blob: ffe1641afc6b086fa3f64c15dbc185cb49054ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Sonatype, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Sonatype, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> A representation of the model object ' <em><b>Activation</b></em>'. <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <!-- begin-model-doc --> 4.0.0 The conditions within the build runtime environment which will trigger the automatic
* inclusion of the build profile. <!-- end-model-doc -->
* <p>
* The following features are supported:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getActiveByDefault <em> Active By Default</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getJdk <em>Jdk</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getOs <em>Os</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getProperty <em>Property </em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getFile <em>File</em>}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @see org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.PomPackage#getActivation()
* @model extendedMetaData="name='Activation' kind='elementOnly'"
* @generated
public interface Activation extends EObject {
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Active By Default</b></em>' attribute. The default value is <code>"false"</code>.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc --> <!-- begin-model-doc --> 4.0.0 Flag specifying whether this profile
* is active by default. <!-- end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Active By Default</em>' attribute.
* @see #isSetActiveByDefault()
* @see #unsetActiveByDefault()
* @see #setActiveByDefault(String)
* @see org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.PomPackage#getActivation_ActiveByDefault()
* @model default="false" unsettable="true" dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.String" extendedMetaData=
* "kind='element' name='activeByDefault' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
String getActiveByDefault();
* Sets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getActiveByDefault
* <em>Active By Default</em>}' attribute. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Active By Default</em>' attribute.
* @see #isSetActiveByDefault()
* @see #unsetActiveByDefault()
* @see #getActiveByDefault()
* @generated
void setActiveByDefault(String value);
* Unsets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getActiveByDefault
* <em>Active By Default</em>}' attribute. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #isSetActiveByDefault()
* @see #getActiveByDefault()
* @see #setActiveByDefault(String)
* @generated
void unsetActiveByDefault();
* Returns whether the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getActiveByDefault
* <em>Active By Default</em>}' attribute is set. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return whether the value of the '<em>Active By Default</em>' attribute is set.
* @see #unsetActiveByDefault()
* @see #getActiveByDefault()
* @see #setActiveByDefault(String)
* @generated
boolean isSetActiveByDefault();
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Jdk</b></em>' attribute. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc --> <!--
* begin-model-doc --> 4.0.0 Specifies that this profile will be activated when a matching JDK is detected. For
* example, &lt;code&gt;1.4&lt;/code&gt; only activates on JDKs versioned 1.4, while &lt;code&gt;!1.4&lt;/code&gt;
* matches any JDK that is not version 1.4. <!-- end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Jdk</em>' attribute.
* @see #setJdk(String)
* @see org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.PomPackage#getActivation_Jdk()
* @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.String" extendedMetaData=
* "kind='element' name='jdk' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
String getJdk();
* Sets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getJdk <em>Jdk</em>}' attribute. <!--
* begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Jdk</em>' attribute.
* @see #getJdk()
* @generated
void setJdk(String value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Os</b></em>' containment reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <!-- begin-model-doc --> 4.0.0 Specifies that this profile will be activated when matching operating system
* attributes are detected. <!-- end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Os</em>' containment reference.
* @see #isSetOs()
* @see #unsetOs()
* @see #setOs(ActivationOS)
* @see org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.PomPackage#getActivation_Os()
* @model containment="true" unsettable="true" extendedMetaData=
* "kind='element' name='os' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
ActivationOS getOs();
* Sets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getOs <em>Os</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Os</em>' containment reference.
* @see #isSetOs()
* @see #unsetOs()
* @see #getOs()
* @generated
void setOs(ActivationOS value);
* Unsets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getOs <em>Os</em>}' containment
* reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #isSetOs()
* @see #getOs()
* @see #setOs(ActivationOS)
* @generated
void unsetOs();
* Returns whether the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getOs <em>Os</em>}' containment
* reference is set. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return whether the value of the '<em>Os</em>' containment reference is set.
* @see #unsetOs()
* @see #getOs()
* @see #setOs(ActivationOS)
* @generated
boolean isSetOs();
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Property</b></em>' containment reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!--
* end-user-doc --> <!-- begin-model-doc --> 4.0.0 Specifies that this profile will be activated when this system
* property is specified. <!-- end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Property</em>' containment reference.
* @see #isSetProperty()
* @see #unsetProperty()
* @see #setProperty(ActivationProperty)
* @see org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.PomPackage#getActivation_Property()
* @model containment="true" unsettable="true" extendedMetaData=
* "kind='element' name='property' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
ActivationProperty getProperty();
* Sets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getProperty <em>Property</em>}'
* containment reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Property</em>' containment reference.
* @see #isSetProperty()
* @see #unsetProperty()
* @see #getProperty()
* @generated
void setProperty(ActivationProperty value);
* Unsets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getProperty <em>Property</em>}'
* containment reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #isSetProperty()
* @see #getProperty()
* @see #setProperty(ActivationProperty)
* @generated
void unsetProperty();
* Returns whether the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getProperty <em>Property</em>}'
* containment reference is set. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return whether the value of the '<em>Property</em>' containment reference is set.
* @see #unsetProperty()
* @see #getProperty()
* @see #setProperty(ActivationProperty)
* @generated
boolean isSetProperty();
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>File</b></em>' containment reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc
* --> <!-- begin-model-doc --> 4.0.0 Specifies that this profile will be activated based on existence of a file. <!--
* end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>File</em>' containment reference.
* @see #isSetFile()
* @see #unsetFile()
* @see #setFile(ActivationFile)
* @see org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.PomPackage#getActivation_File()
* @model containment="true" unsettable="true" extendedMetaData=
* "kind='element' name='file' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
ActivationFile getFile();
* Sets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getFile <em>File</em>}' containment
* reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>File</em>' containment reference.
* @see #isSetFile()
* @see #unsetFile()
* @see #getFile()
* @generated
void setFile(ActivationFile value);
* Unsets the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getFile <em>File</em>}' containment
* reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #isSetFile()
* @see #getFile()
* @see #setFile(ActivationFile)
* @generated
void unsetFile();
* Returns whether the value of the ' {@link org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit.pom.Activation#getFile <em>File</em>}'
* containment reference is set. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return whether the value of the '<em>File</em>' containment reference is set.
* @see #unsetFile()
* @see #getFile()
* @see #setFile(ActivationFile)
* @generated
boolean isSetFile();
} // Activation