blob: 199f47867ce6afe1e879a8d5fcf066ce3ddef265 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
= openKonsequenz - Architecture of the module 'Grid Failure Information'
Based on the ARC42-Template (v7.0):
* Version: 0.1
* Date: 24.03.2020
* Status: Inital Draft
:Author: Frank Dietrich
:Date: 2020-03-24
:Revision: 1
:source-highlighter: highlightjs
:highlightjs-theme: solarized_dark
:lang: en
:encoding: utf-8
:imagesdir: ../img
:iconsdir: ../img/icons
:toclevels: 4
:toc-title: Table of Contents
== Introduction and Goals
=== Requirements Overview
The module 'Grid Failure Information' (in German: Modul 'Störungsinformationstool')
informs employees and customers about failures and planned interruptions of supply.
The module realizes the whole process from the creation of a failure information,
via the publication until the closure of the failure information.
It supports the user by the acquisition of data and leads the user through
the workflow for processing a failure information.
The module has many interfaces to other modules and external systems.
The full requirements of the module 'Grid Failure Information' is described in the document
* "Anforderungsspezifikation Modul Störungsinformationstool" version 1.3 / 31-07-2019.
=== Quality Goals
The module 'Grid Failure Information' represents a user module that is based on the architecture platform of openKONSEQUENZ. The main quality
goals of the platform are:
* *Flexibility* The reference platform shall grant that different systems and modules from different vendors/developers can interact and interoperate, and may be exchanged or recombined.
* *Availability* All platform modules that are running on the platform can only be as available as the platform same for user modules that are based on platform modules.
* *Maintainability* (and testability as part of maintainability) The platform and its platform modules shall be used longer than 15 years.
* *Integration performance* New implemented functionality of oK own modules and external modules shall be included fast / automatically.
* *Security* The platform and its modules need to underly security-by-design
The main quality goals of the core module Contact Base Data are:
* *Functionality* The core module must fulfil the functional requirements mentioned in the section before
* *Ergonomics* The web interface must be realized according to oK-GUI-Styleguide.
* *Good documentation* (i.e. code and architecture documentation) makes code changes easier and automatic
tests facilitate rigorous verification.
* *Modifiability* (and testability as part of modifiability)
* *Integration performance* The core module must be easy integratable in different production environments.
The following documents contain the quality goals in detail:
* Architecture Committee Handbook v1.6.0 from 10-07-2019
* Quality Committee Handbook v2.0.1 from 15-10-2018
The architecture is based on the AC-Handbook. The quality demands are described in the QC-Handbook.
Both specifications were fully complied with in the project, so that a high quality is given.
The code quality regarding static code analysis and unit test code coverage on the backend and fronend sides
are ensured by the use of sonarqube. The rule set and the qualtity gate are defined by the default, the
so called "sonar way".
The module 'Grid Failure Information' is part of the Eclipse project 'Eclipse openK User Modules'.
This project bases on the Eclipse Public Licence 2.0.
=== Stakeholders
|Product Owner (represents the Distribution System Operators)|Maike Salbeck, Carsten Otten, Benedikt Herget, Rainer Fuhrmann|The software must fulfil their functional and nonfunctional requirements.
|Module Developer|Michel Alessandrini, Jonas Tewolde, Frank Dietrich|All relevant business and technical information must be available for implementing the software.
|External Reviewer (represents the AC/QC)|n.n.|The software and the documentation is realized according to the Quality and Architecture Handbook of openKONSEQUENZ.
|External Reviewer (represents the Eclipse-Requirements)|n.n.|The software is licensed under the EPL 2.0. It must be validated that all requirements are fulfilled.
|System Integrator|n.n.|A documentation for the integration of the module in the DSO specific environments must be available.
== Architecture Constraints
The main architecture constraints are:
* *Public License* The module must be available under the “Eclipse Public License 2.0”.
* *Standardization* The module must use the reference platform.
* *Availability* The source code of the module must be accessible to any interested person/company.
Therefore the project is published under the following repositories:
=== Technical Constraints
The following technical constraints are given:
.Technical Contraints
|Base components of the reference platform
a|* Application Server Tomcat
* JPA EclipseLink
* Database PostgreSQL
|Programming language frontend
a|* Angular
* Bootstrap
* jQuery
* REST/JSON Interfaces
|GUI design
a|* According to oK-GUI-Styleguide
|Java QA environment
a| * Sonarqube 5.6.6
|Programming language
a|* Backend: Java 1.8
* Frontend: Angular 7+ (Javascript, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3)
a|* Not restricted (Eclipse, IntelliJ, Microsoft Developer Studio, Microsoft Visual Code ...)
|Build system
a|* Backend: Maven
* Frontend: NodeJS + Angular/cli
|Libraries, frameworks, components
a|* Used Libraries/Frameworks have to be compatible to the Eclipse Public License
|Architecture Documentation
a|* According ARC42-Template
=== Technical Dependencies
==== Modules
The following modules are required to use the 'Grid Failure Information':
|Name of the module|Purpose|Status of the module|status
|'Auth&Auth'|Authentification and Authorization|available|required
|'Contact base data'|Contact Base Data|available|required
|'eLogbook'|Log Book|available|optional
|'Planned Grid Measures'|Planned Grid Measures|available|optional
|'CIM-Cache'|Interface to the SCADA system|available|optional
==== Libraries
The following libraries are used:
TODO: Am Ende die Bibliotheken aktualisieren
|Name of the library|Version|Artefact-id|Usage|License|Tier
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||New BSD License|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||EPL 2.0|Backend
||LGPL 3.0|Backend
||Apache License 2.0|Backend
||EPL 2.0|Backend
||Apache 2.0|Backend
||Apache 2.0|Backend
||Apache 2.0|Backend
||Apache 2.0|Backend
|Angular Font Awesome|3.1.2
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
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||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
||MIT License|Frontend
== System Scope and Context
=== Business Context
The core module 'Grid Failure Information' communicates via Restful Webservices with the follwowing modules:
* *Core Module 'Auth & Auth'* The 'Grid Failure Information' can only be used by authorized users.
Therefore, it is essential to invoke the module 'Auth & Auth' for authorization and authentication
* *Core Module 'Contact base data'* The user management can only by done by the module contact base data.
Therefore, it is essential to user the module ''Contact base data' for managing all users and customers.
* *Core Module 'CIM-Cache'* The 'Grid Failure Information' can only communicate via the CIM-Cachewith the SCADA system .
Therefore, it is essential to invoke the module 'CIM-Cache' for getting information from the SCADA system.
* *User Module 'eLogbook'* The 'Grid Failure Information' can import failure information from the module 'eLogbook'.
* *User Module 'Planned Grid Measures'* The 'Grid Failure Information' can import failure information from the module 'Planned Grid Measures'.
=== Technical Context
The following aspects have to be taken into account for external communication of the module 'Grid Failure Information':
* RESTful web services are used as interface-technology.
* Each external interface (interfaces between modules or external systems) has to be documented.
* Dependencies of modules to services realized by other modules have to be specified and documented explicitly.
The interfaces of the module 'Grid Failure Information' are described in the interface documentation.
TODO: Link zur interface documentation einfügen
=== Solution Strategy
The module 'Grid Failure Information' bases on a small microservice architecture, including
an asynchronous messaging system.
== Building Block View
=== Whitebox Overall System
The module 'grid failure information' contains several components:
. *SIT-Web-FE* - This component (SPA with Angular) provides two HTML pages: a table and a map
with failure information. This component is in the DMZ and can be called up from the Internet.
. *SIT-Web-Cache-Service* - The SIT-Web-Cache-Service is a service which receives the published
grid failures in the form of a JSON from the SIT-BE and makes them available to the SIT-Web-FE
via a ReST interface. This component is implemented with Angular / Typescript. Because this
component is only equipped with freely accessible data, no security is necessary here. The
SIT-Web-Cache-Service, like the SIT-Web-FE, is situated in the DMZ.
. *SIT-FE* -
This component (SPA with Angular) provides the user interface for the failure information application. The SIT-FE
receives its authentication when it is called from the PortalFE in the form of a JWT.
. *SIT_BE* - The SIT-BE (Java Spring Boot Microservice) provides all CRUD services in the form of
ReST services that the frontend requires. The SIT-BE is the only component that has
access to the database. Every call is authorized against the PortalBE. This microservice also includes
the JobManager subcomponent.
. *JobManager* - The various imports and exports are controlled via the JobManager. The JobManager
knows all available import and export jobs and can control them via the internal message bus
(RabbitMQ internal). Because the communication between the JobManager and the jobs takes place
via the message bus, the JM does not need to know their configuration and URLs. For this, the JM must
ensure synchronization (incl. timeout behavior) for asynchronous message communication.
. *Import- and export jobs* - All jobs provide a uniform (MessageBus) interface to start a job,
return the result of a job, or to provide information about the respective job (name, version, timeout, status, etc.).
The job manager cyclically requests all configured jobs to send current status information to it.
The interfaces of the individual jobs "outside" can be very different (file system, Internet, message queue, etc.)
.Architecture of the grid failure information tool
TODO: Ab hier komplett überarbeiten
==== contactBaseDataFE
This component implements the presentation logic for the *contact-base-data*-module using the *Angular*-TypeScript
framework. The Frontend is a so called *Single Page Application* (SPA) because
it behaves like a single HTML-page.
==== contact-base-data.jar (backend tier)
This component implements the business functionality of the contact base data. And it provides services, that the
contactBaseDataFE can use the functions in the frontend.
The "spring boot/spring cloud" framework is used to implement this application.
==== ContactBaseDataDev-DB (Database tier)
This component stores the data of the contact base data. It provides an interface to the contact-base-data.jar to create or
change data in the database.
The ContactBaseDataDev-DB runs on a Postgres DBMS.
(The decision to use the Postgres DBMS was made by the openKONSEQUENZ architecture committee)
=== Level 2
==== GridFailureInformationFE (frontend tier)
The frontend component implements the concept of a single-page application (SPA). The framework used is Angular5.
It divides the gridFailureInformationFE into three layers:
. *Components* - The components (pages, lists, dialogs, common comp.) represent the presentation layer and the control layer. A component contains the control logic (.ts-file), an HTML-fragment as presentation description (.html-file) and a style definition (.css-file).
. *Services* - The service component communicates with the interfaces of the backend via HTTP requests by using the model component.
. *Model* - The model corresponds to the view-model of the backend tier.
.Frontend tier
node gridFailureInformation_Frontend {
component Model
node Components {
component "Pages"
component Lists
component "Common Components"
component Services
Components --> Services
Components --> Model
Services --> Model
node "Grid Failure Information Backend (simplified)" {
component RestService
component ViewModel_API__DTO
Services .. RestService
Model .. ViewModel_API__DTO
RestService --> ViewModel_API__DTO
==== grid-failure-information (backend tier)
The backend tier contains five components which can be summarized in three layers:
. *Presentation layer* - Represented by
.. REST-Srv
.. View model/DTO
. *Controller layer* - Represented by
.. Controller
.. Service
. *Model layer* - Represented by
.. Repository
.. Model
.Backend tier
node "Grid Failure Information Backend" {
component Model
component RestService
component ViewModel_DTO
component Controller
component Service
component Repository
RestService --> ViewModel_DTO
RestService --> Controller
Controller --> Service
Service --> Repository
Repository --> Model
node DBMS {
component GridFailureInformationDB
Repository --> ContactBaseDataDB
==== ContactBaseData-DB (database tier)
The ContactBaseData-DB is realized as a relational database system.
.Database tier
node DBMS {
component ContactBaseDataDB
==== Program Configuration
== Runtime view
=== Login / authentication
There is no login page, since the openK-Portal-Application is responsible for authentication and
the whole SSO (single sign on) process.
Therefore the application has to be started by providing a valid authentication token.
This token is a JWT (JSON Web Token).
.gridFailureInformationData application is called by the *portal* application. The User is already logged in
actor User
participant PortalFrontend
participant PortalBackend
participant GridFailureInformationDataFrontend
entity GridFailureInformationDataStorage
participant GridFailureInformationDataBackend
User->PortalFrontend: Start GridFailureInformationData(JWT)
PortalFrontend->GridFailureInformationDataFrontend: nav. to frontend-URL with JWT
GridFailureInformationDataFrontend->GridFailureInformationDataStorage: Extract JWT and store token in session
... some delay ...
GridFailureInformationDataFrontend->GridFailureInformationDataBackend: Call any secured service with JWT
group Call secured service
GridFailureInformationDataBackend->PortalBackend: "/checkAut(JWT)"
group Authorization succeeded
GridFailureInformationDataBackend->GridFailureInformationDataBackend: run service
GridFailureInformationDataBackend->GridFailureInformationDataFrontend: return service result
group Authorization failed
GridFailureInformationDataBackend->GridFailureInformationDataFrontend: return HTTP Code 401
=== Interfaces
==== Import of a GridFailureInformation object via MessageBus
First refer to <<#configuration-section-rabbit_mq, RabbitMQ configuration of the backend>>
to setup the RabbitMQ configuration correctly.
A client, that wants to use the message queue to import data, has to use
the correct queue/channel configuration.In addition, the following values ​​must be entered as message headers:
* *metaId* Unique id out of the foreign system.
Eindeutige Id aus dem Fremdsystem. For each metaId from an external system
only one failure information object is ever created. If an existing metaId is sent again,
the existing object is updated in the GridFailureInformation system.
* *source* Short description of the external system, the message comes from
* *description* Possibly a short description of the message
* *payload* The message payload is the string of the message JSON
Example of such a payload:
"branch": "S",
"city": "Chicago",
"description": "failure in the system",
"district": "",
"failureBegin": "2020-11-19T14:13:15.666Z",
"housenumber": "10b",
"latitude": 12.345,
"longitude": 44,
"planned": true,
"postcode": "3456",
"pressureLevel": null,
"radiusInMeters": 678,
"stationDescription": null,
"stationId": null,
"street": "Downstreet",
"voltageLevel": "HS"
The header information and the payload are strictly validated. The validation rules
can be found in the files "**" and "**"
(package "*org.eclipse.openk.gridfailureinformation.viewmodel*).
Please refer to the subproject "*test Import Grid Failures*" of the backend repository, for an example for
sending Data over the message queue.
=== Deployment of the application components
==== Deployment of the frontend
==== Deployment of the backend
==== Deployment of the database
The component "Flyway" is used to make to distribute structural
or content related changes to the database.
The database is built out of the scripts in the directory "db/migrations". Every sql
script contains the complete db script for the contact base data database (in different versions).
The highest version number indicates the currently valid script.
==== Configuration of the system
===== DB based configuration
[#configuration-section-rabbit_mq,Configuration of the backend]
===== Configuration of the grid failure information backend
The backend service is configured in the * .yaml files, which are located in the JAR file.
This yml-file can be divided into different configuration profiles.
When starting the backend-service one has the possibility to specify
the active profile
* *spring.datasource* configuration section for the database connection
* *flyway.enabled* If enabled=true then the database migrations
will automatically performed when starting the application
(this parameter should normally be set to "false"
* *server.max-http-header-size* Maximum size for the http-headers
* *jwt.tokenHeader* Name of the http-header which carries the authentication-token.
(should be "Authorization")
* *jwt.useStaticJwt* If set to "true" then the backend will use *jwt.staticJwt*
as Authorization-token. (This won't work for calls to other modules
like the Auth'n'Auth-Modul, because the token will be out of date)
* *authNAuthService.ribbon.listOfServers* Here one can configure the base
url to the Auth'n'Auth-Service
_RabbitMQ configuration_
* ** RabbitMQ-Server (for example "localhost")
* *rabbitmq.port* Port of the RabbitMQ-Server (for example "5672")
* *rabbitmq.username* Username for the technical RabbitMQ user
* *rabbitmq.password* Password the the technical RabbitMQ user
* *rabbitmq.queuename* Queuename for the import queue (will be created by the backend)
* *rabbitmq.routingkey* Routing key for the import queue
* *rabbitmq.exchangename*: Exchange name for the import queue
_Credentials(Username and Password)_
All credentials in this yml-files are hidden. Environment variables are used to set
them. Get an environment variable in a yml-file this way `${ENVIRONEMT_VARIABLE}`.
To successfully run the backend service either set the environment variable for the using platform
or replace them in the yml-file.
=== CI- and CD-Components
==== GIT-Repository
=== Continuous deployment
The continuous deployment is realized on two platforms:
* the development platform (Dev-Environment)
* the quality platform (Q-Environment)
The automatic deployment on both of the environments is
directly linked to the branches on the GIT-repositories:
The running development is exclusively made on the Snapshot-Branch. Every time
a developer checks in (pushes) code to the repository, an automatic build
starts on the hudson ci-server. If the Snapshot-build is successful, then the result
of that build is directly deployed on the Dev-environment.
At the end of a scrum sprint or when a big user story is realized, all
the code changes are merged from the *Snapshot*-Branch to the *Trunc*.
This automatically triggers the build and the deployment on the
== Design decisions
All architecture decisions are based on the Architecture Committee Handbook. There are no deviations.
== Risks and Technical Debts
(Currently there aren't any known issues)
== Glossary
.Abbreviations and glossary terms
|AC|Architecture Committee|Architektur-Komittee|Gives framework and constraints according to architecture for oK projects.
|CNCU|Central Network Control Unit||
|DAO|Data Access Objects||
|DTO|Data Transfer Object||
|DSO|Distribution System Operator|Verteilnetz-betreiber (VNB)|Manages the distribution network for energy, gas or water.
|EPL|Eclipse Public License||Underlying license model for Eclipse projects like contact-base-data@openK
|ESB|Enterprise Service Bus||Central instance to exchange data to overcome point-to-point connections.
|oK|openKONSEQUENZ|openKONSEQUENZ|Name of the consortium of DSOs
|QC|Quality Committee|Qualitätskomitee|Gives framework and constraints according to quality for oK projects.
|SCADA|Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition|Netzleitsystem|System, that allows DSOs view/control actual parameters of their power grid.