blob: effc6e2564e15ab6a6524f45b4d21683ca876c7a [file] [log] [blame]
InsertArtifactProposal_additionals=Opens a search dialog where you can select the parent pom for this project.
InsertArtifactProposal_display_name=Insert reference to parent POM
InsertArtifactProposal_insert_dep_desc=Opens a search dialog where you can select a dependency to add to this project
InsertArtifactProposal_insert_dep_display_name=Insert dependency
InsertArtifactProposal_insert_dep_title=Select Dependency
InsertArtifactProposal_insert_plugin_description=Opens a search dialog where you can select a Maven plugin to add to this project
InsertArtifactProposal_insert_plugin_display_name=Insert plugin
InsertArtifactProposal_insert_plugin_title=Select Plugin
InsertArtifactProposal_searchDialog_title=Select Parent
InsertExpressionProposal_hint1=The expression evaluates to <b>{0}</b> in the current effective pom.
InsertExpressionProposal_hint2=<br>It is based on property defined in <b>{0}</b>
InsertSPDXLicenseProposal_0=Insert SPDX License
LifecycleMappingProposal_all_desc=<html>Goal: <b>{0}</b><br/>ExecutionId: <b>{1}</b><br/>Phase: <b>{2}</b><br/>Plugin: {3}<br/><br/>{4}</html>
LifecycleMappingProposal_execute_desc=This quickfix generates a plugin configuration snippet recognized by the m2e integration during project configuration. It marks the given goal to be executed during the Eclipse build.
LifecycleMappingProposal_execute_label=Execute goal {0} as part of Eclipse build
LifecycleMappingProposal_ignore_desc=This quickfix generates a plugin configuration snippet recognized by the m2e integration during project configuration. It marks the given goal as ignored for the purposes of the Eclipse build.
LifecycleMappingProposal_ignore_label=Mark goal {0} as ignored in pom.xml
LifecycleMappingProposal_workspaceIgnore_label=Mark goal {0} as ignored in eclipse preferences
MarkerHoverControl_openDiscoveryPrefs=Open Maven Discovery preferences
MarkerHoverControl_openLifecyclePrefs=Open Maven Lifecycle Mapping preferences
MarkerHoverControl_openParentDefinition=<a>Jump to definition in parent POM</a>
MarkerHoverControl_openWarningsPrefs=Open Maven Errors/Warnings preferences
MavenMarkerResolution_error=Unable to apply the quick fix. The file may have unsaved changes that invalidate the current quick fix.
MavenMarkerResolution_schema_label=Add Schema information to the specified pom.xml
MavenMarkerResolution_openManaged_label=Open declaration of managed version
MavenMarkerResolution_openManaged_description=Open {0}
PomContentAssistProcessor_insert_relPath_title=Insert relativePath pointing to {0}
PomContentAssistProcessor_set_relPath_title=Set relativePath to {0}
PomHyperlinkDetector_error_message=Can't open editor for {0}\n{1}
PomHyperlinkDetector_error_title=Open Maven POM
PomHyperlinkDetector_hyperlink_pattern=Open pom.xml for {0}:{1}
PomHyperlinkDetector_job_name=Opening POM
PomHyperlinkDetector_link_managed=Open managed location for {0}
PomHyperlinkDetector_open_module=Open module project pom.xml at {0}
PomHyperlinkDetector_open_property=Open definition of property {0}
PomQuickAssistProcessor_name=Add Maven XML Schema declaration
PomQuickAssistProcessor_remove_hint=It removes the current definition to rely on value inherited from parent
PomQuickAssistProcessor_title_groupId=Remove groupId declaration
PomQuickAssistProcessor_title_version=Remove version declaration
PomTemplateContext_candidate=Maven project at {0}
PomTemplateContext_clean=Removes all files generated by the previous build
PomTemplateContext_compile=Compile the source code of the project
PomTemplateContext_deploy=Done in an integration or release environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects
PomTemplateContext_expression_description=Property defined in effective pom.
PomTemplateContext_generateresources=Generate resources for inclusion in the package
PomTemplateContext_generatesources=Generate any source code for inclusion in compilation
PomTemplateContext_generatetestresources=Create resources for testing
PomTemplateContext_generatetestsources=Generate any test source code for inclusion in compilation
PomTemplateContext_install=Install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
PomTemplateContext_integrationtest=Process and deploy the package if necessary into an environment where integration tests can be run
PomTemplateContext_insertParameter=Insert parameter {0}
PomTemplateContext_module=Module {0}
PomTemplateContext_package=Take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR
PomTemplateContext_param=<b>required:</b> {0}<br><b>type:</b> {1}<br>
PomTemplateContext_param_def=default: {0}<br>
PomTemplateContext_param_expr=expression: {0}<br>
PomTemplateContext_postclean=Executes processes needed to finalize the project cleaning
PomTemplateContext_postintegrationtest=Perform actions required after integration tests have been executed. This may including cleaning up the environment
PomTemplateContext_postsite=Executes processes needed to finalize the site generation, and to prepare for site deployment
PomTemplateContext_preclean=Executes processes needed prior to the actual project cleaning
PomTemplateContext_preintegrationtest=Perform actions required before integration tests are executed. This may involve things such as setting up the required environment
PomTemplateContext_preparepackage=Perform any operations necessary to prepare a package before the actual packaging. This often results in an unpacked, processed version of the package. (Maven 2.1 and above)
PomTemplateContext_presite=Executes processes needed prior to the actual project site generation
PomTemplateContext_processclasses=Post-process the generated files from compilation, for example to do bytecode enhancement on Java classes
PomTemplateContext_processresources=Copy and process the resources into the destination directory, ready for packaging
PomTemplateContext_processsources=Process the source code, for example to filter any values
PomTemplateContext_processtestclasses=Post-process the generated files from test compilation, for example to do bytecode enhancement on Java classes. For Maven 2.0.5 and above
PomTemplateContext_processtestresources=Copy and process the resources into the test destination directory
PomTemplateContext_processtestsources=Process the test source code, for example to filter any values
PomTemplateContext_project_version_hint=For projects developed in sync only.
PomTemplateContext_property_override=Override property value <b>{0}</b>
PomTemplateContext_resolvingPlugin=Resolving plugin
PomTemplateContext_site=Generates the project's site documentation
PomTemplateContext_sitedeploy=Deploys the generated site documentation to the specified web server
PomTemplateContext_submodules=Potential submodules exist under {0}
PomTemplateContext_test=Run tests using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not require the code be packaged or deployed
PomTemplateContext_testcompile=Compile the test source code into the test destination directory
PomTemplateContext_validate=Validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available
PomTemplateContext_verify=Run any checks to verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria
PomTextHover_category_fix=Fix {0} problems of same category in file
PomTextHover_eval1=This expression evaluates to
PomTextHover_eval2=The property is defined in {0}
PomTextHover_jump_to=<a>Jump to location</a>
PomTextHover_managed_location=The artifact is managed in {0}
PomTextHover_managed_location_missing=The managed definition location could not be determined, probably defined by "import" scoped dependencies.
PomTextHover_managed_version=The managed version is
PomTextHover_managed_version_missing=The managed version could not be determined.
PomTextHover_more_quickfixes={0} quick fixes available:
PomTextHover_one_quickfix=\ 1 quick fix available:
SelectSPDXLicenseDialog_Title=Select SPDX License
SelectSPDXLicenseDialog_lblLicenseNameFilter_text=License filter
SelectSPDXLicenseDialog_noLicenseSelected_status=Select a license
SelectSPDXLicenseDialog_noWorkspacePomSelected_status=Select workspace pom.xml