blob: ccfe5fe7021317f1a41d479770ffdfcbe8bb43fe [file] [log] [blame]
<context id="odataeditor" title="OData Model Editor">
<topic href="../" label="odataeditor"/>
<!--topic label="Graphical OData Editor UI"/>
<topic label="Things to Remember"/>
<topic label="Key_Board ShortCuts"/>
<topic label="Creating an Entity Type"/-->
<context id="odataeditoredmxreferences" title="Adding EDMX References">
<description>You can create a advanced OData model by importing the EDMX references into IGWDT. The advantage of this function is that it reduces the effort of recreating similar models/artifact and basically reuses the existing artifacts from the referenced schema.
To add EDMX references proceed as follows:
1. Click the <b>References</b> tab located on the lower left end of OData model editor.
Every project will have a set of edmx references assigned to it by default. These references can be removed using the Remove button if they are not be used in the OData Model in the OData model editor.
An confirmation message is displayed on trying to delete the references.
If the EDMX Reference is already in use then an error message displays.
Click the <b>Restore Default</b> button to restore the default EDMX references if they were removed. If you try to restore the available references then an error message displays.
2. Click <b>Add</b> to add a new reference.
3. In the <b>Specify the EDMX</b> reference to be added window, select the <b>Service URL</b> radio button to import a edmx reference using the service URL or select <b>Service Metadata File</b> radio button to import a edmx reference file.
For Service URL option provide the service url and for the metadata file option select the edmx file.
5. The service populates in the Service Details region.
6. On successful addition of the service, the service appears under the Referenced Schemas region.
7. Expand the service and select the schema.
8. Save the changes.
9. Navigate to the OData model editor.
10. The palette now has a another OData model element "Referenced Entity"added under Objects region.
<topic label="odataeditoredmxreferences"/>
<context id="odataeditorpreferences" title="OData Model Editor Layout">
<topic href="../" label="odataeditorpreferences"/>
<context id="edmxreferencedialog" title="Specifying the EDMX Reference to be Added">
In the Specify the EDMX reference to be added window, select the Service URL radio button to import a edmx reference using the service URL or select Service Metadata File radio button to import a edmx reference file.
For Service URL option provide the service url and for the metadata file option select the edmx file.
1. The service populates in the Service Details region.
2. On successful addition of the service, the service appears under the Referenced Schemas region.
3. Expand the service and select the schema.
4. Save the changes.
5. Navigate to the OData model editor.
6. The palette now has a another OData model element "Referenced Entity"added under Objects region.
<topic label="edmxreferencedialog"/>
<context id="odataservicecatolog" title="Service Catalog">
<description>The Service Catalog feature allows the user to visualize the metadata of a SAP NetWeaver Gateway service in the eclipse graphical editor.
Atleast one connection to a SAP NetWeaver Gateway system should be configured to view underlying service.
Viewing the Service from the Service Catalog
On adding a connection, you can now view the services available in the connected system using the Service Catalog.The metadata of the service will be converted to OData service and will be displayed in the graphincal editor.
NOTE: The services can only be viewed and cannot be edited. The Properties view is also read only.
To view the service in the graphical editor proceed as follows:
1. In the Eclipse screen, choose Window and then Show View.
The Show View window appears.
2. Expand SAP NetWeaver Gateway folder and double click on Service Catalog.
The Service Catalog menu is now available in the tabbed region.
The available connection(s) are displayed in the Service Catalog tab view.
3. Expand the connection to view the services under it.
4. Either double click on a service or right click and select Open to open the service in the graphical editor.
<b>NOTE</b>: The erroneousness services are indicated by an red cross sign on them and will not be displayed in the graphical editor.
The selected service opens in the graphical editor in the read only mode.
The service name will be displayed as the graphical editor title.
The following actions can be performed in the graphical editor:
You can move the objects in the graphical editor
You can expand and collapse the sections in the objects
NOTE: You cannot save the changes after the above actions.</description>