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<title>Creating a Function Import</title>
<h1 class="title topictitle1">Creating a Function Import</h1>
<div class="body taskbody"><p class="shortdesc">This section provides instructions to create Function Import.</p>
<div class="section context" id="loio9ec05803b170491095b0469418f6a60f__context_N10015_N10012_N10001"><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Context</h2></div>
<div class="p">To create a Function Import proceed as follows:<ol class="ol" id="loio9ec05803b170491095b0469418f6a60f__ol_bjg_rzd_gj"><li class="li">Select <strong class="ph b">Function Import </strong>under <strong class="ph b">Objects </strong>in the pallete, press and
hold down the left mouse button, drag the object onto the OData Model
<li class="li">Drop the object by releasing the mouse button. A graphical representation of
the entity type object is created in the graphical editor.<div class="p"> Alternatively,
you can also click on Function Import in the palette and click inside
the OData Model Editor to create a complex type.<div class="note note" id="loio9ec05803b170491095b0469418f6a60f__note_N1002E_N1002B_N10028_N10018_N10015_N10012_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> The new
Function Import will be created with a unique name by
<div class="p">The context pad of the complex type has the
following menus:<ul class="ul" id="loio9ec05803b170491095b0469418f6a60f__ul_m4y_xzd_gj"><li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Delete </strong>- Choose <img src="CFI1.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:25px""/> to delete the function import from
this model.</li>
<li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Add Parameter</strong> - Choose <img src="CFI2.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:25px"/> to add a new input parameter to the
Function Import.</li>
<li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Add Simple Return Type</strong> - Choose <img src="CFI3.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:25px"/> to add a simple return type. </li>
<li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Add Complex Return Type </strong>- Choose <img src="CFI4.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:25px"/> to add a complex type. Ensure that
you have created a complex type. the drop-down list displays all
the available complex types.</li>
<li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Add Entity Return Type </strong>- Choose <img src="CF5.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:25px"/> to add a entity type. Ensure that
you have created a entity type. the drop-down list displays all
the available entity type in the model.</li>
<li class="li">Do the following to complete the function import definition:<ul class="ul" id="loio9ec05803b170491095b0469418f6a60f__ul_kqn_htj_kj"><li class="li">Select the function import and navigate to the properties view.</li>
<li class="li">Click the drop-down list in the <strong class="ph b">Type</strong> field and select an
entity type.</li>
<li class="li"> Right click and select <span class="ph pname">Delete</span> in the resulting menu to
select an element.<p class="p">The <kbd class="key">Delete</kbd> key from the keyboard can also be
used to delete an element.</p>
<p class="p">On selecting Delete, the <span class="ph pname">Confirm
Delete </span>window appears.</p>
<li class="li">Click <span class="ph pname">Yes</span> to delete the entity type.</li>