blob: bc9eef77fe2b3f1e036729c0e8d0ad784cc3cf45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.openk.resources;
import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses;
import javassist.bytecode.ByteArray;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.BackendSettings;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.Calender;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.Document;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.FilterObject;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.GridMeasure;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.HGridMeasure;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.Lock;
import org.eclipse.openk.api.VersionInfo;
import org.eclipse.openk.common.Globals;
import org.eclipse.openk.common.JsonGeneratorBase;
import org.eclipse.openk.common.mapper.generic.GenericApiToDbMapper;
import org.eclipse.openk.core.controller.GridMeasureBackendController;
import org.eclipse.openk.core.controller.ResponseBuilderWrapper;
import org.eclipse.openk.core.controller.TokenManager;
import org.eclipse.openk.core.exceptions.HttpStatusException;
import org.eclipse.openk.core.exceptions.PgmExceptionMapper;
import org.eclipse.openk.db.model.TblDocuments;
import static org.eclipse.openk.api.BackendSettings.BpmnGridConfig.END_AFTER_APPROVED;
import static org.eclipse.openk.api.BackendSettings.BpmnGridConfig.END_AFTER_RELEASED;
import static org.eclipse.openk.api.BackendSettings.BpmnGridConfig.SKIP_FOR_APPROVAL;
import static org.eclipse.openk.api.BackendSettings.BpmnGridConfig.SKIP_IN_WORK;
import static org.eclipse.openk.api.BackendSettings.BpmnGridConfig.SKIP_REQUESTING;
@Api(value = "/mics/gridmeasures")
@ApiResponses( value ={
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK",response = VersionInfo.class,reference = "#/definitions/VersionInfo"),
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Bad Request"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Not found"),
@ApiResponse(code = 423, message = "Locked"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error") } )
public class PlannedGridMeasuresResource extends BaseResource {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(PlannedGridMeasuresResource.class.getName());
public PlannedGridMeasuresResource() {
@ApiOperation(value = "Version Information", notes = "This services displays the version infos of this backend and the connected database.")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = VersionInfo.class,reference = "#/definitions/VersionInfo") } )
public Response getVersionInfo() {
return invokeRunnable(null, SecureType.NONE, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController().getVersionInfo(getVersionString()));
@ApiOperation(value = "Store planned grid measure", notes = "This services stores the given grid measure in the "+
"database and resumes the bpmn-process.")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = GridMeasure.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure") } )
public Response storeGridMeasure(@ApiParam(name="Authorization", value="JWT Token", required=true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt,
@ApiParam(name="Payload", value="GridMeasure to store", required=true, example = "see GridMeasure below") String gridMeasure) {
GridMeasure gridMeasureObj = JsonGeneratorBase.getGson().fromJson(gridMeasure, GridMeasure.class);
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, (String modusr) -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
.storeGridMeasure(jwt, modusr, gridMeasureObj)
@ApiOperation(value = "Get grid measures", notes = "This service gets all grid measures from the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = GridMeasure.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure") } )
public Response getGridMeasures(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt,
@ApiParam(name="filterObject", value="object to filter grid measure for status", required=true)
String filterObject) {
FilterObject filterObjectPro = JsonGeneratorBase.getGson().fromJson(filterObject, FilterObject.class);
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
.getGridMeasures(modusr, filterObjectPro));
@ApiOperation(value = "Get grid measure", notes = "This service retrieves a grid measure from the database using the id and a filter-object")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = GridMeasure.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure") } )
public Response getGridMeasure(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt,
@ApiParam(name ="id", value ="id", required =true)
@PathParam("id") String id) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Calender", notes = "This service gets single gridmeasures for the calender view")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = Calender.class,reference = "#/definitions/Calender") } )
public Response getCalender(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Current Reminders", notes = "This service retrieves a list of Gridmeasure-Ids")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = GridMeasure.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure") } )
public Response getCurrentReminders(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Expired Reminders", notes = "This service retrieves a list of Gridmeasure-Ids")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = GridMeasure.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure") } )
public Response getExpiredReminders(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "Upload a grid measure document", notes = "This service uploads and stores a document in the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = Document.class,reference = "#/definitions/Document") } )
public Response uploadGridMeasureAttachments(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt,
@PathParam("gridmeasuereId") String gridmeasuereId, String document
) {
Document documentObj = JsonGeneratorBase.getGson().fromJson(document, Document.class);
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
.uploadDocument(documentObj, modusr, Integer.parseInt(gridmeasuereId)));
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Attachments List", notes = "This service gets all attachments for the given gridmeasure from the Database")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = Document.class, reference = "#/definitions/Document")})
public Response getGridMeasureAttachments(@PathParam("gridmeasuereId") String id,
@ApiParam(name = "Authorization", value = "JWT Token", required = true) @HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL,
modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController().getGridMeasureAttachments(Integer.valueOf(id)));
@ApiOperation(value = "Download attachment", notes = "This service downloads the selected attachment for the given gridmeasure from the Database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = ByteArray.class) } )
public Response downloadGridMeasureAttachment(@PathParam("documentId") String id,
@ApiParam(name = "Authorization", value = "JWT Token", required = true) @HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
try {
assertAndRefreshToken(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL);
TblDocuments tblDocuments = new GridMeasureBackendController().downloadGridMeasureAttachment(Integer.parseInt(id));
String base64String = Base64.encodeBase64String(tblDocuments.getDocument());
GenericApiToDbMapper mapper = new GenericApiToDbMapper();
Document document = mapper.mapToViewModel(Document.class, tblDocuments);
return Response.ok(JsonGeneratorBase.getGson().toJson(document)).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
return responseFromException(e);
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete attachment", notes = "This service deletes the selected attachment for the given gridmeasure from the Database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = Response.class) } )
public Response deleteGridMeasureAttachment(@PathParam("documentId") String id,
@ApiParam(name = "Authorization", value = "JWT Token", required = true) @HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL,
modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController().deleteDocument(modusr, Integer.parseInt(id)));
@ApiOperation(value = "Get historical grid measures status changes", notes = "This service gets all status changes for a grid measure from the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = HGridMeasure.class,reference = "#/definitions/HGridMeasure") } )
public Response getHistoricalStatusChanges(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt,
@ApiParam(name ="id", value ="id", required =true)
@PathParam("id") String id) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "AffectedResources", notes = "This service gets all possible Affected Resources from the Database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure.affectedResource") } )
public Response getAffectedResources(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "GetMailAddressesFromGridmeasures", notes = "This service retrieves all mail-addresses from Gridmeasures in the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure.affectedResource") } )
public Response getMailAddressesFromGridmeasures(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "Logout", notes = "This services kills the server session belonging to the the given session token.")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK") } )
public Response logout(@ApiParam( name = "Authorization", value = "JWT Token", required = true)
@HeaderParam(value = Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String token) {
try (AutoCloseable ignored = perform("logout()")) { // NOSONAR
return ResponseBuilderWrapper.INSTANCE.buildOKResponse(PgmExceptionMapper.getGeneralOKJson());
} catch (Exception e) {
return responseFromException(e);
@ApiOperation(value = "Check Lock", notes = "This service checks if there is already a Lock for the given key and the given info within the JSON.")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = Lock.class, reference = "#/definitions/Lock") } )
public Response checkLock(@PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("info") String info, @ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
.checkLock(Integer.parseInt(key), info));
@ApiOperation(value = "Create Lock", notes = "This service creates or updates a Lock for the given User and the given Gridmeasure-Id.")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = Lock.class, reference = "#/definitions/Lock") } )
public Response createLock(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt,
String lockString) {
Lock lock = JsonGeneratorBase.getGson().fromJson(lockString, Lock.class);
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
.createLock(modusr, lock.getKey(), lock.getInfo()));
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete Lock", notes = "This service deletes the lock for the given key and info. Use force="
+Globals.FORCE_DELETE_LOCK+" to enforce the deletion of the lock.")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = Response.class) } )
public Response deleteLock(@PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("info") String info,
@PathParam("force") String force,
@ApiParam(name = "Authorization", value = "JWT Token", required = true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
boolean isForce = force.equalsIgnoreCase(Globals.FORCE_DELETE_LOCK);
try {
if( isForce ) {
TokenManager.getInstance().checkAutLevel(jwt, SecureType.HIGH);
} catch (HttpStatusException e) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL,
modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController().deleteLock(modusr, Integer.parseInt(key), info, isForce));
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Role Access Definition", notes = "This service gets a Json-file which defines access to GridMeasures for each role")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = JsonObject.class)})
public Response getRoleAccessDefinition(@ApiParam(name = "Authorization", value = "JWT Token", required = true)
@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL,
modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController().recalcAndGetRoleAccessDefinition());
@ApiOperation(value = "Grid configuration", notes = "This service modifies the backend grid configuration for test "+
"puposes. The method will not be available within a release build!")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = BackendSettings.BpmnGridConfig.class,reference = "#/definitions/BackendSettings.BpmnGridConfig") } )
public Response storeBackendConfig(@ApiParam(name = SKIP_FOR_APPROVAL, value = "Configuration switch", required = false) @QueryParam(SKIP_FOR_APPROVAL) Boolean isSkipForApproval,
@ApiParam(name = END_AFTER_APPROVED, value = "Configuration switch", required = false) @QueryParam(END_AFTER_APPROVED) Boolean isEndAfterApproved,
@ApiParam(name = SKIP_REQUESTING, value = "Configuration switch", required = false) @QueryParam(SKIP_REQUESTING) Boolean isSkipRequesting,
@ApiParam(name = END_AFTER_RELEASED, value = "Configuration switch", required = false) @QueryParam(END_AFTER_RELEASED) Boolean isEndAfterReleased,
@ApiParam(name = SKIP_IN_WORK, value = "Configuration switch", required = false) @QueryParam(SKIP_IN_WORK) Boolean isSkipInWork) {
if( !isDevelopMode() ) {
// Only allowed in DEVELOP-VERSION
throw new NotSupportedException();
return invokeRunnable(null, SecureType.NONE, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
.setGridConfig(isSkipForApproval, isEndAfterApproved, isSkipRequesting, isEndAfterReleased, isSkipInWork));
@ApiOperation(value = "responsibles on-site", notes = "This service retrieves all responsibles on-site from single gridmeasures in the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class,reference = "#/definitions/GridMeasure.responsibleOnSiteName") } )
public Response getResponsiblesOnSiteFromSingleGridmeasures(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "network controls", notes = "This service retrieves all network controls as Strings from the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class,reference = "#/definitions/SingleGridmeasure.networkControl") } )
public Response getNetworkControlsFromSingleGridmeasures(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "user departments", notes = "This service gets all known User-Departments for the field responsible_onsite_department as Strings from the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class) } )
public Response getUserDepartmentsResponsibleOnSite(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "user departments", notes = "This service gets all known User-Departments for the field create_user_department as Strings from the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class) } )
public Response getUserDepartmentsCreated(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
@ApiOperation(value = "user departments", notes = "This service gets all known User-Departments for the field mod_user_department as Strings from the database")
@ApiResponses( value ={ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class) } )
public Response getUserDepartmentsModified(@ApiParam(name ="Authorization", value ="JWT Token", required =true)@HeaderParam(Globals.KEYCLOAK_AUTH_TAG) String jwt) {
return invokeRunnable(jwt, SecureType.NORMAL, modusr -> new GridMeasureBackendController()
private Response responseFromException(Exception e) {
int errcode;
String retJson;
if (e instanceof HttpStatusException) {
LOGGER.error("Caught BackendException", e);
errcode = ((HttpStatusException) e).getHttpStatus();
retJson = PgmExceptionMapper.toJson((HttpStatusException) e);
return Response.status(errcode).entity(retJson).build();
} else {
LOGGER.error("Unexpected exception", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)