakpoint*** ___values);
bool setBreakpoint(CrossfireBreakpoint* breakpoint);
/* IJSEvalHandler methods */
void evalComplete(IDebugProperty* value, void* data);
struct JSObject {
std::map<std::wstring, unsigned int> children;
IDebugProperty* debugProperty;
bool isObject;
IDebugStackFrame* stackFrame;
void clearObjects();
bool createValueForFrame(IDebugStackFrame* stackFrame, unsigned int frameIndex, bool includeScopes, Value** _value);
bool createValueForObject(JSObject* object, bool resolveChildObjects, Value** _value);
bool createValueForScript(IDebugApplicationNode* node, bool includeSource, bool failIfEmpty, Value** _value);
bool evaluate(IDebugStackFrame* stackFrame, wchar_t* expression, int flags, IDebugProperty** _result);
bool evaluateAsync(IDebugStackFrame* stackFrame, wchar_t* expression, int flags, IJSEvalHandler* handler, void* data);
bool getDebugApplicationThread(IRemoteDebugApplicationThread** _value);
bool getScriptUrl(IDebugApplicationNode* node, URL** _value);
IDebugApplicationNode* getScriptNode(URL* url);
bool hookDebugger();
bool registerScript(IDebugApplicationNode* applicationNode, bool recurse);
bool resumeFromBreak(BREAKRESUMEACTION action);
void sendEvent(CrossfireEvent* eventObj);
bool setBreakpointEnabled(CrossfireBreakpoint* breakpoint, bool enabled);
bool unhookDebugger();
std::vector<JSEvalCallback*>* m_asyncEvals;
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>* m_breakpoints;
DWORD m_cpcApplicationNodeEvents;
IDebugApplicationNode* m_currentScriptNode;
IRemoteDebugApplicationThread* m_debugApplicationThread;
IIEDebugger* m_debugger;
IDebugApplicationNode* m_lastInitializedScriptNode;
bool m_debuggerHooked;
wchar_t* m_name;
unsigned int m_nextObjectHandle;
std::map<unsigned int, JSObject*>* m_objects;
std::map<IDebugApplicationNode*, PendingScriptLoad*>* m_pendingScriptLoads;
DWORD m_processId;
bool m_running;
std::multimap<std::wstring, IDebugApplicationNode*>* m_scriptNodes;
CrossfireServer* m_server;
DWORD m_threadId;
wchar_t* m_url;
/* command: backtrace */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_BACKTRACE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_FRAMES;
static const wchar_t* KEY_FROMFRAME;
static const wchar_t* KEY_TOFRAME;
static const wchar_t* KEY_TOTALFRAMES;
int commandBacktrace(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* command: continue */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_CONTINUE;
int commandContinue(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* command: evaluate */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_EVALUATE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_EXPRESSION;
static const wchar_t* KEY_RESULT;
int commandEvaluate(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* command: frame */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_FRAME;
static const wchar_t* KEY_FRAME;
static const wchar_t* KEY_INDEX;
int commandFrame(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* command: inspect */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_INSPECT;
/* command: lookup */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_LOOKUP;
static const wchar_t* KEY_HANDLES;
static const wchar_t* KEY_VALUES;
int commandLookup(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* command: scopes */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_SCOPES;
static const wchar_t* KEY_FROMSCOPE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_SCOPES;
static const wchar_t* KEY_TOSCOPE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_TOTALSCOPECOUNT;
int commandScopes(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* command: scripts */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_SCRIPTS;
static const wchar_t* KEY_SCRIPTS;
static const wchar_t* KEY_URLS;
int commandScripts(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* command: suspend */
static const wchar_t* COMMAND_SUSPEND;
static const wchar_t* KEY_STEPACTION;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_IN;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_NEXT;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_OUT;
int commandSuspend(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody, wchar_t** _message);
/* event: onBreak */
static const wchar_t* EVENT_ONBREAK;
static const wchar_t* KEY_CAUSE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_MESSAGE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_TITLE;
/* event: onError */
static const wchar_t* EVENT_ONERROR;
static const wchar_t* KEY_CATEGORY;
static const wchar_t* KEY_COLUMNNUMBER;
static const wchar_t* KEY_ERROR;
static const wchar_t* KEY_FILENAME;
static const wchar_t* KEY_LINENUMBER;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_JS;
/* event: onResume */
static const wchar_t* EVENT_ONRESUME;
/* event: onScript */
static const wchar_t* EVENT_ONSCRIPT;
static const wchar_t* KEY_SCRIPT;
/* event: onToggleBreakpoint */
static const wchar_t* EVENT_ONTOGGLEBREAKPOINT;
static const wchar_t* KEY_SET;
/* shared */
static const wchar_t* KEY_BREAKPOINT;
static const wchar_t* KEY_CONTEXTID;
static const wchar_t* KEY_FRAMEINDEX;
static const wchar_t* KEY_HANDLE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_INCLUDESCOPES;
static const wchar_t* KEY_INCLUDESOURCE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_LINE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_LOCATION;
static const wchar_t* KEY_TYPE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_URL;
/* breakpoint objects */
static const wchar_t* BPTYPE_LINE;
/* frame objects */
static const wchar_t* KEY_FUNCTIONNAME;
/* object objects */
static const wchar_t* JSVALUE_BOOLEAN;
static const wchar_t* JSVALUE_FUNCTION;
static const wchar_t* JSVALUE_NUMBER;
static const wchar_t* JSVALUE_NULL;
static const wchar_t* JSVALUE_STRING;
static const wchar_t* JSVALUE_TRUE;
static const wchar_t* JSVALUE_UNDEFINED;
static const wchar_t* KEY_LOCALS;
static const wchar_t* KEY_THIS;
static const wchar_t* KEY_VALUE;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_BOOLEAN;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_FUNCTION;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_NUMBER;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_OBJECT;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_STRING;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_UNDEFINED;
/* script objects */
static const wchar_t* KEY_COLUMNOFFSET;
static const wchar_t* KEY_LINECOUNT;
static const wchar_t* KEY_LINEOFFSET;
static const wchar_t* KEY_SOURCE;
static const wchar_t* KEY_SOURCELENGTH;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_EVALCODE;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_EVALLEVEL;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_TOPLEVEL;
/* other */
static const wchar_t* ABOUT_BLANK;
static const wchar_t* ID_PREAMBLE;
static const wchar_t* NUMBER_INFINITY;
static const wchar_t* NUMBER_NaN;
static const wchar_t* NUMBER_NEGATIVEINFINITY;
static const wchar_t* PDM_DLL;
static const wchar_t* SCHEME_SCRIPT;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_INFINITY;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_NaN;
static const wchar_t* VALUE_NEGATIVEINFINITY;