blob: e1256f01950d75735838a68cf2f768743e5663ee [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Sierra Wireless.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kevin KIN-FOO <>
-- - initial API and implementation and initial documentation
-- This library provide html description of elements from the externalapi
local M = {}
-- Load template engine
local pltemplate = require 'pl.template'
-- Markdown handling
local markdown = require 'markdown'
-- apply template to the given element
function M.applytemplate(elem, ident, templatetype,...)
-- define environment
local env = M.getenv(elem, ident,...)
-- load template
local template = M.gettemplate(elem,templatetype)
if not template then
templatetype = templatetype and string.format(' "%s"', templatetype) or ''
local elementname = string.format(' for %s', elem.tag or 'untagged element')
error(string.format('Unable to load %s template %s', templatetype, elementname))
-- apply template
local str, err = pltemplate.substitute(template, env)
--manage errors
if not str then
local templateerror = templatetype and string.format(' parsing "%s" template ', templatetype) or ''
error(string.format('An error occured%s for "%s"\n%s',templateerror, elem.tag, err))
return str
-- get the a new environment for this element
function M.getenv(elem, ident,...)
local currentenv ={}
for k,v in pairs(M.env) do currentenv[k] = v end
if elem and elem.tag then
currentenv['_'..elem.tag]= elem
currentenv['i']= ident or 1
currentenv['templateparams']= {...}
return currentenv
-- get the template for this element
function M.gettemplate(elem,templatetype)
local tag = elem and elem.tag
if tag then
if templatetype then
return require ("template." .. templatetype.. "." .. tag)
return require ("template." .. tag)
-- Allow user to format text in descriptions.
-- Default implementation replaces @{---} tags with links and apply markdown.
-- @return #string
local function format(string)
-- Allow to replace encountered tags with valid links
local replace = function(found)
local apiobj = M.env.getelement(found)
if apiobj then
return M.env.fulllinkto(apiobj)
return found
string = string:gsub('@{%s*(.-)%s*}', replace)
return M.env.markdown( string )
-- Provide a full link to an element using `prettyname` and `linkto`.
-- Default implementation is for HTML.
local function fulllinkto(o,...)
local ref = M.env.linkto(o,...)
local name = M.env.prettyname(o,...)
if not ref then
return name
return string.format('<a href="%s">%s</a>', ref, name)
-- Define default template environnement
local defaultenv = {
table = table,
ipairs = ipairs,
pairs = pairs,
markdown = markdown,
applytemplate = M.applytemplate,
format = format,
linkto = function(str) return str end,
fulllinkto = fulllinkto,
prettyname = function(s) return s end,
getelement = function(s) return nil end
-- this is the global env accessible in the templates
-- env should be redefine by docgenerator user to add functions or redefine it.
M.env = defaultenv
return M