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<title>Mylar New & Noteworthy</title>
<h2>Degree of Interest</h2>
<p>After you have activated a task, Mylar builds up a <i>degree of interest</i> model
and uses this model to filter Eclipse views.&nbsp; Press the Mylar glasses on
the view to toggle the filtering. To temporarily un filter a node Alt+click it.</p><p>
<img border="0" src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/0.3/filtering-navigator.gif" width="353" height="195"></p>
You can also directly manually manipulate the
interest level of one or more elements by right clicking them and using the two
Mylar actions in the popup menu.&nbsp; Keyboard shortcuts for these
are Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up Arrow for Make Landmark, and&nbsp;
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down Arrow for Make Less Interesting. <p>
<img border="0" src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/0.3/interest-manipulate.gif" width="262" height="65"></p>Resources that are always
considered interesting can be configured to always show when the
interest filter is on, via the root Mylar preference page.&nbsp;
Note that the parent of the resource, e.g. the project or folder,
needs to be interesting for it's children to show.&nbsp;
<img border="0" src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/0.3/filtering-exclusion.gif" width="420" height="240">