updated settings section an howToRun docu
diff --git a/src/main/asciidoc/architectureDocumentation/architectureDocumentation.adoc b/src/main/asciidoc/architectureDocumentation/architectureDocumentation.adoc
index ccd4012..773124b 100644
--- a/src/main/asciidoc/architectureDocumentation/architectureDocumentation.adoc
+++ b/src/main/asciidoc/architectureDocumentation/architectureDocumentation.adoc
@@ -1088,6 +1088,42 @@
 * *rabbitmq.exportQueue*: Queuename for the export queue (will be created by the backend)
 * *rabbitmq.exportKey*: Exchange name for the export queue
+_Global settings_
+* *overviewMapInitialZoom*: Initial zoom-factor for the display of the overview map (default is 10)
+* *detailMapInitialZoom*: Inital zoom-factor for the display of map in the detail view (for example 10)
+* *overviewMapInitialLatitude*: Initial latitude for the overview map (for example 49.656634)
+* *overviewMapInitialLongitude*: Initial longitude for the overview map (for example 8.423207)
+* *daysInPastToShowClosedInfos*: Days in the past, before a closed failure information will not be shown any more (for example 365)
+* *dataExternInitialVisibility*: *show* or *hide* data in the external map or table unless a postcode has been entered
+_Mail settings (Default templates)_
+* *emailSubjectPublishInit*: Template for the subject of the publishing e-mail
+* *emailContentPublishInit*: Template for the body of the publishing e-mail
+* *emailSubjectUpdateInit*: Template for the subject of the update e-mail
+* *emailContentUpdateInit*: Template for the body of the update e-mail
+* *emailSubjectCompleteInit*: Template for the subject of the completed e-mail
+* *emailContentCompleteInit*: Template for the body of the completed e-mail
+_Field visibility settings_
+Please configure the visibilty of fields in this section using "show" or "hide"
+* *visibilityConfiguration.fieldVisibility*: Here you can set the visibility of fields in the detail mask of the Failure
+* *visibilityConfiguration.tableInternColumnVisibility*: Here you can set the visibility of column in the
+internal table
+* *visibilityConfiguration.tableExternColumnVisibility*: Use "show" or "hide" to toggle the visibility of columns
+in the external table
+* *visibilityConfiguration.mapExternTooltipVisibility*: Here you can define which column shall be shown or hidden
+in the tooltips of the external map
 _Credentials(Username and Password)_
 All credentials in this yml-files are hidden. Environment variables are used to set
diff --git a/src/main/asciidoc/howto/howtoRun.adoc b/src/main/asciidoc/howto/howtoRun.adoc
index b263301..1ac35d0 100644
--- a/src/main/asciidoc/howto/howtoRun.adoc
+++ b/src/main/asciidoc/howto/howtoRun.adoc
@@ -44,29 +44,28 @@
 == How to run the Backend
 To run the backend you to create a separate directory for each backend microservice
 you want to use, get the **.jar* file from the *target* directory of the java-project (which should exists after
-a successful maven-build) and copy it to the new directory (i.e. "gfsBackService"). Y
+a successful maven-build) and copy it to the new directory (i.e. "gfsBackService").
-=== Set up and start Apache Tomcat
-Tomcat needs the Web Application Archive (war) file, which is produced by building the maven project, to run the application.
+Depending on which services you want to use, you have to install different microservices:
-* Copy the *betriebstagebuch.war* file from the project file `/target` in the `<tomcat>/webapps` file. If there is a folder named *betriebstagebuch*, delete it before.
-* Navigate to `C:\apache-tomcat-8.0.30\bin` and start Tomcat by clicking on *startup.bat*.
-* Tomcat's default port is *8080*.
+* *addressImport* (Importer for address and station data)
+* *gfsBackend* (Main backendservice - always needed)
+* *mailExport* (Export messages via e-mail)
+* *SAMOInterface* (Import interface for the SAMO System)
+* *StoerungsauskunftInterface* (Import and export interface for the site "Stoerungsauskunft.de")
+Once you created a directory and copied the **.jar* file you need to configure each service. Please
+read the architecture documentation to get information about the possible configurations of the services.
+* Open a command line and navigate to the root folder of the service you want to start
+* Run the command
-If 8080 port is already in use, you have to change tomcat's port as follows:
-- Go to <tomcat>/conf folder
-- Open server.xml file and search for "Connector port"
-- Replace "8080" by your port number (for example 8181)
-- Restart tomcat server (in the same folder which startup.bat is located, you can also find a shutdown.bat file).
+   $  java -jar <servicename>.jar
-IMPORTANT: If you change the part number you have also adapt the port in the
-frontend project: File "<PRJ_elogbookFE>/proxy.conf.json"
-TIP: Look at the *[elogbook_interfaceDocumentation]* for informations about the services.
 == How to run the Frontend
 To run the frontend project you need to have installed and updated Node.js and npm Angular-CLI.