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<h1 class="title topictitle1">Working in the Properties View</h1>
<div class="body conbody">
<p class="shortdesc">The Properties View allows you to edit OData properties. These properties are used to define the different artifacts in the model.</p>
<p class="p"><img src="WPV1.png" alt="" style="width:804px;height:728px" /></p>
<p class="p">Each artifact displays a different set of attributes according to the OData specifications. When you change the selection of an artifact in the OData Model Editor or in the project explorer tree, the attributes displayed in the Properties View change accordingly.</p>
<div class="p">
<div class="note note" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__note_N10087_N10080_N10012_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> When selecting an artifact in the OData Model Editor its properties are displayed in the Properties view in read-only mode.</div>
When you change an attribute in the OData Model Editor, the changes are reflected automatically in the Properties view and vice-versa. For example, you can change the name of the artifact in either place and it will be updated in both. The Properties view also allows you to change attributes that are not editable in the OData Model Editor, for example, changing the name of the schema.</div>
<div class="p">To display the Properties view:
<ol class="ol" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__ol_wnl_wbc_4j">
<li class="li">Select<span class="ph menucascade">&nbsp;<span class="ph uicontrol"><strong>Window</strong>&gt;</span>&nbsp;<span class="ph uicontrol"><strong>Show View</strong>&gt;</span>&nbsp;<span class="ph uicontrol"><strong>Other</strong>.</span> </span>The<strong class="ph b"> Show View </strong>dialog is displayed.</li>
<li class="li">Select <span class="ph menucascade"><strong><span class="ph uicontrol">General&gt;</span> <span class="ph uicontrol">Properties.</span></strong></span>. The <strong class="ph b">Properties</strong> view is displayed.</li>
<div class="p">To edit the properties of OData artifacts:
<ol class="ol" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__ol_wgq_wbc_4j">
<li class="li">Select the desired artifact.</li>
<li class="li">From the <strong class="ph b">General</strong> tab, give the desired value to the artifact&rsquo;s attributes displayed.</li>
<div class="section" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__section_N1005A_N10012_N10001">
<div class="section_title">Referential Constraints</div>
<div type="Referential Constraints">
<p class="p">A referential constraint asserts that the entity on the principal end of the referential constraint must exist in order for the entity on the dependent end to exist. This assertion is established by the <span class="ph filepath">edm:ReferentialConstraint</span> element.</p>
<p class="p">A referential constraint must contain exactly one <span class="ph filepath">edm:Principal </span>element and exactly one <span class="ph filepath">edm:Dependent </span>element.</p>
<div class="p">To maintain association referential constraints:
<div class="note note" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__note_N10120_N1011D_N10101_N10012_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> Referential constraints are not relevant for associations in a many to many relationship.</div>
<ol class="ol" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__ol_l2f_5cc_4j">
<li class="li">Select desired association. The association&rsquo;s attributes are displayed in the Properties view.</li>
<li class="li">Select <span class="ph uicontrol">Referential Constraint</span>.</li>
<li class="li">In the <span class="ph uicontrol">Value</span> column, choose <img src="Choose.png" alt="Mountain View" style="width:30px;height:28px" />. The <span class="ph uicontrol">Referential Constraint</span> page is displayed.</li>
<li class="li">From the <span class="ph uicontrol">Principle</span> drop-down list, select the entity with the principal role. The <span class="ph uicontrol">Dependent</span> column is filled in automatically with the second entity in the association.
<div class="note note" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__note_N10152_N10147_N10124_N1011D_N10101_N10012_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> If the association is 1:many, the entity from which the association goes to many is automatically selected as Principal.</div>
<li class="li">In the<span class="ph uicontrol"> Principle Key</span> column, select the property key that will act as lead in the association.
<div class="note note" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__note_N1015E_N10157_N10124_N1011D_N10101_N10012_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> The properties displayed in the <span class="ph uicontrol">Principal Key</span> column, depend on the properties defined as Key in the OData Model Editor.</div>
<li class="li">From the<span class="ph uicontrol"> Dependent Property</span> drop-down list, select the desired property to be dependent on the principal key.
<div class="note note" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__note_N1016E_N10167_N10124_N1011D_N10101_N10012_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> You cannot use the same property for two different Principle keys.</div>
<li class="li">Choose <span class="ph uicontrol">OK</span>. The referential constraint is displayed in the <span class="ph uicontrol">Value</span> column of the Properties Editor.</li>
<div class="p">To delete a referential constraint:
<ol class="ol" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__ol_gpn_wgf_pj">
<li class="li">Select desired association. The association&rsquo;s attributes are displayed in the Properties view.</li>
<li class="li">Select<span class="ph uicontrol"> Referential Constraint</span>.</li>
<li class="li">In the <span class="ph uicontrol">Value</span> column, choose <img src="Choose.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:28px" /> . The <span class="ph uicontrol">Referential Constraint</span> page is displayed.</li>
<li class="li">Choose <span class="ph uicontrol">Delete</span>. All the referential constraints for these entities are deleted.</li>
<div class="p">To maintain association set:
<ol class="ol" id="loio504f84d32071419eb2bb5489f0658c21__ol_orx_ngf_pj">
<li class="li">Select desired association. The association&rsquo;s attributes are displayed in the Properties view.</li>
<li class="li">Select <span class="ph uicontrol">Association Sets</span>.</li>
<li class="li">In the <span class="ph uicontrol">Value</span> column, choose . The<span class="ph uicontrol"> Association Sets</span> page is displayed. On the displayed page you can see a table with the association set properties (name of the association set, end1 entity set, and end2 entity set).</li>
<li class="li">To add a new association set, choose the <span class="ph uicontrol">Add</span>.</li>
<li class="li">To delete an association set, select it from the table and choose <span class="ph uicontrol">Remove</span>.</li>
<li class="li">To edit the name of the association set, in the Name column, select the desired name and edit it.</li>
<li class="li">To change an entity set of the association set, select the desired entity set and change it by selecting a different one from the drop-down list.</li>
<li class="li">Choose <span class="ph uicontrol">Apply</span>.</li>
<div class="topic nested1" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj">
<h2 class="title topictitle2">Annotations</h2>
<div class="body">
<p class="shortdesc">You can apply annotations to OData artifacts from the Properties View <span class="ph uicontrol">Annotations</span> tab.</p>
<div class="note note" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__note_N1020E_N1020B_N101F8_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> The <span class="ph uicontrol">Annotations</span> tab is enabled only when an OData artifact that supports annotations is selected.</div>
<div class="p">To apply annotations to an OData artifact:
<ol class="ol" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__ol_ccn_lmf_pj">
<li class="li">Select the desired artifact from the model and choose <img src="MaintainAssociation.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:28px" />(maintain annotation) from the Properties view toolbar. The <span class="ph uicontrol">Maintain Annotation</span> page is displayed showing the available (loaded) vocabularies. These vocabularies contain the applicable terms for the selected artifact.</li>
<li class="li">Expand the desired vocabulary.
<div class="note note" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__note_N101A2_N1019F_N1018C_N10189_N1017D_N1016A_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> If terms have already been selected for this vocabulary, they appear in the list with thier checkbox selected.</div>
<li class="li">If the desired vocabulary is missing, you can add it manually using the <span class="ph filepath">edmx</span> references. For more information see the <cite class="cite">Adding EDMX References</cite> topic.</li>
<li class="li">Select the checkbox of the desired term(s).</li>
<li class="li">When finished, choose <span class="ph uicontrol">OK</span>. The annotations tab is displayed in the Properties view.</li>
<li class="li">You can edit each term in the <span class="ph uicontrol">Value</span> column according to the term&#39;s limitations.</li>
<p class="p">&nbsp;</p>
<div class="p">To edit simple value annotations:
<ul class="ul" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__ul_px2_g4f_pj">
<li class="li">Entering the appropriate value (according to the annotation type).</li>
<li class="li">Selecting an artifact from the <span class="ph uicontrol">Value</span> drop-down list. If there are other artifacts of the same type (for example, edm.string type), they are displayed in the drop-down list.</li>
<div class="note note" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__note_N10258_N10249_N1020B_N101F8_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> For Boolean annotations, the drop-down list contains <span class="ph uicontrol">True</span>, <span class="ph uicontrol">False</span>, and Artifacts of type Boolean (in this case you cannot enter the value).</div>
<div class="note note" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__note_N1026C_N1024D_N1020B_N101F8_N10001"><span class="notetitle">Note</span> If the term is annotated with the annotation <span class="ph filepath">isPropertyPath</span>, you can choose its value only from the drop-down list . You can check the annotations for the terms in each of the vocabularies. To acces the vocabularies provided out-of-the-box, go to the OASIS repositories webpage.</div>
<p class="p">Annotations of type record can contain simple value annotations and annotation collections within them. To see what the record annotiation is composed of, expand the term cell.</p>
<div class="p">To edit record annotations:
<ul class="ul" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__ul_urj_dm1_qj">
<li class="li">Edit the simple value annotations.</li>
<li class="li">Edit collections:
<ol class="ol" id="topic_dmx_thf_pj__ol_hdb_kn1_qj">
<li class="li">selecting the value cell and choosing <img src="Choose.png" alt="" style="width:30px;height:28px" />. The<span class="ph uicontrol"> Maintain Dynamic Annotation </span>dialog is opened.</li>
<li class="li">Expand the collection to set the value for each annotation.</li>
<li class="li">To add a collectable expression, select the desired collection row and choose <span class="ph uicontrol">Add</span>.</li>
<li class="li">To remove a collectable expression, select the desired collectable expression&#39;s row and choose <span class="ph uicontrol">Remove</span>.</li>
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<div class="relinfotitle ">Related Information</div>