blob: 50746179ee3eb010b4c9869729bf2d823a69c06c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made
# available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# Red Hat - initial API and implementation
#SpecfileChangelogAction_0=Did not get changelog partition. Please make me one\!
#SpecfileChangelogAction_1=Got specfile partition:
#SpecfileChangelogAction_4=\ editor
#SpecfileChangelogAction_5=EEE MMM d yyyy
SpecfileChangelogFormatter_1=\ editor
# SpecfileEditorDownloadSourcesActionDelegate
DownloadSources_malformedURL=Unable to create URL using: {0}
DownloadSources_cannotConnectToURL=Cannot open a connection using the URL.
# SpecfileEditorPrepareSourcesActionDelegate
PrepareSources_downloadSourcesMalformedURL=During preparing of sources, unable to create URL using: {0}
PrepareSources_downloadCancelled=While preparing the sources, the download process was interrupted.
PrepareSources_downloadConnectionFail=During preparing of sources, cannot open a connection using the URL.
PrepareSources_coreException=There was a core exception thrown while trying to prepare the sources \
for the build.
PrepareSources_prepareSources=Preparing sources for {0}
PrepareSources_consoleName=Prepare sources ({0})
# RPMHandlerUtils
RPMHandlerUtils_cannotCreateRPMProject=Error trying to retrieve the RPM Project.