blob: e452ed6460a55617d6a27d758c672a5052f105f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the "Object Teams Runtime Environment"
* Copyright 2003, 2009 Technical University Berlin, Germany.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otre;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.CallinBindingManager;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.FieldDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.SuperMethodDescriptor;
import org.apache.bcel.Constants;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ClassGen;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionFactory;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.MethodGen;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.Type;
* For each base method that is bound by callout and has
* insufficient visibility, the visibility is set to public.
* Check whether the affected base class resides in a sealed package.
* In that case dissallow decapsulation by throwing an IllegalAccessError.
* @version $Id: 23408 2010-02-03 18:07:35Z stephan $
* @author Stephan Herrmann
public class Decapsulation
extends ObjectTeamsTransformation
implements Constants
// HashSet modifiedPackages = new HashSet();
private HashSet<String/*callout accessed fields*/> generatedFieldCalloutAccessors = new HashSet<String>();
private HashSet<String/*super-accessed methods (sign)*/> generatedSuperAccessors = new HashSet<String>();
public Decapsulation(Object loader) {
* Main entry for this transformer.
public void doTransformInterface(ClassEnhancer ce, ClassGen cg) {
String class_name = cg.getClassName();
ConstantPoolGen cpg = cg.getConstantPool();
checkReadClassAttributes(ce, cg, class_name, cpg);
generateFieldAccessForCallout(ce, cg, class_name, cpg);
generateSuperAccessors(ce, cg, class_name, cpg);
HashSet<String> calloutBindings = CallinBindingManager.getCalloutBindings(class_name);
if (calloutBindings == null) {
if(logging) printLogMessage("\nClass " + class_name
+ " requires no callout adjustment.");
if(logging) printLogMessage("\nCallout bindings might be changing class "
+ class_name + ":");
HashSet<String> oldStyleBinding = new HashSet<String>();
// try new style decapsulation first (since 1.2.8):
for (String calloutBinding : calloutBindings) {
DecapsulationDescriptor desc = new DecapsulationDescriptor();
if (!desc.decode(calloutBinding, cg))
oldStyleBinding.add(calloutBinding); // old style attribute
else if (!desc.existsAlready)
ce.addMethod(desc.generate(class_name, cpg), cg);
if (oldStyleBinding.isEmpty()) return;
// --> follows: old style decapsulation for remaining bindings:
int pos = class_name.lastIndexOf('.');
String package_name = "NO_PACKAGE";
if (pos != -1)
package_name = class_name.substring(0,pos);
Method[] methods = cg.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
Method m = methods[i];
String method_name = m.getName();
boolean requiresAdjustment = CallinBindingManager.
if (requiresAdjustment) {
ce.decapsulateMethod(m, cg, package_name, cpg);
class DecapsulationDescriptor {
short invokeKind;
String targetClass;
String methodName;
String methodSign;
Type returnType;
Type[] args;
String accessorName;
boolean existsAlready;
* new style encoding is
* targetClassName ('!' | '?') methodName '.' methodSign
boolean decode(String encodedBinding, ClassGen cg) {
int sepPos = encodedBinding.indexOf('!');
if (sepPos != -1) { // static method:
invokeKind = INVOKESTATIC;
} else {
sepPos = encodedBinding.indexOf('?');
if (sepPos != -1) {
} else {
return false; // old style
targetClass = encodedBinding.substring(0, sepPos);
int sigPos = encodedBinding.indexOf('(', sepPos);
methodName = encodedBinding.substring(sepPos+1, sigPos);
methodSign = encodedBinding.substring(sigPos);
returnType = Type.getReturnType(methodSign);
args = Type.getArgumentTypes(methodSign);
accessorName = "_OT$decaps$"+methodName;
existsAlready = cg.containsMethod(accessorName, methodSign) != null;
if (invokeKind == INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
Method existing = cg.containsMethod(methodName, methodSign);
if (existing != null && existing.isPrivate())
invokeKind = INVOKESPECIAL; // accessing private
return true;
Method generate(String currentClass, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
int instanceOffset = 0;
short flags = Constants.ACC_PUBLIC;
if (invokeKind != INVOKESTATIC) {
} else {
flags |= Constants.ACC_STATIC;
int pos= 0;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(args[i], pos+instanceOffset));
pos += args[i].getSize();
il.append(new InstructionFactory(cpg).createInvoke(targetClass, methodName, returnType, args, invokeKind));
MethodGen newMethod = new MethodGen(flags, returnType, args, /*argNames*/null, accessorName, currentClass, il, cpg);
return newMethod.getMethod();
* Generates getter and setter methods for all fields of the class 'class_name' which are accessed via callout.
* Informations are received via attributs (CallinBindingManager).
* @param cg the ClassGen of the appropriate class
* @param class_name the name of the class
* @param cpg the ConstantPoolGen of the class
* @param es the ExtensionSet to add the new access methods
private void generateFieldAccessForCallout(ClassEnhancer ce, ClassGen cg, String class_name, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
InstructionFactory factory = null;
HashSet<String> addedAccessMethods = this.generatedFieldCalloutAccessors;
List<FieldDescriptor> getter = CallinBindingManager.getCalloutGetFields(class_name);
if (getter != null) {
factory = new InstructionFactory(cg);
Iterator<FieldDescriptor> it = getter.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
FieldDescriptor fd =;
String key = "get_" + class_name +"." + fd.getFieldName() + fd.getFieldSignature();
if (logging)
printLogMessage("Generating getter method "+key);
if (addedAccessMethods == null)
addedAccessMethods = new HashSet<String>();
if (addedAccessMethods.contains(key))
continue; // this getter has already been created
ce.addMethod(generateGetter(cpg, class_name, fd, factory), cg);
List<FieldDescriptor> setter = CallinBindingManager.getCalloutSetFields(class_name);
if (setter != null) {
if (factory == null)
factory = new InstructionFactory(cg);
Iterator<FieldDescriptor> it = setter.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
FieldDescriptor fd =;
String key = "set_"+ class_name +"." + fd.getFieldName()+fd.getFieldSignature();
if (logging)
printLogMessage("Generating setter method "+key);
if (addedAccessMethods == null)
addedAccessMethods = new HashSet<String>();
if (addedAccessMethods.contains(key))
continue; // this setter has already been created
ce.addMethod(generateSetter(cpg, class_name, fd, factory), cg);
* Generates a getter method for the field described by 'fd' in the class 'class_name'.
* @param cpg the ConstantPoolGen of the class
* @param class_name the name of the class
* @param fd the FieldDescriptor describing the affected field
* @param factory an InstructionFactory for this class
* @return the generated getter method
private Method generateGetter(ConstantPoolGen cpg, String class_name, FieldDescriptor fd, InstructionFactory factory) {
String fieldName = fd.getFieldName();
Type fieldType = Type.getType(fd.getFieldSignature());
Type baseType = new ObjectType(class_name);
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
String[] argumentNames;
Type[] argumentTypes;
if (fd.isStaticField()) {
argumentNames = new String[0];
argumentTypes = new Type[0];
} else {
argumentNames = new String[] {"base_obj"};
argumentTypes = new Type[] {baseType};
MethodGen mg = new MethodGen((Constants.ACC_PUBLIC|Constants.ACC_STATIC),
il, cpg);
if (!fd.isStaticField())
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(baseType, 0)); // first argument is at slot 0 in static methods
short fieldKind = fd.isStaticField()?Constants.GETSTATIC:Constants.GETFIELD;
il.append(factory.createFieldAccess(class_name, fieldName, fieldType, fieldKind));
return mg.getMethod();
* Generates a setter method for the field described by 'fd' in the class 'class_name'.
* @param cpg the ConstantPoolGen of the class
* @param class_name the name of the class
* @param fd the FieldDescriptor describing the affected field
* @param factory an InstructionFactory for this class
* @return the generated getter method
private Method generateSetter(ConstantPoolGen cpg, String class_name, FieldDescriptor fd, InstructionFactory factory ) {
String fieldName = fd.getFieldName();
Type fieldType = Type.getType(fd.getFieldSignature());
Type baseType = new ObjectType(class_name);
Type[] argumentTypes;
String[] argumentNames;
if (fd.isStaticField()) {
argumentTypes = new Type[] { fieldType};
argumentNames = new String[] {"new_value"};
} else {
argumentTypes = new Type[] {baseType, fieldType};
argumentNames = new String[] {"base_obj", "new_value"};
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
MethodGen mg = new MethodGen((Constants.ACC_PUBLIC|Constants.ACC_STATIC),
il, cpg);
int argumentPosition; // position for the argument holding the new field value.
if (!fd.isStaticField()) {
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(baseType, 0)); // first argument is at slot 0 in static methods
argumentPosition = 1;
} else {
argumentPosition = 0;
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(fieldType, argumentPosition));
short fieldKind = fd.isStaticField()?Constants.PUTSTATIC:Constants.PUTFIELD;
il.append(factory.createFieldAccess(class_name, fieldName, fieldType, fieldKind));
return mg.getMethod();
private void generateSuperAccessors(ClassEnhancer ce, ClassGen cg, String class_name, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
InstructionFactory factory = null;
HashSet<String> addedAccessMethods = this.generatedSuperAccessors;
List<SuperMethodDescriptor> methods = CallinBindingManager.getSuperAccesses(class_name);
if (methods != null) {
factory = new InstructionFactory(cg);
for (SuperMethodDescriptor superMethod : methods) {
String key = superMethod.methodName+'.'+superMethod.signature;
if (logging)
printLogMessage("Generating super access method "+key);
if (addedAccessMethods == null)
addedAccessMethods = new HashSet<String>();
if (addedAccessMethods.contains(key))
continue; // this accessor has already been created
ce.addMethod(generateSuperAccessor(cpg, class_name, superMethod, factory), cg);
private Method generateSuperAccessor(ConstantPoolGen cpg, String className, SuperMethodDescriptor superMethod, InstructionFactory factory)
int endPos = superMethod.signature.indexOf(')');
String segment = superMethod.signature.substring(1, endPos);
String[] typeNames = (segment.length() > 0) ? segment.split(",") : new String[0];
Type[] argTypes = new Type[typeNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++)
argTypes[i] = Type.getType(typeNames[i]);
int index = superMethod.signature.lastIndexOf(')') + 1;
Type returnType = Type.getType(superMethod.signature.substring(index));
Type baseType = new ObjectType(className);
Type[] wrapperTypes = new Type[argTypes.length+1];
System.arraycopy(argTypes, 0, wrapperTypes, 1, argTypes.length);
wrapperTypes[0] = baseType;
String[] argNames = new String[wrapperTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < argNames.length; i++) {
argNames[i] = "arg"+i;
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
MethodGen mg = new MethodGen((Constants.ACC_PUBLIC|Constants.ACC_STATIC),
il, cpg);
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(baseType, 0)); // first argument is base instance
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++)
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(argTypes[i], i+1));
// if super method is also callin bound directly invoke the orig-version
// (to avoid that BaseMethodTransformation.checkReplaceWickedSuper() has to rewrite this code again):
String methodName = (CallinBindingManager.isBoundBaseMethod(superMethod.superClass, superMethod.methodName, superMethod.signature))
? genOrigMethName(superMethod.methodName)
: superMethod.methodName;
il.append(factory.createInvoke(superMethod.superClass, methodName, returnType, argTypes, INVOKESPECIAL));
return mg.getMethod();