blob: 5fab14e2ac8fd11deaa41fcb585be31f8a381cc6 [file] [log] [blame]
= Pre-requisites =
* Mylyn target definitions
* standalone ITE and Jubula feature have ***different*** target definitions + feature inclusions for mylyn
* Jubula feature Mylyn:
* contexts (used by {{{o.e.j.c.alm.mylyn.ui.bridge}}}
* help
* trac connector
* bugzilla connector
* standalone ITE
* all Mylyn dependencies from Jubula feature
* + secure store (for mylyn credentials)
* + JIRA
* + HP ALM (with no actual bundle / compile dependency) and ***not*** included
* Jubulas Mylyn integration is also relevant for "Eclipse for Testers" - the EPP Package
* the product therefore also has a feature dependency for the ITE & EPL conform parts of Mylyn
* the dependencies to mylyn exist in
* the bundles itself
* the feature (as required not included)
* the products (ITEs, EPP) - at this point only due to the transitive dependency to the corresponding ITE features (c.b.guidancer.feature and c.b.jubula.feature)
* there are currently 3 Mylyn using bundles contained within the Jubula feature
* {{{org.eclipse.jubula.client.alm.mylyn.ui.bridge}}}
* holds the bridge for the Mylyn context support in tasks
* {{{org.eclipse.jubula.client.alm.mylyn.core}}}
* holds the actual logic to report to the ALM systems
* {{{org.eclipse.jubula.client.alm.mylyn.ui}}}
* contains handler for creating tasks from results
* ALM UI parts (e.g. decorator, commands, icons)
= Known issues =
* currently there is a strong UI dependency for all (also the core) bundles as Mylyn itself (TasksUI class) resides in a UI dependent context
* {{{o.e.j.c.alm.mylyn.ui.bridge}}} makes use of
* internal API
* deprecated extension points
* bound to old key storage - see
* we should update target platform to Kepler SR2 - or more specific Mylyn 3.12+